A leading photography platform, 100asa.com, recently launched a new tree-planting initiative aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. As part of their effort to combat climate change, 100ASA will plant a tree for every new Pro Member on the platform. This initiative helps 100ASA members to actively reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the reforestation efforts critical to combating climate change.

In order to achieve their goal, 100ASA has teamed up with leading reforestation organizations to ensure that the trees are planted in appropriate local ecosystems with the goal of reducing carbon emissions. The company also noted that they plan to provide regular updates to the community on the initiative’s progress and environmental impact.

According to Massimiliano Peluso, Co-Founder of 100ASA, this initiative is part of an ongoing effort to promote sustainable practices and reduce our impact on the environment: “With this new initiative, we are taking our commitment to the next level by planting a tree for every new member who joins our community”.

The 100ASA team hopes this initiative will inspire others to do their part to minimize their environmental impact. “We are excited to launch this new initiative and hope it inspires other companies to take action on climate change,” said Andrea Turri, Co-Founder of 100ASA. “We believe that every individual and every company can make a difference, and by working together, we can create a more sustainable future for all.”

More About 100ASA

If you’re not familiar with 100ASA, the platform provides enthusiasts and professional photographers unique tools and resources to help showcase their work, connect with clients, and expand their businesses. Here’s a quick look at a few of their standout features.

Curated Galleries

100asa review elite gallery

100ASA’s galleries include a curation system that allows members to upload their images and get feedback from other members on the platform. Having access to galleries like this benefits members in a few ways. First, their photos are being seen, which is an important part of the photography process. Engaging the community is also a helpful way to network with other photographers. In addition, the feedback that members receive on their images will help them further develop their photography skills.

There’s also an option to submit photos for professional critique.

Photos from the curated gallery are then directed to one of the four galleries based on the rating and comments of other users, and they can later be promoted to higher galleries. You can learn more about the various galleries below:

  • Elite Gallery: 100 ASA carefully reviews photos on the Prime Gallery based on a number of different criteria. Photos of the highest quality are “hand-picked” by the 100ASA Curator’s team to ensure top quality, and are published on the Elite Gallery.
  • Inspiration Gallery: The 100ASA curation team selects photos daily for the Inspiration gallery. The 100ASA community helps in this process by nominating photos they think should receive an Inspiration star.
  • Prime Gallery: If a photo submitted for curation reaches at least 80% of popularity, it will be published on the Prime gallery.
  • Upcoming Gallery: If a photo submitted for curation reaches popularity between 60% and 79% OR it has been approved by 100ASA curators, it will be published to the Upcoming gallery.
  • Opening Gallery: If a photo submitted for curation doesn’t reach a minimum popularity of 60% it will be published to the Opening gallery.

Token System

In the interest of promoting quantity over quality and encouraging members to participate, 100ASA uses a unique token system. You’ll need 20 tokens to submit your photo for curation, but you can earn them in a few different ways. For example, you’ll earn tokens each time you curate someone else’s photo. In addition, the first three members to comment on a new photo in the gallery (on the 100ASA platform) can earn up to six tokens, and the length of the comment can earn up to eight tokens. The tokens expire after a week, which encourages participation.

Rewards pages screenshot

Rather than disappear after expiring, however, the tokens are converted to reward points that members can use to redeem products from the Rewards page (including an option to pay for membership to the platform).

Professional Photo Critiques

100ASA offers professional photo critiques by experienced curators to help photographers improve their skills and get valuable feedback on their work. These critiques are conducted by real human experts and are not generated by AI algorithms, ensuring that photographers receive genuine and personalized feedback. The service also provides an opportunity for photographers to chat with the critic/curator and discuss their work in detail. With 100ASA’s professional photo critiques, photographers can take their craft to the next level and hone their skills.

curated image example

Photo and Profile Analytics

Pro Members have access to an analytics dashboard. This feature allows members to view how many people have seen their photos and when (such as “most-visited days”), their location, and how many curations they’ve received.

Informative Blog

The 100ASA blog is a platform where world-recognized photographers share their insights and experiences with the community. From discussing their techniques and creative processes to sharing their latest projects and collaborations, these photographers provide valuable insights into the world of photography. The blog is a great resource for amateur and professional photographers alike, as it offers a wealth of information and inspiration to help improve one’s photography skills and creativity. With a diverse range of contributors and topics, the 100ASA blog is a must-read for anyone interested in photography. It’s worth checking out 100ASA’s blog whether or not you’re a member of their platform.

Please visit the company’s website for more information on the new initiative or to sign up for 100ASA’s photography platform.

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