Aerial Photography – SLR Lounge Photography Tutorials and News Mon, 22 May 2023 22:04:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aerial Photography – SLR Lounge 32 32 The Best Underwater Drone for Incredible Footage Sun, 08 Jan 2023 01:05:45 +0000 Have you ever looked at a lake, river, or ocean, and wished there was an easy way for you to see into its depths? Well, you’re not alone, and these days, there is some very good news! Creating imagery remotely using a drone is no longer just happening in the sky. Underwater photography drones are here, and there are already innumerable options to choose from. Just like aerial drones, however, many are not very good quality. So, if you’re looking for the best underwater drones, you’re in the right place.

ocean photograph

In this article, we will go over our favorite handful of submersible drones. We will also briefly explain the different types so that you can be absolutely sure you’re purchasing the right one for you!

Different Types Of Underwater Drones

underwater photography

Before you hit the “purchase” button on a new underwater drone, it’s very important to understand the main categories; they serve very different purposes! Here is a brief overview of the different types, and what you can expect their price ranges to be.

ROV versus AUV

An ROV is a Remote Operated Vehicle, whereas an AUV is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. An ROV must be controlled remotely, either by a tether cable or wirelessly. An AOV can be programmed to operate on its own, for tasks such as research/discovery. There are also hybrid underwater drones that can operate either way. Most content creators are looking for an ROV.

Underwater Camera Drone

Although many submersible devices are equipped with cameras, it’s important to note that not all of them are, and some of them have a primary purpose other than photo/video content.

Therefore, an “underwater camera drone” is usually a consumer-oriented underwater drone that is primarily and specifically made for photo/video creation. Chances are, if you’re reading this article, you’re looking for one of these.

Waterproof Drone

Of course, you might have also been searching for something like a “waterproof drone”, in hopes that there are drones that can both fly through the air and go underwater!

Unfortunately, for now, drones that are labeled as waterproof are not underwater drones. They’re merely able to fly (in the air) in wet conditions, and/or land on water. There are even some that can land on water and then send a camera down into the water, however, they still aren’t underwater drones, technically.

There are a few prototypes and homemade drones that can both fly in the air and “swim” underwater, but none are commercially available yet. If a waterproof drone is what you’re looking for, expect to pay between $1000 and $2000 for a decent one.

Fishing Drone

As its designation makes clear, a fishing drone is specially designed for tasks such as locating schools of fish underwater, and/or helping with the placement of a lure, etc. Fishing drones do usually still have cameras, but their priority may not be placed on recording the highest quality video.

Also called “fish finders” or just fishing cameras, fishing drones can be a lot more affordable than most other ROVs/AUVs, with prices ranging from just under $200 to around $700 for most consumer-oriented options.

Underwater Scooter / Sea Scooter

sea scooter underwater drone

If you want to get in the water and take photos or videos while swimming, consider an underwater scooter. They are not actually drones and require hand-held control. They are designed to assist divers in moving around underwater. Most models do not have cameras, but you can mount a GoPro or your own camera. Popular consumer options range from $200 to $500.

Best Underwater Drones | 2023 Update

Now that you’ve got the lay of the land, here are our top recommendations. Keep in mind that our focus is on photo/video content creation.

[Inspiration: Images From The Underwater Photographer of The Year 2021 Competition]

Chasing Innovation Dory ($499 )

chasing innovations dory affordable underwater drone

If you’re on a budget, we always recommend going for something that is still good quality and reliable, even if you have to compromise a little bit on the spec sheet. With that in mind, the best option in the most affordable range is the Chasing Innovations Dory, at just under $500.

With up to 1-hr battery life, you’re doing much better than most aerial drones. This underwater drone has a maximum depth of 15 meters, which is about 50 feet. The camera, unfortunately, is only 1080p, which equals about a 2-megapixel still (JPG) frame. However, the overall results are still very decent with the built-in “True Color” image processing algorithm.

More expensive options do offer longer battery life and deeper depths, but for the sub-$500 price, you just can’t beat the Chasing Dory!

Chasing Innovation Gladius Mini S ($950-1,700)

chasing innovations gladius mini s

To get a significant boost in the specs and capabilities of your underwater drone, you’ll have to spend almost $1,000, or more in some cases. The Chasing Innovations Gladius Mini S is worth the upgrade, however, with the base model offering a 4K video, 12-megapixel camera that uses an f/1.8 lens. Its depth is extended significantly to a minimum of 328 ft (100m) as well, with the option to upgrade to a 656 ft tether. The base model starts at $1,299, but if you can still find the other non-S model, the price tag can drop to $949.

If you’re willing to upgrade to a $1,600-1,700 option, you can get a robotic claw option, too!

Chasing Innovations M2 ($2,300-2,500)

chasing innovations m2 professional underwater drone

The best underwater drone for professional, high-end content creators is not going to be very cheap at all, of course. With that being said, the Chasing Innovations M2 is a highly advanced option. Most content creators will not need to invest this much, as the specs are similar to the affordable model. Beyond underwater photography and video content production, the Chasing M2 can be used for industrial work such as boat hull & dock inspection, search & rescue, salvage, discovery, exploration, etc.

With a durable aluminum alloy body and 8 vectoring thrusters, its movement capabilities are impressive. A full array of attachments is also available, including a robot claw, external (extra) LED lights, and a laser distance measurement tool. Another accessory (which works with other Chasing Innovations drones) is the pair of cable reels, one manual and one electronic, for spooling in/out your tether cable perfectly neatly.

PowerVision PowerDolphin | PowerVision PowerRay Explorer ($800-1,000)

power vision power dolphin powerray

With a top speed of 4.5M/sec or 10 MPH, the PowerDolphin is one of the fastest drones in the water! However, it is a surface-riding drone, which means it is basically a remote-control boat with an underwater camera. The camera can be rotated both up and down, offering a unique above-and-below perspective.

The PowerVision PowerDolphin boasts an impressive 2.5-hour battery life, 4K video, (12-megapixel stills), and interval (time-lapse) photo features.

PowerVision’s other marine drone, the PowerRay, is their model that can go fully underwater, down to 30m. It is one of the underwater drones that doesn’t just offer great photo/video capabilities, but can also be used for fishing or fish finding. You’ll want the “Wizard” model for the complete set of accessories for fish-finding, which takes the price from $675 up to $750.

Geneinno Titan | Geneinno T1 Pro ($2,400-4,000)

Geneinno Titan T1 Underwater Drone

These two underwater drones from Geneinno are some of the most high-end options available, with impressive features and accessories. For the investment, you are actually looking at some of the best underwater drones around, indeed.

The Geneinno Titan starts at around $2,400 and boasts a nearly 500-foot depth rating plus a 4-hour battery life. It can speed along at up to 6.6 feet per second. The camera offers 4K video, but only 8-megapixel still frames.

The Geneinno T1 Pro ($4,100) outdoes even the Titan, offering a truly impressive 574-ft (175m) depth rating, and a tether cable up to 656 ft (200m) for serious underwater research and filming. Its 4K video camera offers 12-megapixel still frames.

Impressive accessories include a robotic arm, a laser distance-measuring tool, and 360° sonar! As mentioned, you can probably overlook these most expensive options even if you’re a professional Youtuber, or doing full-time work creating stock footage.

Qysea Fifish V6 or V6S ROV ($1,300-2900+)

qysea fifish v6 expert v6s pro underwater drone

With a price tag starting around $1,300 and ranging up above $3,000 with some accessories, the Qysea V6 is our final top-end choice with the widest range of offerings.

At the very entry level of $1,299, (B&H) you get a 4K/12MP camera that can record raw stills, and a VR headset for controlling this 6-thruster underwater drone. Its depth range starts at 328 ft (100m) its battery life starts at 4 hrs.

As you upgrade, some of the features improve, such as a 6-hour battery, a 656 ft tether cable, and other impressive features. Having said that, even the most expensive options still only offer 4K video and 12-megapixel stills.

Best Underwater Drone | Conclusion

river fish photography inderwater drone

In summary, as we have said in the past, the best underwater drone will be different for everyone. Depending on your budget and your needs, this list should get you pointed in the right direction. Hopefully, you are out capturing photos and videos underwater soon.

Of course, as with aerial drone usage, we have to finish by strongly urging everyone to be safe, and respect nature/wildlife. Ask permission before sending your underwater drone “swimming” in private or regulated areas, and encourage your fellow drone users to as well! We’ll look forward to seeing your content online soon.

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Aerial Photographer Uses Unique Perspective in Pandemic-Inspired Conceptual Photography Series Thu, 16 Sep 2021 18:23:03 +0000 Award-winning aerial photographer Brad Walls has taken to the skies once again and returned with an imaginative conceptual photography series. The new series, entitled ‘Detached, in Harmony’, draws inspiration from the pandemic. It also takes visual cues from renowned 40’s fashion photographer Clifford Coffin’s ‘Models Sitting on Sand Dunes’.

We previously featured Walls’ work with the ‘Pools From Above’ series, in which Walls first used a drone to bring a unique perspective to conceptual photography. While most conceptual photographers shoot on handheld cameras, Walls wanted to showcase the value of an alternate viewpoint to convey a meaningful story. That visual aesthetic lends itself well to helping Walls achieve his goal.

Using Composition with Purpose

Conceptual photography aerial photography Brad Walls Lampshade
“Lampshade” by Brad Walls

The “swimmers” return in the new series, but not to the pool, or anywhere near water. Instead, Walls moved from an overhead view of pools to the vast emptiness of the dunes. The change in scenery plays an important role in the overall concept.  With his DJI Mavic 2, Walls captured aerial photos of the open dunes with sparsely, yet meticulously placed subjects to mirror the state of the world during the pandemic. The photos use compositional tools like repetition, symmetry, and negative space to offer commentary on the distant and repetitive nature of pandemic life.

[Related Reading: Aerial Photographer Captures Ballet From A Different Perspective in Stunning New Collection]

Conceptual photography aerial photography Brad Walls Neverfear Fibonacci
“Neverfear, Fibonacci” by Brad Walls

Walls has carefully arranged each frame in the series, “placing the model at even lengths and highlighting the shadow cast to highlight our solitude and the lurking darkness of the era.” If you look closely, you’ll find that Walls posed the models mid-movement to further emphasize uniformity and surrealism. As he explains, “The figures are purposefully static, to symbolize how we have been frozen in time over the past 18 months.”

An Interview on the Topic of Conceptual Photography with Brad Walls

For those looking to explore conceptual photography, we asked Walls about the challenges he faced while producing this series. We also asked about the process he follows in creating the series from concept to final images.

What is the biggest challenge in creating conceptual photography?

Conceptual photography aerial photography Brad Walls Tether
“Tether” by Brad Walls

“The concept. Creating a series with more than 10 photos with a recurring theme with a drone has its challenges. But, it also helps motivate me. On the execution side the challenge was timing. I had a certain look I was trying to achieve, and I knew that I needed rainfall the night prior to shooting to achieve that flat sand look. Patience is a virtue! Also it can be terribly gusty on sand dunes, so handling the drone at higher altitude shown in ‘sentinel’ created some challenges. It must be said that the majority of my work is at low altitudes, so as a drone user I never have too many technical issues on shoot.”

Do you have a favorite photo from the series? If so, which one, and why?

aerial photo by Brad Walls Dissonance
“Dissonance” by Brad Walls

“‘Dissonance’. It’s a perfect example of what I am trying to achieve with my work, that is conceptual aerial photography. That view and angle is almost impossible to take with a handheld camera as it’s 10-15m off the ground. It creates this unique angle to work from, similar to Massimo Vitali, only higher and without a ladder.”

For photographers looking to create impactful images like this, could you share your process of coming up with your concepts and ideas?

Overhead drone photo in dunes
“Sentinel” by Brad Walls

“As a conceptual photographer, creating these types of series plays heavy on a storyline. It’s important to have a simple idea and start creating mood boards around that main theme. For example, with this shoot, Clifford Coffins inspired me. I wanted to pay homage to that through a series while playing into today’s world being the pandemic. On the execution phase, my aesthetic places emphasis on the design aspect of photography (symmetry, negative space, etc). Hence, many of the shots are sketched out prior on my iPad. 75% of the shoot is planned and 25% is free associated based on collaboration with other members/models.”

[Related Reading: Aerial Photography Series | The Beauty of Synchronized Swimming From Above]

More Photos from this Conceptual Photography Series

All photos shared with permission of the artist.

Synchronized swimmers in the dunes
“Static” by Brad Walls
Conceptual photography aerial photography Brad Walls Elysian
“Elysian” by Brad Walls
Four swimmers diagonal on sand
“Equilibrium” by Brad Walls
Conceptual photography aerial photography Brad Walls Emergence
“Emergence” by Brad Walls
Conceptual photography aerial photography Brad Walls Birth
“Birth” by Brad Walls
Conceptual photography aerial photography Brad Walls Expanse
“Expanse” by Brad Walls

Find Brad Walls Online: Website | Instagram

More About Brad Walls:

Since 2019, Sydney-based aerial photographer Brad Walls has refined his style and garnered international acclaim. He set new precedents in photographic expression and defined a new era of aerial photography. Walls received several awards and attracted features in Washington Post, Guardian, CNN and multiple other publications around the world

‘Detached, in Harmony’ recently placed second in the 2021 Fine Art Photography Awards ‘Conceptual’ category. It also placed silver in both the prestigious PX3 awards and Moscow Fine Art Awards of 2021. Walls currently plans to exhibit ‘Detached, in Harmony’ in a solo exhibition in 2022. After that, Walls expects to release the “Pools from Above” series as a Photo Book in 2022.

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DJI Mavic Air 2S Review | The Drone Experience Everyone Should Have Tue, 25 May 2021 18:15:12 +0000 Just when you thought DJI was done innovating and changing the landscape for creators, they release, I believe to be, one of their best products to date. Flying in at less than 600 g and a 1 inch CMOS sensor, the DJI Mavic Air 2S is an amalgamation of its predecessors’ greatest features and an intricate upgrade. Just a mere few months ago, I held the DJI Mini 2 in my hands thinking “it can’t get any better than this” then low and behold, a new drone entered the market with outstanding specs making me question what my next drone purchase should be. This DJI Mavic Air 2S review will help you decide if this is the drone for you.

We’ve now entered a time when drones are a perfect accompaniment to any traveler. Whether or not you have a solid foundation or background in photography or cinematography, there is a drone on the market for you. From children’s toys to epic Hollywood film drones, it is safe to say that they are here to stay and have made themselves somewhat of a household object. So how does one innovate to get to the next level?

DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Outline

The DJI Mavic Air2S is a product of technological evolution. It also is an exquisite love letter to drone enthusiasts and fans of DJI because they watch, revise, and execute when it comes to consumer satisfaction and product development. Take a look at the specs:

DJI Mavic Air 2S Specs

  • 31 minute flight time
  • 3-axis Stabilization Gimbal
  • 1″ CMOS Sensor, 20 Megapixel Resolution
  • 5.4K/30fps, 4K/60fps
  • DNG / JPEG / Raw
  • Max Speed: 13.4 mph / 6 m/s
  • 21.0 oz  Weight (~.1.3125 lbs)
  • Price – $999 – ( Adorama | B&H | Amazon | DJI )

Before I dive into a more detailed review, I think it’s imperative to know that it’s rare to find products that surpass your expectations past the initial teaser trailer or spec list. This is one of those products. Of course, DJI as a company has a standard to uphold but to consistently surpass the expectations of their consumer and build better products time and time again takes a deep understanding of trend, market behavior, and tech. That level of perfection is clearly visible in their products and the DJI Mavic Air 2S did not come to play.

Ergonomics & Aesthetics

I had the opportunity to travel with this drone and I knew it would be the perfect companion for its size alone. When photographing destination weddings, I make it a point to consciously select which gear comes with me and what stays home because the last thing I need is to carry a whole bunch of gear with me when I don’t need it. The compact and lightweight characteristics of the DJI Mavic Air 2S seriously shocked me. I pack my Spyder Holster belt in my check-in suitcase and 2 batteries, the remote control, and the drone fit in one pouch meant for a 70-200mm lens. Think about that for a second. You could be carrying a drone on a BELT … and no one would even know.

dji mavic air 2s reviewAfter flying the Mini 2, it’s so hard to go back to the OG Mavic Pro remote controller (first-world problems for sure). It felt like second nature using the Air 2S controller, mainly after intensely training in Mario Kart on my switch. These twist-off knobs make it even more travel-friendly and convenient to take anywhere.

[Related Reading: DJI Mini 2 Review]

Speed & Performance

5 DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Drone ImagesAfter flying the Mini and struggling a bit to spot it in the sky, the Air 2S was a bit easier to find. Although, I did find myself searching or trying to listen for the sound for quite a bit of time. Over the years, DJI’s noise-reduction technology has improved so much that people around me didn’t even hear my launch sometimes. There were a couple of things that stood out to me that differed from previous DJI products:

Jerky Movement on Sport Mode

When switching over to Sport mode I found that drone to be a bit too jerky on the reverb. It made me a little wary to fly it close to objects knowing it might have a small bounce when stopping in motion. That being said, with an extremely advanced sensor system, that is unlikely to occur. 

Can Likely Take a Hit

It has the ability to perceive its environment in four directions: up, down, forward, and backward which means it is highly unlikely that you can crash this drone unless you are just being irresponsible.

Battery Life

If you plan on using this drone as a hobbyist, the battery life is plenty sufficient. I found that when I took it out for portrait sessions, I wanted a little bit more juice or ended up using both batteries. This is a pretty typical flight time (30 mins on a full charge) for most of DJI’s newer products, but I think this would be the next big innovation for me, personally. I don’t love having to charge multiple batteries and making sure I have enough to last for a session.

Delivers the Most Accessible Cinematic Drone Footage

With mobile phones now delivering 4K/60 fps, this drone makes a perfect partner for the most affordable, beginner cinematographer kit. If you’re just scratching the surface and trying to put together vlogs, YouTube content, this is the perfect addition to your kit. There has never been a time like there is now to dive into video and video editing, or a greater need, and the Air 2S gives users the tools with an extremely low learning curve.

[Related Reading: A Skeptics DJI Mavic 2 Zoom Review]

DJI Mavic Air 2S Video Sample


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DJI Mavic Air 2S Camera Quality & Capabilities

I had the opportunity to fly this drone in a variety of weather conditions, temperatures, and terrain. To put it through its paces, I also packed it on several destination shoots to see how it could travel and how easy it would be to fly with no guidance or handbook.

3 DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Drone ImagesWhat I found most interesting was the burning need to have an aerial perspective with me at all times for wedding photography. So often I find myself drowning, needing inspiration or creativity at wedding venues and locations I frequent. After spending a year away from photographing weddings and engagements, the 2021 wedding season has been a huge struggle for me. Having this tool has provided such a unique way to expand on my creativity and create imagery that encapsulates my vision in a way my DSLR never could.

DJI Mavic Air2S Image Samples

2 DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Drone Images

1 DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Drone Images 1

4 DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Drone Images6 DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Drone Images

DJI Mavic Air 2S Review: Conclusion

While it’s clear that the DJI Mini 2 was intended for beginners, it’s harder to distinguish that niche group for this drone. The DJI Mavic Air 2S contains specs that professionals need and want when it comes to cinematic production and resolution. There are two types of consumers I see this working for specifically:

  • The skilled nomad: Content creators, travel bloggers, or travel enthusiasts – this drone was meant for you. This drone is packed with features like Mastershots, high resolution, and portability. It’s an essential tool for those wanting to document their memories with a unique perspective & refined quality.
  • The ones that are ready to move up the professional ladder: this purchase should feel like the equivalent of graduating from college and pursuing a master’s degree. This is the perfect companion for those that want aerial footage to pair with their handheld DSLRs or mirrorless cameras. It’s a great upgrade for those that purchased the original Mavic or Mavic Air.

You can purchase the DJI Air 2S for $999 or the Fly More Combo for $1299.

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Aerial Photography Series | The Beauty of Synchronized Swimming From Above Tue, 25 May 2021 15:00:35 +0000 Brad Walls (@bradscanvas), an award-winning master of Fine Art Aerial Photography, recently released a new body of work titled “Water Geomaids,” in which he invites audiences to experience an intimate and unique perspective of synchronized swimming (alternatively named artistic swimming), just in time for the 2021 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Aerial Photography and Synchronized Swimming

synchronized swimming Brad Walls Pearls Edit
Photo courtesy of Brad Walls

With a background in photographing athletes (including competitive divers, gymnasts, tennis players, and ballet dancers) and swimming pools, Walls created a hybrid photography series that utilized his expertise in both subject matters. Walls’ visual style focuses on experimentation with negative space, symmetry and leading lines, which aligns perfectly with synchronized swimming.

This genre of aerial photography, specifically in the area of synchronized swimming, was lacking in representation, and Walls documents this beautifully choreographed sport with the precision and detail it deserves. Katrina Ann, the choreographer and former competitor who collaborated with Walls to make this project a reality, said as much when explaining why she chose to work with Brad: “Artistic swimmers spend hours every day working to achieve perfection. With Brad’s eye for detail, perspective and creativity, we were able to showcase our hard work that is often lost to the naked eye.”

[Related Reading: Aerial Photographers: Drone Laws You Need to Know Before Flying]

Interview with Brad Walls

Below, you’ll learn about Walls’ process for creating this series. Walls, who meticulously plans out all of his shots beforehand, shares how he goes from pinning ideas to drawing out the geometric shapes he wants to create in his aerial photography. He also talks about how he and Katrina Ann “cherry-picked” static positions from routines that build repetition of form and geometric sequences. It’s a great inside look at how Walls combined passion and planning to create this incredible aerial photography series.

Question: What inspired you to create this aerial photography series?

I was surprised at the lack of imagery capturing the shapes and patterns that synchronized swimmers create. Additionally, I had a few images of synchro swimmers on my Pinterest board just waiting for me to figure out how to capture them. I was certain I wanted to really explore it through a geometry lens (figuratively, of course).

Question: What is the biggest challenge in the creation of these photos?

Choreographically, it was a challenge to arrange the swimmers in the patterns I wanted to execute. That is where Katrina, the lead choreographer of the Synchro team, played a huge role.

Question: What cameras, lenses and lighting gear were used to create the photos?

The DJI Mavic 2. I am very much a minimalist when it comes to equipment. Because of that, all my emphasis is on post-production.

Question: Do you have a favorite photo from the series? If so, what is it and why?

Aerial Photography Brad Walls Circle of Synchro
Photo courtesy of Brad Walls

“Circle of Synchro.” No matter how much planning and effort goes into the shoots, you can never fully prepare for those serendipitous moments, like the one shown in this image. The girls were between shapes and we wanted to execute a circle but were struggling, so we started playing around. The swimmers bunched up and leaned to one side and due to the physics of it all, they began to create a whirlpool effect.

Question: For photographers looking to create impactful aerial photography images like this, could you share your process of coming up with your concepts and ideas?

First, I have one Pinterest board with an array of ideas, some for photos and others for geometric pattern illustrations. One of these images from this Pinterest board forms an “epic” or theme, which then is translated into another bucket from which I use that theme to build out more inspiration. Next, I usually pick up a pen & paper, or just my notes app and start drawing, just squiggles to place subjects, shadows and frames. Then, it’s time to execute. This process is the most crucial with any of my shoots.

Question: What are you currently working on? What’s next?

Aerial Photography Brad Walls Water Ballet
Photo courtesy of Brad Walls

First, I’m preparing a book on either my “Pools from Above” series or my sporting series. Regardless of which theme I choose, I have begun talking to publishers to help guide me through the process.

Beyond that, project-wise, I’m pushing myself into more conceptual work. For example, my latest conceptual series, UTOPIA, really pushed me creatively. I need to keep practicing and developing those skills. It’s one thing as a creative person to develop one piece of work, but it is a whole different world to create series-based work with 12-20 images using a recurring theme.

More Images from this Aerial Photography Series

Find Brad Walls Online: Website | Instagram

More About Brad Walls

Since 2019, Sydney-based aerial photographer Brad Walls has refined his style and garnered international acclaim. As a result, Walls set new precedents in photographic expression and defined a new era of aerial photography. Also, Brad has received several awards and attracted features in Washington Post, Guardian, CNN and multiple other publications around the world. Brad recently earned a front cover of Signature Luxury Travel, as well as a featured spread in Aesthetica Magazine and Marie Claire Italy.

Walls was a finalist in the 2021 Sony World Photography Awards in two categories. Walls also placed second in the 2021 Fine Art Photography Awards ‘Conceptual’ category. In addition, he won the 2021 Prestigious Commarts Photography Competition in the ‘For Sale’ category. Soon, Walls will release a picture book showcasing the sports he has captured from above over the past three years. When it comes out, the book will be the first of its kind.

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DJI Announces the Release of the Air 2S Drone – Merging Incredible Image Quality with Unmatched Flight Performance Thu, 15 Apr 2021 13:00:01 +0000 DJI today sets a new benchmark for high-grade flight performance and incredible imagery with the new DJI Air 2S. This portable camera drone is an all-in-one solution, offering robust flight performance, state-of-the-art camera upgrades, and high-grade preprogrammed content creation tools.


“Every creator remembers what it felt like to fly a drone for the first time, and they’ll feel the same sense of wonder and possibility when they first experience DJI Air 2S’s unparalleled mix of astonishing flight capability and gripping image quality,” said Ferdinand Wolf, Creative Director, DJI Europe. “DJI Air 2S is a wish list come to life for everyone who demands more from a drone, showcasing upgrades that truly elevate the system into a highly versatile drone. From content creators, to drone enthusiasts and travelers, we are confident that a lot of people will be excited about this drone.”


The DJI Air 2S is the first drone of its size to capture 20-megapixel still images or video in 5.4K with a new one-inch sensor that was previously available only on larger, less agile drones. DJI continues to enable the effortless creation of imaginative content with the new MasterShots feature. This advanced feature uses automatic flight path planning to set the drone’s course while recording video. Upon completion of the flight, DJI Air 2S automatically merges the footage under one theme to create an eye-catching video.

DJI Air 2S’s 31 minutes of maximum flight time and four-way directional obstacle sensors let the pilot focus on the shot while the drone’s safety systems warn when obstacles are getting close. APAS 4.0 is the most advanced autopilot system on any DJI drone and when turned on, seamlessly maneuvers around objects autonomously. O3, DJI’s third iteration of OcuSync, brings the most reliable transmission technology in the drone market to this portable, foldable drone so users know their connection is stable. The upgraded FocusTrack mode includes a suite of programmed modes like Spotlight 2.0, ActiveTrack 4.0, and Point of Interest 3.0 that easily mimic the focus, control, and movement of a professional video operator.

An All-In-One Tool for All Your Content Capturing Needs

Expand your creative vision and capture high-grade footage using a new one-inch sensor capable of recording 20-megapixel still images, 5.4K video at 30fps or 4K at 60fps and 150Mbps. The one-inch sensor is larger than the sensor on the original Mavic Air 2 and offers a larger pixel size of 2.4μm, capturing more information and detail for better photos and videos. Get closer to the subject without moving the drone using a new digital zoom that supports 4X zoom at 4K 30fps, 6X at 2.7K 30fps, 4X at 2.7K 60fps, 6X at 1080P 60fps and 8X at 1080P 30fps. DJI’s renowned three-axis mechanical gimbal smooths out footage for professional-level quality and 8 GB of internal storage have been added. Users can choose to record in H264 or H265, depending on their preferences for image detail and storage capacity and can also choose from three video color profiles, Normal (8 bit), D-Log (10 bit) or HLG (10 bit) to match their video needs.

[Related Workshop: DJI Ronin RS2 Review | Is It Time for an Upgrade?]

In addition to standard photo options like Timed Photo, AEB, and Panoramas, DJI Air 2S’s SmartPhoto mode records 20-megapixel photos using advanced scene analysis and deep learning to automatically choose the best of three options that will create the most visually appealing image for you, including HDR, Hyperlight and Scene Recognition. HDR modes merge several images together for a vibrant scene while Hyperlight is designed for low-light scenarios and Scene Recognition can identify several common settings and apply camera adjustments to capture photos that pop.

Pre-Programmed Modes for Pro-Level Footage

The DJI Air 2S has the most programmed flight modes and image capture modes of any DJI drone of its size. These creative options include:

  • MasterShots: Professional-level aerial footage has never been easier. After activating MasterShots, the drone will automatically plan a flight path, choose from three different image capture modes, including Proximity, Portrait, or Landscape, and start recording classic aerial footage. Pilots can choose different themes and the DJI Fly app will generate a unique video that’s ready to be shared with the world.
  • FocusTrack: Focus on the scene and let DJI Air 2S do the hard work for you. Select your subject by drawing a square around it on your mobile device, then choose from Point of Interest 3.0, an automated flight path around the subject; ActiveTrack 4.0, a tool that seamlessly tracks the subject and keeps it in the frame; or Spotlight 2.0, where the drone movement is controlled by the pilot while it locks the subject into the frame.
  • QuickShots: A staple DJI feature, QuickShot modes include Rocket, Circle, Dronie, Helix, Boomerang, and Asteroid.
  • Hyperlapse: See the world sped up from the air and in motion with the Hyperlapse option in resolution up to 4K. Content captured in 4K resolution and lower can apply digital stabilization for an added layer of smoothness.

Safe and Intuitive Flight Operation in an Ultra-Portable Drone

DJI Air 2S uses four high-grade antennas and the latest version of DJI’s proprietary OcuSync transmission tech, O3, to deliver a stable feed at a maximum distance of 12km, even in areas with a high number of signals. A maximum 31 minutes in the air gives pilots more time to capture visually appealing footage while four-way sensors help reduce the risk of collision. The newly upgraded front, rear, bottom, and top obstacle sensors incorporate binocular zooming technology to recognize incoming objects from further away at faster speeds.

DJI Air 2S uses the latest and most advanced version of the Advanced Pilot Assistance System (APAS) 4.0, which allows the drone to autonomously and seamlessly maneuver around, under, and over obstacles. While flying at normal speeds, the newly improved APAS 4.0 offers a wider field-of-view to detect obstacles compared to previous versions. If pilots are flying at higher speeds, as the angle of the drone pitches forward more and the newly added upward obstacle sensor plays a critical part in assisting obstacle detection. As with DJI’s latest drone models, the DJI Air 2S’s AirSense system warns drone pilots of nearby airplanes and helicopters transmitting ADS-B signals, so the drone can be quickly moved to a safer location. Other standard DJI safety features of DJI Air 2S include an improved Return-To-Home (RTH) feature, which can bring a drone back to its launch point if it loses contact with the controller or reaches a critically low battery level, and the GEO 2.0 geofencing system to advise pilots of sensitive locations and help them automatically keep away from high-risk areas such as airports. DJI Air 2S uses the latest version of the DJI Fly app, which features a wealth of educational information and tutorials to get new pilots up in the air quickly.

[Related Workshop: DJI Mavic Air 2 Review | The Easiest Flight Experience You’ll Ever Have]

DJI Care Refresh

DJI Care Refresh is now available for DJI Air 2S, covering various accidents, such as water damage, collisions, flyaway, etc. For an additional charge, DJI Care Refresh offers up to two replacement units within one year, including coverage for one flyaway incident. The two-year plan provides three replacement units in two years, including coverage for up to two flyaway incidents and an extension of the original warranty period by one year (extension durations vary by region). Receive your replacement even sooner with DJI Care Refresh Express. DJI Care Refresh also includes exclusive after-sales support and free two-way shipping. For a full list of details, please visit

Price and Availability

DJI Air 2S is available for purchase today from and from authorized retail partners in several configurations. The standard combo retails for $999 and includes the drone, remote controller, one battery and all the cables and parts needed to get into the air. The Fly More Combo retails for $1299 includes everything from the standard combo with the addition of 2 batteries for a total of 3, ND filters, a charging hub and a shoulder bag. Additional info here:

Adorama | B&H | Amazon | DJI

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DJI Mavic Air 2 Review | The Easiest Flight Experience You’ll Ever Have Wed, 17 Mar 2021 15:00:34 +0000 The DJI Mavic line of drones is one of the coolest, (In my opinion), additions to the lineup of UAVs ever. Why? Because these little devices are incredibly travel-friendly and still pack a powerful punch with their image quality. The Mavic Air 2 is slightly larger than its older sibling the Mavic Air, (Meaning you’ll also have to register the device for proper/safe flying), but it’s still small enough to practically fit in your pocket, or more accurately, pretty much any slot in a normal-sized camera bag. Meaning you can include this drone and its remote as part of our every-day kit.

DJC mavic air 2 low profileWhile it’s a little larger than the first generation, it’s still got a pretty low profile, meaning that you’ll have difficulty taking off or landing in tall grass/lawns unless it’s been very freshly cut. That being said, it’s still pretty easy to find a nice small patch of flat area to take off and land on, in fact, I just threw my sweater on the ground when I was in tall grass, and it provided a flat enough surface for the drone to fly from.

DJI 0017

Full disclosure as well, when DJI sent us this drone to test and review, they included the “Fly More” Bundle which includes 2 additional batteries, a multi-charger, a bag, a set of Polar Pro ND Filters, and additional propellers for the drone. With the difference in price jumping from $799 for the base model vs $988 for the full bundle. And honestly, given the cost of replacement batteries alone, this makes it more than worth it and has helped make DJI a household name for drone and related products. The addition of the Mavic Air 2 has just further solidified their hold as the king of aerial photography & cinematography tools!

Technical Specifications

  • Maximum Flight Time – 34 Minutes
  • Maximum Horizontal Speed – 19m/s
  • Maximum Ascent Speed – 4 m/s
  • Maximum Descent Speed – 5 m/s
  • Sensor – 1/2″ CMOS
  • Effective Pixels – 48MP
  • Focal Length – 24mm (35mm equivalent)
  • Photo Format – JPEG/DNG Raw
  • Video Format – 4k: 3840×2160 @ 24/25/30/48/50/60 FPS
  • Weight – 1.25 lb / 570g
  • Maximum Operating Distance 6.21 Miles / 10 km at 2.4 G
  • Price – $799 or $998 with Fly More Kit – Adorama | B&H | Amazon | DJI

[Related Reading: DJI Launches the Mavic Air 2]

Ergonomics & Aesthetics

DJI Mavic 2 Controller

I’ve you’ve flown the Mavic Mini then you’ll recognize the controller that comes along with the Mavic Air 2. This remote is slightly larger than the Mavic Pro one, however, the control sticks can be removed and fit in slots on the bottom of the device, and the cables to connect your smartphone devices to the remote are neatly tucked away in the extendable antenna/phone grip (contains a Lighting, Micro USB, and USB-C cable), and as Shivani said in her review of the Mavic Mini 2, this shorter/hidden cable design is one of the smartest improvements over its predecessor (including my Phantom 4 Pro), since you don’t need to carry along a normal LONG USB cable for your phone or tablet.

While looking rather square, the remote is comfortable to grip and laid out in a way to make flying (even semi-one-handed when making setting changes on the phone) very easy and comfortable. If you’re a gamer, the layout will feel much more familiar than the previous generation of bulky controllers as well. It almost feels like a video game. No joke. When I first took this guy out to fly, I was beyond nervous but honestly, it was by far, the easiest to fly, control, and shoot with UAV I’ve ever used!

Battery Life & Charging

This shouldn’t be surprising to me, as the device is much smaller than my Phantom 4, however the increased flight time from what I’m used to of around 22 minutes, (and the Mavic Pro with 27minutes),  has now jumped upwards of 30-34 minutes! While only 3 minutes more life than its really baby sibling the Mini 2, if you’ve ever shot on a drone, especially during an epic sunset or sunrise…every single extra second in the air counts!

The Fly More bundle includes a total of 3 batteries with a charger that lets you connect all 3 at once for faster/easier charging, and with 3 batteries, you’ll have tons of flight time to capture all the images you need.

By Far, The Easiest / Safest Drone I’ve Ever Flown

Granted, I’ve not flown a LOT of different drone models out there, I started on the phantom, to the phantom 2, to the Mavic, to the phantom 4 pro. and now this. Granted that’s a handful but it’s still a limited sample size and still stuck with just DJI products, but, coming from that lineage and seeing the improvements in camera and flight controls from generation to generation, I can honestly say this is by far, the easiest, simplest, and most safe (aka non-anxiety inducing), drone I’ve ever flown.

Even though I’ve had my FAA certifications and have flown a lot over the years, we’re still throwing a lot of money into the air that could be destroyed in an instant. So every time I’ve ever flown a drone I’ve been extra cautious to be sure we’re in a safe air space, away from crowds, and always try to be sure to keep the drone in eyesight (despite its miles+ range), and even with all of that and the precautions & safety measures built into the DJI Drones I’m still sweating bullets every time I put it in the air.

DJC 0347

Now with the Mavic Air 2….. let’s just say it was a totally different experience. After the first precheck and launch getting to feel for the controls…I was blown away by how accurate the “home” setting was for automated take-offs/landings and emergency return to base situations it was. On top of that, it was insanely accurate and responsive compared to any previous generation of device I’ve used.

Putting this guy up in the air, even with slightly high winds it was super easy to fly and control. Any time the winds got close to (it never went above the recommended limits but there we still some gusts) the wind range the app was adamant about letting me know.

In those high wind situations, the Mavic Air 2 is so intelligent that it would tell me if there were any gusts at all that would make the built-in automated photo modes (panoramics etc), slightly inaccurate, it would warn me that the images wouldn’t be perfect (see below), but I still had to try.

Automatic Panoramic Image in
Automatic Panoramic Image in "windy" condition 1
Automatic Panoramic Image in
Automatic Panoramic Image in "windy" condition 2

As you can see from these two panos, there were a few wind gusts that shook the drone out of place making the automatic merging a little….inaccurate. Making this both a pro and a con. Pro in the sense that the device will warn you if the automatic image modes (or slower exposures) aren’t going to come out right, and a con in the sense that even while flying in the tolerated/acceptable wind speeds, the drone is so small that a small gust can slightly knock it out of position (slightly). While in most cases, the drone is smart enough to level itself off and even return it to its proper spot when hovering, it’s still a bit frustrating when trying to use those awesome built-in timelapse and pano modes to have them come out wonky.

An additional pro for this device is the object avoidance modes, this was super interesting to test out at home by just having it hovering in my back yard at about chest height and walking slowly towards it. The drone would sound the alarm whenever I got too close and would even move away from me slightly to ensure to avoid any collision! I didn’t want to mess with this too much but compared to my Phantom 4 Pro, the responsive nature and accuracy to my personal range to the device feels greatly improved and very VERY welcome for a nervous drone flyer!

Size And Is It A Deterrent?

I feel like this is already known and standard for the Mavic lineup, but I still have a hard time getting over just how good the footage and images are coming out of a drone so small and lightweight! The fact that you can get 48mp files from this is astounding, and the video footage is just as impressive. When folded up, the drone with propellers still attached can fit in a standard lens slot of any camera bag, making it just too easy to bring with you everywhere.

While you won’t be capturing the kind of footage like you can with a mirrorless mounted on an octa-copter or any of the bigger “professional” level cinema drones…as a working professional, the Mavic Air 2 is a perfect addition to your kit for high-quality aerial portraits, landscape, timelapse photos and videos and an impressively affordable price point.

Footage Quality & Camera Capabilities

The 1/2″ CMOS quad bayer sensor for the drone is mounted on a 3-axis stabilized gimbal, that’s wildly accurate in flight. As described above, the system can capture JPEG & RAW (DNG) files at 12MP or 48MP, with an 84° (Horizontal) field of view. Using a fixed 24mm (35mm equivalent) fixed f/2.8 aperture lens, the Mavic Air 2 (when combined with the ND Filters in the Fly More Combo) can cover a wide variety of needs, including some previously mentioned Presets or “Smart Photo” modes that make complicated shots an absolute breeze!

DJI 0027

What are these modes? well built into the Mavic Air 2 are some of the following;

  • Hyperlight – This mode takes multiple photos and merges them together for a sharper/less grainy image when shooting in lower light situations.
  • HDR Photos – The drone will automatically take up to 7 different exposures and automatically combine them to give you a far greater dynamic range in a single file
  • Scene Recognition – The Drone will recognize 5 major components of a photo (Sunsets, Grass, Snow, Trees, and Blue Skies), and analyze them to maximize the tone, colors, and clarity
  • Additional Photo Modes include;
    • Vertical (3×1) & Horizontal (180°) Panoramics
    • “tiny world” Sphere mode (3×7)
    • HDR Panromas
    • Single
    • Burst
    • Timer
    • Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB)
    • 8K Hyperlapse

Each of these modes was super easy to use with just a few clicks in the app to enable each mode and all came out pretty incredible! The only thing that was interesting is when using the “smart photo” mode that’s 48mp, the images were darker in the highlight sections and mildly overall when compared to the “normal” or single-shot modes. This is mostly editable and fixable based on your preference in post afterwards…but it’s worth noting for the review in case you try this at home and wonder what’s up.

The only mode that left me feeling underwhelmed was the panoramic. As I mentioned above, this is a very light drone so despite it’s best efforts and much-improved hovering, a simple gust of wind can shift the position noticeably making the stitching of these panos ….well…just not good. Normally this wouldn’t bug me much, but in these one-click modes, the drone automatically merges all these files and does not leave you with the corresponding raw/jpg files to mess with on your own after the fact. I’d love to see a firmware update that allows for the system to keep all the raw files in a “Stack” or something like lightroom does along with the finished merged file. So, while it’s awesome to have this mode, in my testing it didn’t work great. We’ll just have to see if DJI will update the system to allow for the raw stacks in the future.

DJC 0338As for the video quality, I was impressed! It’s the first drone in the Mavic series that can capture 4k/60p video at 120mbs using the H.265 codec, and it also has 4k/30p HDR video, HD/120p & HD/240p that can produce some impressive slow-motion files! I’m by no means a pro video editor, but these files looked impressive to me, and I’m sure that until you get into the real-professional level of video production, the Mavic Air 2 would be an impressive addition to your toolkit.

The only mode I didn’t get to test was the 8k Hyperlapse / Timelapse video mode. So, I apologize on this front but I don’t have any personal knowledge of this particular feature, but from what I’ve read, it’s an impressive, and somewhat clunky feature as of yet since most systems can’t just view the footage natively, and it requires additional apps to process / view on your computers.

DJI Mavic Air 2 Review: Conclusion

DJI 0117

The Mavic Air 2 was honestly one of the most fun drones I’ve ever been lucky enough to pilot. Any other time behind the wheel, I’m stressing out to make sure I don’t break any rules, or break the gear, but with this system, it just felt so natural and easy that after the first flight I wasn’t worried at all. It’s truly fun to fly, has a wide variety of easy to use photo & video modes, is super easy to fit in your camera bag with the rest of your photo equipment, and can take some pretty decent looking images!

As a casual drone user, I felt right at home with this system, making it an ideal UAV for any new and enthusiast pilot. Especially since the FLY App is built in such a way that it quite literally walks you through each feature with easy to follow and detailed instructions for each mode.

I’m sure “pro” aerial photographers and videographers will say if you want to capture bigger and more professional (read “manual”) images, the Mavic 2 Pro will be the better choice. But with that increased power, comes a heftier price tag! The Mavic 2 Pro sits at a base price of $2,049 with the fly more kit coming in at $2,409. So keep that in mind when making your purchase….is the larger Hasselblad sensor, Natural Color Solution, and 10bit video something you see yourself taking advantage of?

Bottom line is, for the price point of $799 (or $988 in the fly more bundle, which we highly recommend), you’ll get incredible-looking aerial photos & video at a very affordable price point. If you truly need a more powerful system with more manual controls & advanced features, then you may want to look at the other “bigger” models. But if you’re like me, and just love having the drone in your kit as a backup/extra option for capturing some magical moments, the Mavic Air 2 would be perfect for you.

Sample Shots

Check Pricing & Availability Here

Adorama | B&H | Amazon | DJI

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DJI Reinvents The Drone Flying Experience With The DJI FPV Tue, 02 Mar 2021 14:00:40 +0000 It’s time for something a little different. Today DJI has made another new product launch official with an entirely new type of drone with an intuitive, immersive flight experience never available until now. The DJI FPV combines the first-person view and high-speed performance of racing drones, the cinematic camera sweep of traditional drones, the safety and transmission technology of DJI’s leading consumer drones, and an optional innovative single-handed motion controller that allows pilots to control the drone with just hand movements. DJI FPV creates a new drone category and opens up new worlds of possibilities for content creators and drone fans from beginners to experts alike.

Flying my drones as they are already is anxiety-boosting enough for me, so the thought of flying an incredibly fast rig like this in a first-person view already has me tense and reaching for some motion-sickness meds! That being said, I am incredibly intrigued to see the footage coming from this system and what talented, licensed, and adventurous pilots can do with a system like this!

DJI FPV Banner 4

“DJI has been redefining what drones can do since our company began in 2006, and as we celebrate our 15-year anniversary this year, we honor that heritage of innovation by redefining what drone flight can be with DJI FPV,” said Ferdinand Wolf, Creative Director, DJI Europe. “Right out of the box, DJI FPV combines the best available technology for a hybrid drone like no other. It can fly like a racer, hover like a traditional drone, accelerate like a homebuilt project and stop faster than any of them. DJI FPV lets the world experience the absolute thrill of immersive drone flight without being intimidated by the technology or spending hours building a system from scratch. We can’t wait for the world to try it.”

Read the Full Press Release Below;

[Related Reading: DJI Mini 2 Review | Mini But Mighty]

The DJI FPV ecosystem includes the drone, goggles, a dedicated remote controller, and a new intuitive motion controller option that steers the drone based on the movement of your hand. The drone features high-performance motors for incredible speeds, an intuitive user interface, and the latest safety features for greater control. The new FPV system lets pilots see from the drone’s perspective in low-latency high definition thanks to O3, the third iteration of DJI’s proprietary OcuSync technology. Its unmatched reliability and transmission range help pilots capture ultra-smooth and stable 4K video at 60 fps with the assistance of RockSteady electronic image stabilization.


Amateur and professional pilots alike can explore the skies with confidence with the assistance of three distinct flight modes designed for all skill levels and to get pilots accustomed to the system. DJI FPV’s advanced safety features include a new Emergency Brake and Hover feature to help make flying safer and less intimidating for new users, as well as DJI’s suite of industry-leading safety solutions, including GPS-based geofencing to advise pilots of airspace restrictions and potential hazards, and an ADS-B receiver system to warn pilots when other manned aircraft are nearby. In many jurisdictions, drone pilots flying with FPV goggles must be accompanied by a visual observer to watch for airspace hazards. Always fly safely and responsibly, and be sure to understand and follow the legal requirements for flight.

A Flight Experience For Every Skill Level

DJI FPV is the first integrated FPV drone that allows pilots from beginners to professionals to choose from multiple flight modes to match their skill level:

  • Normal (N) Mode: During N mode operation, DJI FPV operates similar to other DJI drones, hovering in place with the use of GPS and/or visual positioning systems (VPS) on the bottom of the drone. The most approachable flight mode, N mode allows for obstacle detection sensors on the front to be activated to warn when obstacles are near and slow down. Pilots are tasked with maneuvering the drone away from any detected obstacles.
  • Manual (M) Mode: Take full control over the drone with M mode which is designed for more experienced users. While in M mode, all sensors and hovering features are disabled.
  • Sport (S) Mode: A new hybrid blend of M and N mode, S mode offers some of the dynamic movement capabilities that come with M mode along with some of the key safety features of N mode. S mode is the middle step between the three modes and developed to give pilots more room to explore their skills as they get accustomed to FPV flight.


While in the air, pilots can also use a suite of safety features that make flying not only a memorable experience but a safe one as well. A dedicated Emergency Brake and Hover feature is available in all flying modes to make the drone stop and hover in place at any time during flight. Obstacle detection sensors can be activated while operating in N mode, which will alert pilots of any detected obstacles and automatically slow down the aircraft. Visual Positioning Sensors (VPS), along with an auxiliary light on the bottom of the aircraft are also available to assist in smooth takeoffs and landings. Failsafe Return to Home is another important feature that will bring the drone back to its home point automatically with a press of a button or in the event that transmission signal is lost. The ADS-B receiver system provides audio and visual notifications to the pilot via the FPV Goggles when traditional aircraft such as airplanes or helicopters equipped with ADS-B transmitters are in the vicinity.

[Related Reading: DJI Company Feature | Innovators In Drones, Gimbals, And Other High Tech Photo and Cinema Gear]

Immerse Yourself In The Experience of Flying

DJI FPV lets you see the world in a new way using the absolute latest in HD transmission technology. Pilots can see a crystal-clear, long-range, low-latency feed from the DJI FPV aircraft while wearing the DJI FPV Goggles V2. State-of-the-art racing motors offer high-speed action during flights, and the O3 transmission system offers unmatched reliability. The new motors bring a heart-racing experience to the system with a max speed of 140 kph (87 mph) and a max acceleration of 0-100 kph (0-62 mph) in just two seconds. O3 transmission is the next step in FPV transmission technology. It offers a 10km transmission range, auto-switching dual-frequencies, a high bitrate of 50 Mpbs, and state-of-the-art anti-interference methods to ensure a reliable feed. Announced in 2019, the DJI HD transmission system brought the world’s first low-latency, HD digital feed to the market. The new DJI FPV system uses that same technology to bring a crystal-clear image to the goggles with ultra-low latency. Pilots can choose from several different viewing options, including:

  • Standard low-latency HD mode: See the world in 1440x810p in either 60 fps with a wider 142° Field of View (FOV), or 50 fps with 150° FOV. In this mode, latency is as low as ≤ 40 ms.
  • Smooth mode: In this mode, pilots activate high frame rates for a more cinematic look to signal latency is decreased to ≤ 28 ms. Resolution is 1440×810p 120 fps with a 142° FOV or 100 fps at 150° FOV.
  • Audience mode: Share the pilot’s perspective in audience mode, which connects up to eight additional goggle sets to the pilot’s view so even onlookers can experience the flight.

Incredible Flight Performance, Breathtaking Footage

Not only does DJI FPV offer incredible flight performance, it can also capture dynamic, cinematic footage you’ll want to share with the world. The integrated 4K/60fps 120 Mbps camera is on a single-axis gimbal, providing stability during intricate maneuvers while rotating vertically for unique angles. Additionally, RockSteady stabilization technology smooths shaky footage and eliminates the rolling shutter effect when filming fast-moving scenes. Advanced distortion correction software can remove the warped and unappealing fish-eye look common in FPV footage. Pilots can record footage in 4x Slow Motion in 1080p and 120 fps to relive epic moments in every detail. Footage can now be stored in H.265 or H.264 which uses less space on the memory card but preserves fine details during compression.

Drone Propeller Guards 1Educational Tools And An Updated DJI Fly App To Accelerate Learning

Supported by a wealth of interactive and realistic tools, pilots will be up in the air quickly with confidence. DJI FPV uses the latest version of the DJI Fly app, which now includes detailed tutorials on how to operate DJI FPV. The newly developed DJI Virtual Flight App is a free simulator app that familiarizes new pilots with drone flying movements in an easy, fun, and risk-free environment. The simulator allows pilots to fly the DJI FPV drone in various settings using the dedicated controller.

DJI Care Refresh

DJI Care Refresh is now available for DJI FPV. For an additional charge, DJI Care Refresh 1-Year Plan offers comprehensive coverage as well as up to two replacement units within one year. The two-year plan provides three replacement units in two years and extends the original warranty period by one more year. Receive your replacement even sooner with DJI Care Refresh Express. DJI Care Refresh also includes exclusive VIP after-sales support and free two-way shipping. DJI Flyaway Coverage is not available for this product. For a full list of details, please visit

Price and Availability

DJI FPV is available for purchase today from and from authorized retail partners. DJI FPV can be purchased in several options. The standard DJI FPV Combo includes the FPV drone, remote controller 2, FPV Goggles V2, all required cables, and one battery for the retail price of $1,299. The DJI FPV Fly More Kit is also available, which includes two additional Intelligent Flight Batteries and the dedicated charging hub for the retail price of $299. The optional Motion Controller is sold separately and can be purchased for the price of $199. Additional info here:

Adorama | B&H | Amazon | DJI

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Sony Unveils The Airpeak Drone at CES 2021 – The Smallest Drone Capable Of Carrying An Alpha Camera System Tue, 12 Jan 2021 03:41:35 +0000 Sony has officially unveiled the Airpeak aircraft at CES2021 as part of its drone project in the area of AI robotics.  While the teaser announcement came about 2 months ago, I bet most people didn’t think it would be a drone capable of carrying a full mirrorless system!

Sony launched the Airpeak brand with the goal to further develop today’s drone technology while achieving the utmost in value creation. As the first phase of this project, Sony will launch a new business targeted for professional photography and video production in the spring of 2021. In order to fully support the creativity of video creators, the payload of the drone can be equipped with an Alpha™ mirrorless camera to capture high quality, full-frame aerial photography and video. Airpeak, the industry’s smallest class of drone that can be equipped with the Alpha system, is capable of dynamic filming and precise, stable flight, and aims to contribute to the world of entertainment while also pursuing new possibilities for creative expression.

Sony will continue to post project-related information going forward and remains engaged in co-creation activities leading up to the launch of Airpeak in order to gain feedback from professional drone users.

Information regarding this project will be regularly updated at the following site: and be sure to visit the Sony Square site for daily updates at CES 2021. Obviuously we’ve not gotten hands-on with this device yet, but we’ve already put in a request to demo as soon as possible. Until we can test it in person, let us know what you think and any questions you might have for us to cover in the comments below!

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