At SLR Lounge, we value community feedback. It’s what shapes the content we create and drives us to deliver world-class education with every new workshop. Read below to see what our community is saying about our content and feel free to email us your thoughts as well (see contact information below).

Business Course Testimonials

“This course so incredibly beneficial and worth so so much! I paid a business coach a pretty penny to get LESS information then what’s being offered in this business course. I’m recommending it to everyone I know!”

Crystal Stewart




Wedding Workshop Testimonials


“You’ve done a great job. I thank you all every day for how far my wife and I have progressed over the last 6 months entirely due to the SLR Lounge products. Thank you… Now bring on the business stuff!”

Shawn McPherson



“Hands down. There is no equal to what you’ve accomplished here. All I can say is thanks Pye I can’t imagine anyone else to turn to when it comes to anything photography. SLR Lounge baby!”

Sean Munzlinger 



“Love it! Love the way you teach and love the content! I’ll take whatever you put out there…it’s all super helpful and inspiring! Thank you!”

Shawn MacDonald



“SLR Lounge Premium has been such discovery for me! I am a self-thought wedding photographer and every wedding or engagement session to me is a vast opportunity to learn and perfect my skills. But the more I learn, the more I realize how far from perfection I am. I guess, this learning process is a journey we all must go through, and it doesn’t really matter if you get to the top or not. As long as this road continues I am fine and grateful. The SLR Lounge Premium is my mentor and a friend.”

Shaverd Yan ArtsWebsite | Instagram



“I signed up for the SLR Lounge Premium a year ago at the time we were rebranding to specialize in weddings. The wedding courses have been priceless for our business. Tips and things that I would not have thought of were essential in setting and exceeding our clients expectations. I continue to watch the courses and learn from them every time. In addition the presets are amazing I have purchased so many others but I keep coming back to these.”

Laura A. Ochoa



“With all the effort you guys put into the premium videos with tools, tips, and tricks, it would be a shame if we don’t get uncomfortable and better our craft. Besides, I enjoy all the humor therapy that comes along with the courses. Workshop 8 Reception has been very instrumental so far and I was able to apply the techniques this past weekend with the parent’s entrance and more. I hope to learn and apply all and more in the future. I can’t thank you guys enough!”

Taiyyib ChoudhryFacebook | Instagram

General Premium Testimonials


“I seriously can’t thank SLR Lounge enough the confidence I have gained is insane! Just thought I would take a moment to give appreciation to this company without you guys I would be lost. I am now able to provide a Higher level of photography to people in my area and it feels sooo damn good! Thank you!”

Ian Eldridge



“Hey, Pye! This is kind of random, but I wanted to say thank you for all the training and stuff you offer with SLR Lounge Premium. One of the things that I think is really neat is how much you believe and emphasize the beauty in everyone. I found that out for myself today. I shot my 3rd wedding ever, and I went in not expecting to get the greatest photos. Not to say the couple wasn’t an attractive one, just that they were very different from each other in all aspects and I didn’t think it would look very good. I couldn’t have been more wrong and walked away with some of the best images I’ve ever taken, and they looked amazing. All that to say thanks for not only emphasizing the beauty in everyone but believing it. I had no idea seeing that would change the quality of my work, and I’m glad that you pointed it out because otherwise I never would have seen it. Thanks!”

Kaden Classen



“This whole program is eye-opening – probably the best resource out there in the wedding photography world.”

Stephanie Wood



“SLR Lounge Premium membership totally changed my life by improving my business 10 fold!”

Rashad Mosley of Vision & Style Photography – Website | Instagram



“Having SLR Lounge Premium in my back pocket is invaluable.”

Michael Waller of Michael Waller Photography – Website | Instagram



“Their tutorials were the most comprehensive, the most entertaining, incredibly well produced and by far the best bang of the buck!…The little time I do have available to improve my skills is spent watching SLR Lounge Content.”

Trevor Dayley of Trevor Dayley Photography – Website | Instagram



“From posing to lighting to SEO and post-production, SLR Lounge has helped turn our hobby business into a full-time studio. If you’re on the fence about it, get off the fence and go invest in your future with SLR Lounge Premium. You won’t regret it.”

Bryan Schneider


We’d Like To Hear From You

How has SLR Lounge Premium education impacted your journey with photography? Please drop us a line at In addition to your feedback, we’d love it if you could include links to your website and Instagram account!

Click on the links to learn more about our world-class educational workshops and SLR Lounge Premium subscriptions!