Sean Lewis – SLR Lounge Photography Tutorials and News Thu, 26 Oct 2023 19:41:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sean Lewis – SLR Lounge 32 32 5 Off-Camera Flash Photography Tips for Beginners Fri, 27 Oct 2023 15:00:28 +0000 Getting started with flash photography can quickly feel overwhelming. There’s plenty to learn, and shooting with natural light alone can prove stressful enough, particularly for beginners. In reality, however, mastering the basics of off-camera flash photography isn’t all that complex, especially if you have a bit of guidance and user-friendly gear. The creative freedom that flash photography affords would make it worth the effort, even if it were difficult. In this article, we’ll share five off-camera flash photography tips for beginners that you can use on your next session.

Video: 5 Off-Camera Flash Photography Tips for Beginners

Gear List

Here’s a list of the gear used in this video/article. You can switch the gear out below with whatever you have available to use:

Let’s jump in.

Tip #1: Shoot with Manual Flash Power

02 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners Manual Flash Power Final
70-200mm at 100mm, 1/4000, f/2.8, ISO 100 | Flash Power = 1/1 (Full Power) | Edited with Visual Flow Presets

Shooting in auto mode (aka ETTL or TTL) with flash seems like it should be easier on the surface, but things get complicated when it comes to editing the photos. The reason for this is that auto mode can change the flash power for each image you capture, and consistency quickly goes out the window. The quality of your results will vary as well. Some images might look great while others don’t look good at all.

Taking manual control of your flash power, on the other hand, will help you dial in the look you need and give you consistent results. The time you save in post alone makes it worth learning to manually adjust your flash power.

Here are a couple general “rules” to keep in mind when setting your flash power.

When in the Sun, One over One

01B 01 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners Manual Flash Power BTS

When shooting in direct sunlight, start by setting your flash to full power, aka one over one. If you’re using any modifiers to diffuse the light, you might need even more power than a single flash can produce (depending on the flash).

Try Using the Inverse of ISO

Another option for determining the best power setting for your flash relies on using the inverse of our ISO setting. Here are a few examples for reference:

  • ISO 200 | Start at ½ power
  • ISO 400 | Start at ¼ power
  • ISO 1600 | Start at 1/16 power

Tip #2: Get to Know the Inverse Square Law

Not to be confused with Inverse of ISO, another way that we can determine how much flash power we need involves the inverse square law. This “law” helps us understand how much light will reach our subjects, whether we’re photographing individual subjects or large groups of people.

Simply put, the inverse square law notes that the intensity of light falls off rapidly as it moves it farther away from the subject.

03 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners inverse square law before and afterl

To give an example, let’s say that we’ve placed our off-camera flash 3 feet away from our subject. If we then move the flash back an additional 3 feet without adjusting the flash power setting, only 25% of the light that reached the subject at 3 feet will still get to them.

If we only doubled our distance, why did we lose 75% of our flash power? Good questions.

The math works like this:

  • We doubled the distance by two times (2x), moving it from 3 to 6 feet away from our subject.
  • The inverse of 2 is ½.
  • When we square the inverse number of 1/2 (multiply the number on the bottom of the fraction by itself – 2 x 2), we get ¼, or 25%.

We can make up for this loss of light in various ways, such as increasing our flash power or directing our light through a grid or snoot (like the MagGrid 2 or MagSnoot 2). We can also utilize the flash unit’s built-in zoom feature.

Tip #3: Understand Soft Light vs Hard Light

When shooting flash photography, we have the option of modifying the light to make it soft light or hard light, or somewhere in between. One type is not better than the other, but you should know how to modify the light to get the look you want.

Soft Light

04A MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners hard vs soft light

For soft light, you’ll probably want to use something like a softbox in order to create a bigger light source relative to your subject. In terms of where to place the light, moving it closer to your subject will make the light source bigger and the light quality softer.

A helpful tip for placing the light is to keep the flash one to two times the distance from your subject as the size of the box. In other words, if you’re using a MagBox Pro 42” Octa, place it somewhere between 42” – 84” (3-7 feet) from your subject. For a smaller box (MagBox Pro 24” Octa), try to place the flash between 24”-48” from your subject. Again, these are recommended distances for getting softer light.

Hard Light

04B MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners hard vs soft light

For hard light, on the other hand, place your lights farther back or use other smaller modifiers (MagSphere, MagBounce, or MagGrid).

04C MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners hard vs soft light

Whichever route you choose, make sure to modify your off-camera flash accordingly to properly control your light.

Tip #4: Add Color to Your Flashes

05 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners color gels

Adding color to your flash provides a quick and easy way to greatly expand your creative possibilities. All you need to do is place a MagMod Pro Gel (or whatever color gels you have) on your flash. When you adjust your white balance in post for skin tones, the color present in the scene will shift, sometimes dramatically. We’ve written about this process in more detail in our intuitive guide to gels and creative color effects. In the article/video, we discuss how to use creative color effects with MagGels to change the color and mood in your photos. We also cover different gels you can use to get the exact color you want.

Tip #5: Use Multi-Light Setups

When you like you’re ready, we recommend graduating from one off-camera flash to two or more. Shooting with multi-light setups is both fun and creatively rewarding.

06 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners multi light setup

For a two-light setup example, place your main or key light where you normally would. We went with a soft box off to the side in front of our subject. Then, place the second light slightly behind and off to the side of the subject to add a “kicker” light, which should help carve your subject out of the background with a nice rim light.

06B MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners multi light setup

Final Images

Here’s a collection of images that we created using the tips outlined above.

07 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners Final Images
70-200mm at 100mm, 1/4000, f/2.8, ISO 100 | Flash Power = 1/1 (Full Power) | Edited with Visual Flow Presets
09 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners Final Images
70-200mm, 1/2000, f/4, ISO 50 | Flash Power = 1/1 (Full Power) at 6’ | Edited with Visual Flow Presets
08 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners Final Images
70-200mm at 110mm, 1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 50 | Flash Power = 1/1 (Full Power) | Edited with Visual Flow Presets
10 MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners Final Images
70-200mm at 70mm, 1/200, f/2.8, ISO 100 | Flash Power = 1/1 (Full Power) | Edited with Visual Flow Presets
06C MagMod 5 Tips for OCF Photography Beginners multi light setup
70-200mm at 70mm, 1/1000, f/2.8, ISO 50 | Flash Power = 1/1 (Full Power) | Edited with Visual Flow Presets


We hope that you found these 5 off-camera flash photography tips for beginners helpful. The goal, of course, would be to start using them as soon as possible. Once you grasp the basics of using flash and get your hands on gear that removes many of the challenges of modifying and controlling the light, you can flex your creativity and capture beautiful photos any time, night or day.

Photographer’s Guide to Folio Boxes Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:00:49 +0000 For many photographers, presenting their work is as important as capturing the perfect shot. With an array of options available, from albums to wall art, choosing the right method can be challenging. Enter the Folio Box, a luxurious and beautiful box solution for photographers offered by Zno. This guide will dive into the ins and outs of folio boxes, and how they can elevate your photography business.

What Is a Folio Box?

A Folio Box is a high-end, beautifully crafted box containing matted or board-mounted photographs. They are designed to protect and elegantly present a curated selection of images. Unlike albums, which bind images together, each photograph within a Folio Box is separate, allowing clients to choose and interchange the display of their favorite shots with ease. Some people even refer to a “Folio Box” as a “Deconstructed Album.”

Benefits of a Folio Box (vs Albums and Wall Art)

If you already offer albums and wall art, is there a place in your product lineup for Folio boxes? Let’s explore some of the primary benefits of folio boxes to help you make that decision.

Folio Boxes are Flexible and Versatile

Folio boxes can be displayed and enjoyed in multiple ways. With separate photos, clients can change the displayed image on their desk or mantlepiece whenever they like, offering versatility over fixed albums and wall art.

folio box zno 2

Clients can keep the images in the box and browse through the images from time to time, the same way they would enjoy a photo album. They can also place one or multiple images on their shelves or desks on small easels. They can also take some of the images out and frame them on a wall by themselves or as a collage.

Folio Boxes Provide Protection

The sturdy nature of the box ensures that the photos are well-protected from dust, damaging sunlight, and potential drops and dents over time. Unlike albums, clients can easily change the Folio boxes if the box gets damaged or if they just want a new style, giving the old images a new home inside of the new box.

Folio Boxes Offer a Luxury Presentation

Holding individual matted photos provides a tactile, personal experience, which can be more engaging than flipping through an album. Viewing one image at a time can help the photographer increase the perceived importance of each image and allow the viewer to spend more time on each photo. This can place a higher implicit value on each photograph.

folio box zno 1

In addition, the luxurious feel of the box, combined with high-quality prints, makes for an impressive presentation, ideal for gifting or as an heirloom.

What Genres of Photography Should Offer Folio Boxes

box collage

Folio boxes are versatile presentation tools that can elevate the experience of viewing photographs, making them suitable for a wide range of photography genres. Though they are versatile, folio boxes have traditionally been linked with genres that exude a touch of luxury and personalization. These are the most common genres of photography for Folio Boxes.

High-End, Fine Art Portrait Photography

The inherent elegance and sophistication of folio boxes make them an ideal match for high-end portrait photography. When a client invests in such a session, they often expect a product that complements the quality and essence of the shoot, and a folio box seamlessly aligns with that expectation.

Boudoir Photography

boudoir photos

Boudoir sessions are deeply personal and intimate. A folio box not only ensures privacy but also offers a tactile, luxurious experience for clients, making each photograph feel like a cherished piece of art.

Family, Newborn & Maternity Portraits

Families often look for timeless keepsakes to pass down through generations. The sturdy nature of folio boxes ensures longevity, and their design allows for an ever-evolving display of cherished moments, making them ideal for family portrait collections, maternity portraits and newborn photography.

Wedding Photography

While not as common as a wedding album, folio boxes are also a great way for couples to enjoy and view their most cherished wedding day moments. They can be a great anniversary gift option, allowing couples to relive their special day. Folio boxes pair especially well with film wedding photography, as both are inherently perceived as luxury and high end.

[Related Reading: Professional Photo Albums That Make Margins]

How to Price Folio Boxes

When pricing your Folio Boxes, here are the primary factors to consider.

Your Other Product Pricing

When pricing your folio boxes, stick to a similar pricing structure and model as your album prices. The folio box option should not be perceived as a “cheaper” or “more expensive” alternative to your albums. They should be perceived as a different way to present and enjoy the images.

Costs of Materials and Labor

Account for the cost of the box, prints, and any additional customizations. Don’t forget to factor in the time you spend selecting, editing, and printing the photos.

Competitor Pricing (Market Research)

Research what competitors are charging. Adjust your prices based on your expertise and brand positioning.

How to Create and Order a Folio Box

1. Selection: Begin by selecting the photos that will go into the box. This could be a collaborative effort with your client or a curated set by you.

2. Editing: Ensure all selected photos are professionally edited and consistent in style.

3. Sizing and Matting: Decide on the size of prints and whether they will be matted. Matting can enhance the perceived value and protect prints.

4. Box Design: Some suppliers offer customization options for the box, such as materials, colors, and embossing. For example with the company Zno, you can use their album design software, called Zno Designer, to design your folio boxes, as well as the prints that will go inside the box. With Zno you can also upload photos to album designer directly from their seamlessly integrated online photo gallery, called Zno Gallery.

5. Ordering: Once everything is in place, place your order with your chosen supplier, ensuring you’ve double-checked all details. There are several quality suppliers that specialize in producing Folio Boxes. Conduct thorough research, ask for recommendations in photographer communities, and request samples to ensure you’re sourcing a product that aligns with your brand’s standards.

In conclusion, Folio Boxes are a premium product that can significantly enhance the presentation of your work and the perceived value of your services. Embrace them, and you may find a fresh, lucrative avenue for your photography business.

Mylio Photos Releases Version 24 | Next Generation Photo Collaboration Sharing and AI-Powered Search Thu, 05 Oct 2023 18:14:03 +0000 If you’ve ever struggled with organizing your seemingly endless collection of photos, videos, and documents, you’ll be excited to hear about Mylio’s recent launch of Mylio Photos (version 24). Mylio has built their business and reputation on helping people–especially photographers and videographers–streamline their process for organizing and sharing digital media across multiple devices. The latest version of Mylio Photos seeks to take that mission to the next level, all free of the cloud. For your convenience, we’ve put together a quick overview of the new features included in Mylio Photos (version 24) so that you can get a better idea of how it can help you.

What Is Mylio Photos?

On the surface, Mylio Photos is a free photo organizer and sharing app that works on most devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, and more. At the core of what it does, Mylio Photos helps people bring all their photos, videos, and documents into one place that is accessible on any device at any time without having to rely on the cloud.

What Is New with Mylio Photos (Version 24)?

Let’s take a look at what’s new with Mylio Photos (version 24) and break down the process of using it into 5 simple pieces:

  1. Collect
  2. Select
  3. Reflect
  4. Connect
  5. Protect

1. Collect: Bring All Your Photos, Videos, and Documents Into One Place

Mylio Photos version 24 announcement collect 01

The more centralized your files are, the easier it will be for you to keep track of them. For that reason, rather than storing your files on different devices and platforms, Mylio Photos lets you keep everything in one spot. Here are some of the new and improved features from Mylio Photos (version 24) to help you gather your files into one searchable library.

  • Guided Import: The guided import feature allows you to quickly select a source (e.g., smartphones, social media services, camera cards, computer folders, etc.) and follow a guide to bring your content into a single library.
  • DeDupe on Import: This feature allows you to avoid importing duplicate files and eliminate unnecessary clutter.
  • Import: If you have a account, you can use this feature to import media directly from your account and supported Camera to Cloud devices.
  • Linked Folders: Rather than move files that already reside on your hard drive, Mylio Photos can simply scan and read the files from their current location.

2. Select: Use AI-enhanced Dynamic Search to Locate and Catalog Files

Mylio Photos version 24 announcement Select 02

One of the most difficult tasks involved with organizing and/or sharing your files is finding them. The following advanced search and filter tools will help you locate your files more easily now, and then again later, when you need to share files from your library.

  • Dynamic Search: With the help of AI-generated SmartTags, Mylio Photos can quickly identify (3-20 times faster than standard search tech) thousands of activities, objects, text, and visual properties in photos. Moreover, this search feature also uses text recognition, face detection, and an index of the camera and lens settings to create a highly-detailed local database. Frequent searches automatically get updated in the background when you add new files to the library.
  • Spaces: Use this feature to apply and create subject-specific views of your library, which will allow you to more easily find specific media. To take advantage of this feature, simply categorize the file while importing it (e.g., Personal, Family, Work, etc.). You can add custom categories if you have Mylio Photos+, the premium version of Mylio Photos.

3. Reflect: Search by Person, Place, Time, and More

family history1 mylio photos

Every day, people load countless images and videos onto their drives and social media feeds never to be seen again. They boast a very short lifespan, one that typically only lasts long enough to collect a few likes before disappearing into cyber oblivion. Mylio Photos (version 24) includes Family History tools and Shared albums that provide useful ways to share and preserve important moments.

  • Shared Albums: With Mylio Photos+, you can create semi-private albums and share them only with the people you choose. The images in the album are hosted on non-indexed web pages, and only those with a link can see the files. You can also use the SafeShare option to remove all (or part) of the metadata in your images before sharing them online.
  • Family History Metadata: It’s never been easier to take on the role of family historian. Mylio Photos (version 24) allows users to add family history information to photos, videos, and documents. You can add details including dates, titles, descriptions, people tagging, geotagging, and locations. Metadata follows standards set by the Family History Metadata Working Group to ensure that files provide useful information for future generations.
  • FamilySearch Memories: Take your role as family historian to even higher levels by using the Memories option to post photos of your ancestors on You can then share this content with everyone in your family tree.

4. Connect: Get Access to Files Anywhere

Tablet with External Drive v24 Press Release

We regularly maintain separate photo libraries on different devices, making each library unique, which is not what we want, really. Then, when we try to sync them, it’s often a slow and involved process. Using new features like Mylio Drive, we can better organize our files and make them universally accessible. It’s also worth noting that Mylio Photos+ users have several new choices.

Unlimited Access, Everywhere

  • SpaceSaver: If you have limited storage space on your device, whether it’s your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, you can use this tool to optimize your image library. You’ll still want to keep your original files accessible on a backup device, but you can store significantly more optimized raw photos on your tablet or smartphone for portable access, wherever it is you find yourself.
  • Mylio Drive: Amazingly, Mylio Drive gives you unlimited personal and private storage of optimized images on a private server. Mylio Drive’s basic purpose is to help you keep all of your devices in sync while you’re out on the go. The team at Mylio Photos notes that the Mylio Drive allows every device to “access 5×7, print-resolution images with raw photo editing.”

Additional Storage Options

  • Travel Drives: The name says it all here. You can use the travel drive feature in Mylio Photos (version 24) to transform any portable hard drive or solid state drive (SSD) into a “travel drive.” What this means is that you can automatically back up recent photos while traveling and, if you have Mylio Photos+, you can access full-quality photos while you’re out and about.
  • iOS Drive Access: Turn any portable hard drive or SSD into a Travel Drive, automatically backing up recent pictures on trips and providing Mylio Photos+ users easy access to full-quality photos while on the go.
  • iOS Drive Access: iPad and iPhone users with Mylio Photos+ can now use external storage with iOS devices. What’s also interesting is that you can use a connected drive for import, storage, or backup. So, if you have a fast and portable SSD drive, for example, you can use it to expand your iOS device’s capacity.

Collaborate with Family and Trusted Team Members

  • Remote Control: Take control remotely over the core settings, views, and image syncing capabilities of your family or team members’ devices that are connected to the Mylio Photos+ account. You can limit or expand their access as needed. Some of the ways you can do this include controlling which Spaces are available, how the images will sync, and so on. You can also make it a requirement to use a PIN to switch Spaces or adjust settings.

5. Protect: Never Lose an Important Photo, Video, or Digital Document

Large Library Press Release v24

It’s no secret that redundancy is key to keeping files safe, yet people still tend to store their files on a single device. If/when the device fails, it’s catastrophic for the collection of files and it can prove quite costly to try to have them professionally recovered. Of course, backup devices can be stolen or destroyed in a natural disaster as well, for which there is no remedy. With Mylio Photos+, users can take advantage of the multi-device access for safe storing purposes. It’s like getting a complete backup solution that works with the devices you already have.

Mylio Photos encourages users to set up 3-2-1 Backup best practices by adding at least two physical “vault devices” and if desired, one or more offsite backups – usually a cloud service. For MP+ users, Mylio Drive serves as another emergency layer of protection, but it’s not a true backup since it only hosts optimized file copies.

  • Cloud Independence: While you typically expect to use cloud storage for syncing devices, that’s not necessary with Mylio Photos+. Instead, your devices can directly communicate with each other for faster backups. It’s also more affordable because you don’t have to pay for cloud storage, which can get absurdly expensive for massive media collections.
  • Precision Syncing and Encryption in the Cloud: In the event that you maintain a cloud account, you can use ratings, EXIF data, labels, and more to get precision syncing. Users can also encrypt files to further protect them from privacy breaches and data theft. Mylio Photos works with OneDrive, Google Drive, and S3-compatible cloud storage.
  • Local Storage: The price of local storage drives has come down while cloud costs have gone up significantly. Mylio Photos+ uses connected local drives that signed-in devices can access to noticeably increase syncing speeds.

Setting the Standard for User Privacy

According to David Vaskevitch, CEO of Mylio, “We’ve always believed protecting cherished memories and prioritizing user privacy go hand in hand…[and] this latest release is more than just an update; it’s a testament to our commitment to protecting important memories while respecting privacy.”

As such, Mylio Photos (version 24) strictly maintains user privacy and does not use AI for the purpose of learning more about users and their families. To ensure this approach holds true, all artificial intelligence tools run locally on your device and do not transmit personal data to the company or others for alternative uses.

When Will Mylio Photos (version 24) Be Available?

Mylio Photos (version 24) is now available on all platforms (Windows, Android, macOS, iOS, iPadOS).

While Mylio Photos (version 24) is free, you can upgrade to the premium plan (Mylio Photos+) for $9.99/month or $99 (USD)/year. The premium option provides even more collaboration features, data encryption for safe cloud storage, and space-saving features that have been designed to enable users to have smaller copies of all their files available on mobile or limited-capacity devices. Mylio never touches your full-res photos and videos, which all Mylio Photos users can keep safely backed up in one or more “vault” devices if desired. It’s worth noting, however, that Mylio Photos+ users get automated local backups, which means they never have to remember to backup manually.

The Most Compact Lighting Setup Ever for Off-Camera Flash Photography Tue, 03 Oct 2023 15:00:23 +0000 When shooting on the go, portability is key, especially when it comes to lighting gear. Over the last few years, advancements in off-camera flash photography gear have centered on making the gear more dependable and easier to use. On a recent shoot, Pye Jirsa took along what he calls the “most minimal off-camera flash setup” he’s used in over a decade of capturing photos. In the following video/article, we’ll share that setup and show you how to use it to capture different looks with ease when shooting on-location.

Let’s get to it.

Video: The Most Compact Lighting Setup Ever for Off-Camera Flash Photography

Gear Checklist

Here’s a quick look at the gear used for this video/article:

Gear Highlight: Profoto Connect

01A Profoto Connect product shot

Before we jump into different scenarios for using this compact setup, we’ll share some information on a key player from the gear checklist, the Profoto Connect. This remote works automatically with the flash to dial in an appropriate flash power, and it detects when you need to use high-speed sync, and so on.

01B Profoto Connect App product shot

In the event that you need to adjust the flash power, the Profoto Connect can sync to your phone to give you added control. To date, it’s one of the easiest ways we’ve seen to connect to off-camera flash.

Special Promotion from Profoto

From September 1st through October 31st, 2023 (or as long as stocks last), Profoto is offering special deals on the Profoto Connect. The offer is available on Profoto’s website or at your local dealer. Here’s a quick look at the deals:

  • US + Canada: Buy a Profoto A2 and get a Connect remote for free
  • Japan + Europe: Buy a Profoto A2, get a free Connect remote or 50% discount on Profoto Connect Pro

C.A.M.P. Framework

For each of the following scenarios, we’ll use the C.A.M.P. Framework, which in a nutshell, defines the process for capturing portraits. In short, the acronym stands for Composition, Ambient Exposure, Modify or Add Light, and Pose and Photograph the Subject. You can learn about the C.A.M.P. Framework in more detail here.

Scene 1: Among the Sunflowers

While scouting the location, we found an area with elements that matched the orange tones of the subject’s dress. Shooting lower to the ground, we used these natural elements (perhaps dead sunflowers?) to frame our subject and add interest to the clean, yet somewhat boring sky.

03 profoto most compact lighting setup Before Flash vs No Flash scene 1

You’ll notice that the sun is casting deep shadows at this point, which we can fix with a touch of light from our compact lighting setup.

02 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography BTS scene 1

Once the light is in position, the Profoto Connect will automatically set the flash power. All that’s left is to direct the subject into a pose and capture some images.

03 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography scene 1 final PYE 9198
Final Edited Image – Camera Settings: 1/4000, f/1.4, ISO 50 | Edited with Visual Flow Presets

You can see in the “After” shot that the added light opened up the shadows for a more pleasing, natural look. Of course, you can dial down the ambient exposure and bump up the flash power and go for a more dramatic look if that is what you’re after. As we mentioned earlier, if you need to make any adjustments, you can control the Profoto Connect (and your flash) through your smartphone.

Scene 2: Sitting in a Field

For the second scene, we moved to the other side of the grassy road and placed our now-sitting subject’s back to the sun. We could shoot this with natural light for a bright and airy look, but the goal for this shot is to retain more depth in the background, which we can do with flash.

04 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography Before scene 2B
RAW SOOC – Camera Settings: 1/4000, f/1.4, ISO 50

With the composition set and a darker ambient exposure dialed in, we need to add flash.

05 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography BTS scene 2

To get the lighting how we wanted it, we held the flash directly above our subject and out of the frame. Once again, you can take control of the flash power through the Profoto Control app if the Connect settings don’t exactly match your lighting intentions for the image. More often than not, however, the Profoto Connect’s automatic settings work beautifully.

06 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography scene 2 Final PYE 9259
Final Image – Camera Settings: 1/4000, f/1.4, ISO 50 | Edited with Visual Flow Presets

Scene 3: Among the Trees

For the third and final scene, we set up camp in an opening among the trees. Because it was still a couple hours from sunset at this point, the sun was pretty high in the sky. Trees make a perfect backdrop at this time because of how nicely the sunlight bleeds through in the background.

07 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography Before scene 3B
RAW SOOC – Camera Settings: 1/200, f/1.4, ISO 200 | No Flash

To begin, we placed our subject in the brighter area of the frame and let the sun shine in from the top. Next, we placed our Profoto A2 in a Clic Softbox on a lightstand and positioned it to match the natural light direction in the scene.

08 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography BTS scene 3

If you’re shooting alone and it’s windy out, you may need something heavier than the Manfrotto Nanostand, or else you’ll need to weigh it down adequately. From there, the Profoto Connect dialed in the flash power settings (which we then dialed down one and a half stops) and we started capturing photos.

09 profoto most compact lighting setup flash photography Final scene 3 PYE 9388
Final Image – Camera Settings: 1/200, f/1.4, ISO 200 | Edited with Visual Flow Presets


We hope you found this video/article on the most compact lighting setup ever for off-camera flash inspiring and helpful. Having compact and easy-to-use tools like the Profoto Connect allow us to worry less about the technical aspects of working the gear and focus more on our artistry, on the creative aspect of capturing photos. Of course, we can always assume more control and really dial in every detail regarding our camera and flash settings when necessary, but even then, these tools make that easier to do as well.

Capture & Create Giveaway with Zenfolio, SLR Lounge, and Visual Flow ($2,199 Value) Mon, 02 Oct 2023 18:06:43 +0000 Finding success as a photographer requires more than having quality camera gear. After all, what good will great gear do us if we don’t know how to use it? And who will ever see our work if we have no means of sharing it? In an effort to share essential tools for pushing your creativity and building a photography business with a real chance to succeed, SLR Lounge has partnered with Zenfolio and Visual Flow for the Capture & Create Giveaway. Through this special giveaway, one lucky winner in our community will win a full year of Zenfolio’s ProSuite, lifetime access to SLR Lounge Premium education, and a full bundle of Visual Flow Presets. That adds up to over a $2,000 value!

Check out the details below to learn more about each of the prizes as well as how to enter to win!

The Giveaway Prizes

Zenfolio ($430 Value)

Zenfolio Dashboard 1

If you’re not yet familiar with Zenfolio, they provide an all-in-one business solution to show, share & sell your work. You can take advantage of Zenfolio’s website builder to create a beautiful site and share photo galleries that allow clients to view, favorite, comment and buy straight from an integrated e-commerce store. On top of that, you can streamline your business with Zenfolio’s automated workflow tools, which include everything from crafting automated seasonal campaigns, email templates and blogs to booking sessions and having your clients pay for products and services instantly on your site.

Check out the full list of features included in Zenfolio’s ProSuite here.

SLR Lounge Lifetime Membership ($999 Value)

HCIVQxLoTdqtDOSmDhwX file

SLR Lounge Premium represents the best of our online educational content. With a Lifetime Membership, you’ll enjoy streaming access to 30+ full workshops and over 1,200 videos on a variety of topics, from camera basics to advanced flash photography. This includes our Wedding Photography Training System, Flash Photography Training System, Photography Business Training System, and more.

Learn more about SLR Lounge Premium Memberships here.

Visual Flow Presets Bundle ($770 Value)

all lightroom preset packs

Born from a partnership between SLR Lounge and DVLOP, Visual Flow Presets are unlike any others. Like all presets, they were designed to simplify the editing process, but they were also designed to suit a broader range of lighting conditions. Visual Flow’s patent-pending lighting condition-based approach to image processing makes it easy to create consistent, high quality, refined, and professional images, regardless of the style or type of photography. To date, Visual Flow has released six preset packs (including the brand-new Radiant pack) as well as the Retouching Toolkit and Black & White Mixer Toolkit, all of which are included in this bundle.

Learn more about Visual Flow presets here.

How to Enter the Capture & Create Giveaway

You can enter using the widget below or by clicking this link. There are a total of four ways to enter. The giveaway ends October 31, 2023.

Capture & Create Giveaway with Zenfolio, SLR Lounge, and Visual Flow

Good luck!

Affordable Top Cameras for Portrait Photography Tue, 26 Sep 2023 15:00:50 +0000 You’ve no doubt heard the adage, “the best camera is the one that’s with you,” made famous by creative entrepreneur Chase Jarvis. One way to read that is that it’s a photographer’s creativity and mastery of the craft that allows for the creation of great imagery, as opposed to the camera gear they use. There’s truth in that sentiment, but gear actually does play a significant role, and photographers working in different genres can find benefits in using gear that is better suited for particular applications.

Today, we’re going to look at the top cameras for portrait photography and cover a variety of options, from DSLR to mirrorless cameras. We’ll also recommend a few lenses to round out a solid portrait photography kit. While smartphones serve us well in their convenient proximity, professional photographers more often rely on dedicated cameras like those included in the list below to deliver professional results.

Let’s get started.

Different Types of Cameras for Portrait Photography

Before we dive in, we should briefly establish the different types of cameras that we’ll refer to and explore on our list of top cameras for portrait photography.


MPB used top cameras for portrait photography cameras side by side

  • DSLR Cameras: DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras are a type of digital camera that feature a mirror mechanism and optical viewfinder, allowing photographers to compose shots directly through the camera’s lens. When the shutter button is pressed, the mirror momentarily flips up, exposing the image sensor to light, and capturing a high-quality image.
  • Mirrorless Cameras: Mirrorless cameras are typically digital interchangeable lens cameras that lack a traditional optical viewfinder or reflex mirror, opting instead for an electronic viewfinder (EVF) to present a real-time display of the image sensor’s view. The absence of a mirror and optical viewfinder distinguishes them from DSLR cameras.

So, which type of camera should you get as a portrait photographer? As it stands, both types of cameras will deliver professional results. Each offers manual control over settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, making them ideal for professional photographers and enthusiasts who seek precise control and exceptional image quality. That said, the main concern really has to do with the direction in which the industry is heading and the impact that will have on available lenses and other pieces of the portrait photography puzzle.

Trends Towards the Future for the Top Cameras in Portrait Photography

For the most part, over the last 7-8 years, the industry’s focus has shifted to mirrorless cameras, and most of the latest innovations in camera and lens design have revolved around the mirrorless option. That said, you can still find top-shelf DSLR cameras on the market, and if you score a used camera from the list below, you’ll get a top performer for a great price & value.

Camera Features That Impact Image Quality

Knowing that both camera types offer models that work beautifully within the realm of portrait photography, we’ll now look at certain features that impact image quality that portrait photographers should consider when purchasing a camera.


MPB used top cameras for portrait photography crop vs Full frame comparison couple

A camera’s sensor size ranks high on the list for important features. It directly impacts image quality and–as a result–creative possibilities. The two most popular sensor sizes you’ll find when exploring different cameras for portrait photography are full-frame (named as such because its dimensions are roughly equivalent to a standard 35mm film frame, offering a sensor size of approximately 36mm x 24mm) and APS-C (crop sensors, which you can learn more about here). Portrait photographers generally prefer full-frame sensors, which you can find in both DSLR and mirrorless cameras, for the following reasons:

Better in Low-Light Scenarios

Larger sensors, such as those found in full-frame or medium format cameras, excel in low-light conditions by capturing more light, resulting in reduced noise and greater dynamic range. This also has to do with the camera’s ISO capabilities and using RAW files as opposed to compressed jpegs, but the sensor size plays a key role.

Shallow Depth of Field

MPB used top cameras for portrait photography 85mm lens

Full-frame sensors also facilitate a shallower depth of field, allowing for artistic control over background blur (bokeh) and subject isolation. On the flip side, smaller sensors, like those in compact cameras or smartphones, prioritize portability but may struggle in low light and offer limited control over depth of field. Being able to capture a shallow depth of field is crucial for portrait photographers to get the look that most portrait clients desire.


MPB used top cameras for portrait photography zoom

Another factor that has to do with image quality, megapixels (one megapixel equals one million pixels) directly affect the level of detail and resolution in images. A higher megapixel count means the camera can capture more individual pixels, resulting in sharper and more detailed photographs, especially when images are printed in larger formats. This extra resolution also provides flexibility for cropping and post-processing, allowing photographers to fine-tune their compositions. Again, it’s essential to note that megapixels are just one factor in image quality, and factors like sensor size, lens quality, and low-light performance also play crucial roles. Therefore, while megapixels are significant, they should be considered alongside other features when choosing a camera that suits your specific photographic needs. Most cameras these days pack enough megapixels to where it is not really an issue (anywhere between 20-30 megapixels will do).

Other Important Features to Consider When Purchasing a Camera for Portrait Photography

Here are a few more important features to consider when choosing between the top cameras for portrait photography, all of which you’ll find in the cameras we’ve included in our list.

Autofocus Points

MPB used top cameras for portrait photography autofocus

The number of autofocus points impacts the camera’s ability to achieve accurate and precise focus in various shooting scenarios. As you might imagine, more autofocus points distributed across the frame enable the camera to track and lock onto subjects more quickly and effectively, whether they are moving or standing still. This versatility really counts in fast-paced situations like sports, wildlife, or even wedding photography. Many of today’s top cameras feature autofocus systems with precise subject-detection and tracking capabilities.

Lens Compatibility

Professional photographers need options when it comes to choosing which lenses to use for a session. For this reason, it’s important that the cameras in this list be compatible with a variety of lenses, especially those with attributes that work well for portrait photography. Here’s a brief description of those ideal attributes.

Focal Length

What makes focal length especially important in portrait photography is that portraits tend to focus on the faces and bodies of our subjects, and the focal length we choose can greatly impact how the features of our subject’s faces and bodies appear. For example, a close-up headshot portrait of a subject taken with a wide-angle lens (16-24mm) will look distorted and exaggerate the size of the subject’s nose. At the same time, a longer focal length, ideally between 85mm and 100mm, will yield more flattering results.

Depth of Field

Portrait photographers and their clients generally love shallow depth of field. A shallow depth of field works well for separating subjects from the background and creating a creamy bokeh that adds a dreamy look to imagery. We mentioned that the sensor size can impact depth of field, but lenses with wider apertures (f/1.2 to f/2.8) can achieve a shallower depth of field. Fixed aperture lenses, whether they’re prime or zoom lenses, typically offer wider aperture settings, which is what portrait photographers want.

Fast Focus

In some instances, photographers need their lenses to focus quickly. When moments pass quickly and can’t be repeated, which happens often at weddings, a slow-focusing lens could cause you to miss those important moments. Prime lenses set with wide-open apertures tend to focus more slowly, especially depending on the make and model of the lens. If fast focus is a crucial factor in your portrait session, you’ll want to balance your aperture and focusing speed to get an acceptable depth of field without missing moments.


Portrait sessions can happen anywhere, and certain locations carry different demands that impact which lenses will work best. For example, when shooting in tight spaces, a wider angle lens will likely prove more usable than a telephoto lens. Zoom lenses can come in handy here to cover more ground, but you’ll want one that offers a fixed aperture of at least f/2.8 to meet the other requirements listed above. Some lenses, like macro lenses in the 100mm range, feature incredibly short minimal focusing distances. This works well for capturing both highly detailed closeup shots, which you might need to feature details of a subject’s dress, and wider portraits with limited lens and perspective distortion when space allows.

Look for specific lens recommendations under each of the cameras listed below.

Price & Value

Most everybody has a budget, and at the end of the day, our budget will ultimately decide where we can jump into the gear featured on this list. We’ll organize the cameras by price brackets so that you can get an idea of what the cameras in your price range offer.

To help maximize your budget, we’re going to look at used cameras from MPB. The latest models will cost more, of course, but the following options will do the job very well and save you money right out of the gate.

Top Cameras for Portrait Photography Under $1,600

Don’t be fooled by the lower prices. While on the “budget” side of this list, these top cameras for portrait photography under $1,500 still pack a powerful, creativity-enabling punch. In fact, some of these options represent the most versatile workhorses in the group, each loaded with essential features to ensure you can deliver professional quality images time and again.

Canon 5D Mark IV

MPB used top cameras for portrait photography canon 5d mk iv

The Canon 5D Mark IV makes an excellent choice for portrait photography for a number of reasons. First and foremost, its full-frame sensor delivers outstanding image quality and it delivers great low-light performance. The 5D Mark IV’s high resolution, at 30.4 megapixels, also allows for extensive cropping and post-processing while maintaining image quality. In addition, its 61 autofocus points and Dual Pixel CMOS AF helps with subject tracking, which can prove particularly useful for capturing tack-sharp photos even when the subject is in motion.

With dual card slots, this camera also provides an in-camera backup system (one SD card slot and one CF card spot) when you enable both cards to save your files. While dual card slots are especially important for wedding photographers, any professional portrait photographer should consider this a must-have feature for ensuring that no photos are lost. Overall, its combination of image quality, autofocus capabilities, and lens compatibility make the Canon 5D Mark IV one of the top cameras for portrait photography.

Nikon D850

MPB used top cameras for portrait photography nikon d850

Ask basically any pro photographer you come across, and they’ll tell you this. Nikon’s D850 excels as one of the top cameras for portrait photography. The D850’s reputation is well-known and equally well-earned. Its high-resolution full-frame sensor, boasting a massive 45.7 megapixels, delivers stunning image quality with remarkable dynamic range. Regarding the latter, the camera’s wide ISO range and low-light performance provide flexibility in all kinds of lighting conditions. In addition, its precise 153-point autofocus system is both accurate and reliable. Like the Canon 5D Mark IV, the D850 also features dual card slots, but for this camera, one slot is for XQD/CFexpress B cards, and the other is for SDXC/SDHC/SD cards. This is a workhorse, and it’ll deliver pro quality without a doubt.

Fujifilm X-T5

Fujifilm x t5

You were probably expecting a Sony here, but we want to shed light on other notable brands as well. That said, let’s now turn our attention to the Fujifilm X-T5. Its APS-C sensor, which has built a rep for Fujifilm’s color science, produces incredible image quality. The X-T5 features an advanced autofocus system, which includes face and eye detection, to ensure precise subject tracking. Furthermore, the X-T5’s compact and lightweight design is perfect for portraiture on the go. You can also expect to find a wide selection of high-quality Fujinon lenses for this camera. One of the more unique features associated with this camera involves Fujifilm’s film simulation modes. These film simulation modes offer creative versatility in-camera that portrait photographers (and their clients) will love.

Another Worth Exploring

Top Cameras for Portrait Photography Under $2,500

The next set of cameras we’ll look at will take us up to the $2,500 mark. Their unique features and sleek design will set them distinctly apart from the rest of the list.

Olympus OM-1

Olympus om 1 camera

Olympus is known for blending style and functionality, and they’ve delivered with their flagship camera, the Olympus OM-1. The OM-1 is a compact and lightweight, highly durable camera. Its highly portable design and top-level weather-sealing makes it ideal for on-location portrait shoots. This camera features incredible 5-axis in-body image stabilization, as well as two high-resolution modes, capable of producing impressive 50MP and 80MP images using a specialized Tripod High Res mode. Regarding lenses, the camera is compatible with Zuiko lenses, which are known for being fast and sharp. It’s a perfect camera for portrait photographers who appreciate that vintage style and the feel of analog photography.

  • Camera Type: SLR-style mirrorless
  • Sensor Size: Four thirds
  • Megapixels: 20.4
  • Autofocus Points: 1,053
  • Lens Mount: Micro Four thirds
  • Lens Recommendation: Olympus M.zuiko 45mm f/1.8 ($189 – New) | Olympus M.zuiko 75mm f/1.8 ($542 – New)
  • Portability: Highly portable and rugged
  • Price: $1,779 (Like New)

Canon EOS R6

canon eos r6

The Canon EOS R6 comes packed with a 20.1 megapixel full-frame sensor the delivers exceptional quality imagery, even in challenging, low-light conditions. The camera’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF II system is renowned for its speed and precision, offering reliable eye and face detection for both photo and video shooting. Its in-body image stabilization is particularly effective, providing up to 8 stops of stabilization. The R6’s 4K video capabilities, including oversampled 4K from the full sensor width and high frame rate options, make it an excellent choice for hybrid shooters.

  • Camera Type: Mirrorless
  • Sensor Size: Full-frame
  • Megapixels: 20.1
  • Autofocus Points: Stills: Max. 6,072 selectable AF point positions / Up to 1,053 AF areas (auto selection) | Movie recording: Max. 4,968 selectable AF point positions / Up to 819 AF areas (auto selection) – from Canon
  • Lens Mount: Canon RF Mount
  • Lens Recommendation: RF 50mm f/1.2 ($1,949 – Like New) | RF 85mm f/1.2 ($2,249 – Excellent) | RF 70-200mm f/2.8 ($2,499 – Like New)
  • Portability: Highly portable
  • Price: $1,739 (Like New)

Sony Alpha A7 IV

MPB used top cameras for portrait photography sony a7 iv

The Sony a7 IV really needs no introduction, and it was bound to find its way onto this list of the top cameras for portrait photography. Featuring a 33-megapixel full-frame sensor, it delivers stunning image quality with remarkable detail, dynamic range, and low-light performance. The a7 IV’s houses an advanced autofocus system, with real-time eye tracking and subject recognition. As a portrait photographer, you’ll appreciate how well this autofocus system works in low-light portraits, active scenes, and crowded spaces.

Like the Olympus above, the a7 IV features impressive in-body image stabilization, which allows for handheld shooting at slower shutter speeds when necessary. Additionally, the a7 IV offers a versatile range of compatible Sony lenses. Its compact and lightweight design also make this camera ideal for portraiture. After revolutionizing the mirrorless camera game (and the camera game in general), Sony could inhabit the entirety of a top camera list by itself, but this particular camera makes a fine entry on this list.

Top Cameras for Portrait Photography Over $2,500

We’ll round out our list with a few cameras that jump over the $2,500 line. After you see what they can do (and if you try one for yourself), you’ll understand the jump in price.

Canon EOS R5

Canon EOS r5

And now to the current favorite of our very own Pye Jirsa, the Canon EOS R5 is the bearer of many remarkable qualities. With its high-resolution 45-megapixel full-frame sensor, it delivers exceptional image quality and impressive dynamic range. The camera’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF II system provides precise autofocus, particularly when it comes to eye and face detection. Additionally, the EOS R5 packs powerful in-body image stabilization (like some of the others mentioned previously on this list). In a lot of ways, it seems this camera was designed as a vehicle for Canon’s extensive range of high-quality RF lenses. You’d be hard-pressed to find better lenses for the cameras on this list. Furthermore, for those who also do video (or are looking to get into it), the camera’s 8K video capabilities offer an extra dimension for video portrait projects. You can find our full review of the EOS R5 here.

  • Camera Type: Mirrorless
  • Sensor Size: Full-frame
  • Megapixels: 45
  • Autofocus Points: 5940 AF areas that cover virtually 100% of the frame (from Canon)
  • Lens Mount: RF
  • Lens Recommendation: See RF lens recommendations above (for EOS R6)
  • Portability: Highly portable (see our YouTube channel for countless examples of this camera being used in the field)
  • Price: $3,199 (Like New)

Sony Alpha A7S III

MPB used top cameras for portrait photography Top Sony

The Sony Alpha A7S III is a full-frame camera with a 12.1-megapixel sensor. While it’s modest in resolution, it delivers impeccable image quality with remarkable low-light performance, making it easier to capture sharp images in challenging lighting conditions. The camera’s advanced autofocus system, which features real-time eye tracking and subject recognition. You’ll also find solid in-body image stabilization in this camera. Like others on the list, the camera is compatible with a wide range of high-quality Sony lenses and other 3rd-party lens makers. Its robust build, responsive performance, and 4K video capabilities further expand its versatility, making the A7S III a solid choice for portrait photographers aiming for exceptional results in both photography and videography.

  • Camera Type: Mirrorless
  • Sensor Size: Full-frame
  • Megapixels: 12.1
  • Autofocus Points: 425 with 100% viewfinder coverage
  • Lens Mount: E Mount
  • Lens Recommendation: See Sony lens recommendations above (for A7 IV)
  • Portability: Highly portable and rugged
  • Price: $2,949 (Like New)

Nikon Z9

MPB used top cameras for portrait photography nikon z9

The most expensive camera on our list (but not the most expensive portrait camera on the market), the Nikon Z9 offers a very high-resolution 45.7-megapixel full-frame sensor, which delivers professional image quality with a wide dynamic range. The Z9 also introduces a groundbreaking mechanical shutter capable of silent shooting at an impressive 120 fps, an industry-first. Some other highlights include a 3-way tilting touchscreen, an advanced autofocus system with real-time eye detection and subject tracking, as well as in-body image stabilization. Like other mirrorless Nikon cameras on this list, the Z9 is compatible with a wide range of high-quality Nikon Z lenses. The camera is well-built and ready for the road. If you’re curious about its video capabilities, it can shoot 8K video, making it an excellent choice for portrait photographers aiming for top-tier results in both photography and videography. You can find our full review here.

  • Camera Type: Mirrorless
  • Sensor Size: Full-frame
  • Megapixels: 45.7
  • Autofocus Points: 493 with 100% viewfinder coverage
  • Lens Mount: Nikon Z Mount
  • Lens Recommendation: 50mm f/1.2 ($1,699 – Excellent) | 85mm f/1.2 ($2,499 – Excellent) | 70-200mm f/2.8 ($2,199 – Like New)
  • Portability: Highly portable and notably rugged
  • Price: $4,499 (Like New)

Other Cameras Worth Exploring

Conclusion | Top Cameras for Portrait Photography

We hope you found this list of the top cameras for portrait photography helpful. Of course, it’s not an exhaustive list (we didn’t really touch on medium and large format cameras, which are much higher priced), but it should give you a solid starting point as you consider growing your arsenal while your photography business and interests continue to grow as well. It’s worth noting, other gear-related factors that will heavily impact your portraiture include the lenses you use (which is why we noted the lens compatibility with each of the cameras above), lighting (whether natural or flash), posing, and post-production style. But all of that is for another batch of articles. In the meantime, if you’re looking for tips on trading in your gear to level up, be sure to check out our guide here on when and how to buy, sell, and trade in camera gear.

Retouch4me | AI Photo Retouching Workflow Tips Thu, 21 Sep 2023 15:00:09 +0000 Over the last year, you’ve no doubt become aware that A.I. has dramatically changed the photographer’s workflow. Tasks that used to take considerable time, for example, such as selecting subjects or removing background objects, now only take seconds. And that’s just a hint of what AI is capable of. In this video/article, we’ll focus specifically on plugins by Retouch4me and show you how we’ve incorporated these tools into an effective AI photo retouching workflow. For about a year now, they’ve delivered consistent results and saved us a tremendous amount of time, and we think they can save you a lot of time as well, especially if you do quite a bit of retouching work. We’ll show you what we love about this powerful new tool and how we’ve put it to work in our studio.

Video:Retouch4me | Using AI Photo Retouching Workflow

What Is Retouch4me?

Retouch4me is an Estonian company that specializes in creating A.I. powered photo retouching tools, and they can be used as standalone apps or also as plug-ins for Photoshop. We mostly use it for the latter as it fits neatly into our AI photo retouching workflow.

01 retouch4me plugin photoshop app retouching prices
A few of the many available plugins from Retouch4me

The cost varies between $124-$149 per plugin, but the time they save and the quality of the work they render make them a worthwhile investment. That said, we would suggest that you make sure to choose only the plugins that serve a specific purpose in your workflow and address a pain point, as opposed to making a purchase simply because you think it would be kind of nice to have on occasion. The good news is that you can try each plugin for free before you purchase it. There is even a free plugin for frequency separation.

Special Offer: 20% Off for the SLR Lounge Community

We’re excited to share a special offer from the Retouch4me team that will save SLR Lounge community members 20% off the price of any or all of the plugins featured in this article, as well as the ones we didn’t cover. To save 20%, use the following code during checkout: SLRLounge20

Okay. Let’s get into it.

Our Retouch4me Workflow, Pt. 1: The “Portrait Volumes” Plugin

As promised, we’ll start right inside of Lightroom Classic and show you how we’ve incorporated Retouch4me into our AI photo retouching workflow.

Step 1. Upload Your Images and Apply a Basic Look

01 LR retouch4me plugin photoshop app retouching

Begin by loading the images you intend to edit into Lightroom, and go into the Develop module to apply a basic look. If you have a set of presets that you like to use, go ahead and choose a preset. For the first image in our example, we’re going to apply the “Soft Light” preset from Visual Flow and make a tiny adjustment by lifting the blacks.

AI Photo Retouching Workflow, Step 2: Export the Image into Photoshop

Once you’re done with this step one, press “Control/Command + E” to bring your image into Photoshop.

Step 3. Apply Your Retouch4me Plugin

02 retouch4me plugin photoshop app retouching favorites

Of course, your process and tastes might vary, but one of our favorite plugins to use is the “Portrait Volumes” plugin. To find it or any of the other plugins, go to the Filter menu, select “Retouch4me,” and then choose your desired plugin from the dropdown menu. The reason we like the “Portrait Volumes” plugin so much is that it can be applied to just about every single image that we create, and it makes quick improvements across the board, making it an effective part of our AI photo retouching workflow.

03 retouch4me plugin photoshop app retouching scale and blend
Scale tool in the lower left corner | Blend tool in the top center | Soft Light Layer in the top right corner

There are a few tools you should be aware of after choosing your plugin. The first is the scale detection tool in the lower left corner, just below your image. You can choose auto mode or select from different options such as closeup portrait mode, among others. The second tool to look out for is the blend tool, which you can find in the top center, just over your image. Adjust the blend tool to get more or less of the effect of the plugin. We usually leave it around 120%. Finally, you can create a soft light layer, too, if you like. Find the checkbox for this option in the upper right corner.

AI Photo Retouching Workflow, Step 4: Apply the Adjustments You’ve Made to Your Image and Save

couple in flower field

Next, it’s time to apply the adjustments we’ve made to our portrait. So, what did it do exactly? Well, the Portrait Volumes plugin creates depth in your images and enhances them overall. Once the adjustments have been made, you can go ahead and save out your image.

Our Retouch4me Workflow, Pt. 2: Stacking the “Heal” + “Dodge&Burn” Plugins

Of course, we’ve just barely scratched the surface. Now, we’ll show you a bit more of the power of these tools. To do this, we’re going to start stacking these plugins together. Once you arrive at a look that you like, you can save your steps as a sort of Photoshop preset or action and then run it across your entire batch of photos. Using this process, you can edit a huge batch of photos in no time. Here’s how to do that.

Step 1. Upload Your Image and Apply a Basic Look

04 Before After LR retouch4me plugin photoshop app retouching copy
Lightroom adjustments (before – top | after – bottom)

Like last time, upload your image into Lightroom and then start with the basic overall look. This image looked a little pink, so we adjusted the tint and then brought the exposure up.

AI Photo Retouching Workflow, Step 2: Export the Image into Photoshop

Once again, press “Control/Command + E” to bring your image into Photoshop.

Step 3. Apply Your Retouch4me Plugin

For this round, we’ll pair the “Heal” plugin with the “Dodge&Burn” plugin. To begin, go to the Filter menu, select “Retouch4me,” and then choose the “Heal” plugin from the dropdown menu.

05 LR retouch4me heal plugin photoshop AI photo retouching workflow

After you select the “Heal” plugin, turn your attention to the Sensitivity tool in the top center, just above the photo. We can move the slider left or right to adjust the sensitivity of the plugin as we see fit. For this image, we opted to leave it fully up. When you get the slider where you want it, press the “Apply” button in the lower right corner to apply the effect to the image.

06 retouch4me Before and after heal AI photo retouching workflow
Before (left) and after (right) using the Heal plugin

What you’ll notice right away is that the plugin already made a huge improvement, as subtle as it was. Basically, the plugin detected all of the blemishes on our subject’s skin, “healed” them, and then left everything else alone.

Step 4. Add a New Layer with the “Dodge&Burn” Plugin

Now, we’re going to press “Alt + Control + Shift” or “Option + Command + Shift” to get everything to a new layer because we’re going to layer the “Heal” edit with the “Dodge&Burn” plugin. With the new layer selected, go back to the Filter menu and select Retouch4me and choose the “Dodge&Burn” plugin.

AI photo retouching workflow clean up

We left the automatic scale detection on and then adjusted the Blend slider to dial in the effect. Together, these edits made a huge improvement over the skin while retaining freckles and other features of the skin.

Now, you will notice that in some cases it is actually affecting the background, like it is with this particular image. The reason why that’s happening is because the background is kind of the same color tone as the skin. So, it might be misinterpreting it as skin, but those are really easy things to mask off if needed. This edit looks fine as is.

Our Retouch4me Workflow, Pt. 3: The “Clean Backdrop” Plugin

This time around, we want to show you one of the more specialized tools for your AI photo retouching workflow, the background or backdrop cleanup tool. If you shoot in the studio often, especially if you’re using white infinity walls (or whatever color it might be), you already know how regularly the floor gets scuffs and marks on it. It’s annoying because it takes a good amount of time to clean up in both life and in post-production. With the “Clean Backdrop” plugin, however, now you mostly just need to worry about cleaning the real floor now and then.

Step 1. Upload Your Image in Lightroom and Apply a Basic Look

By now, you know the drill. Get your image into Lightroom and add whatever preset you want to get the image ready for the next phase, using the Retouch4me plugin in Photoshop.

Step 2. Export the Image into Photoshop

We should point out that while we like to use Retouch4me in the plugin format in Photoshop, we do like the standalone aspect. This holds especially when it comes to batch processing, which we’ll cover as well.

07 retouch4me content aware fill selection

But, for an image like this, Photoshop allows us to quickly select the areas we want to work on (see the image above) and use generative fill or, in this case, content-aware fill. Photoshop does a beautiful, base-level job of automatically fixing these kinds of issues in the background.

Step 3. Apply the “Clean Backdrop” Plugin to the Image

Now, go to Filter, select Retouch4me, and choose the “Clean Backdrop” plugin.

08 retouch4me medium dirt clean backdrop plugin

You will have the option to select which type of “dirt” (coarse dirt, medium dirt, etc.) the plugin will look for when cleaning up the image. We opted for medium dirt. Choose the option that best suits your image and then watch the magic happen. It might take a minute, depending on the speed of your computer as well as the resolution of the file that you’re working with.

09 before after full photos

Look at the before versus the after. It’s wild how much of this image is fixed and ready to go. That said, be sure to inspect the image and catch anything that might’ve been missed.

10 retouch4me double check image

In our example, we noticed blue tape on the floor, which we can then quickly fix with our patch tool inside of Photoshop.

AI Photo Retouching Workflow Pro Tip: Anytime you need to clean the backdrop for a large number of portraits like this, where they need to look good but not necessarily perfect, just batch process all of them using the plugin as a standalone app. A good example of this would be for proofing examples in which your client needs to approve and choose the images they want. You don’t want to fully retouch images they won’t keep, but you can use this plugin to make the images look almost perfect, barring any last minute cleanups like the blue tape we had on the floor.

Our Retouch4me Workflow, Pt. 4: Creating Actions

Now, let’s put this all together. We’ll show you how to create an action now using these AI plugins as part of your AI photo retouching workflow.

Step 1. Upload Your Image in Lightroom and Apply a Basic Look

11 retouch4me LR before actions

So we’re going to start with this image and I’m just going to play a basic look again before sending it over to Photoshop.

Step 2. Export the Image into Photoshop

Like before, press “Control/Command + E” to bring your image into Photoshop.

Step 3. Create a New Folder and Stack Plugins to Create the Action

Now, from here, let’s create a new folder and rename it as “Actions.”

12 retouch4me new actions folder

Next, press the plus and name your action (see the image below). We called ours “Portrait Special Sauce.”

13 retouch4me new action

The goal for creating this action is to create a look that we can apply to all of our portraits. Because it will be so widely used, it should probably be somewhat subtle, but also significant enough to positively impact the image. While you’re setting this up, you’ll likely want to leave most all the plugin options on “auto” mode because you want the AI to be able to detect what it is that you’re applying it to.

Here are the plugins we’ve included in our Portrait Special Sauce action:

You can use these actions to batch process your images, but you can also set Lightroom Classic to export and apply those actions to every single image that you export.

Once you’ve finished stacking plugins, press “Stop” (see below).

14 retouch4me new action stop

Remember, because you’ve layered a bunch of AI tools, it’s going to take a bit of time to process, especially if you’re processing this over a large batch of images, or any number of high-resolution images.

New Retouch4me Plugin: Color Match

15 retouch4me color match

Retouch4me recently released Color Match. This powerful new plugin allows you to create “LUTS,” or “lookup tables” or color grading effects based on reference files. Here’s how you can use it.

Step 1. Choose an Image to Edit

couple in color match edit image to use in AI photo retouching workflow

The first thing you want to do is open an image in Color Match. We’re using one from a recent shoot.

Step 2. Load a Reference File

retouch4me color match reference for AI photo retouching workflow

Next, you’ll need to load a reference file, which can be any image from anything, including a still from a Hollywood movie (which you can find on Google or some other search engine). We’ll used a scene from the movie “Inception” for reference. This film uses the popular teal and orange color-grading effect.

Step 3. Adjust the Blend

Adjusting the color match blend as part of an AI photo retouching workflow

Once your edit photo and your reference file are loaded, you can begin adjusting the blend on the reference file and dialing in settings like Luminance, Color, and Smoothing. As you make adjustments, you’ll notice how the AI is matching the color grading effect from the reference file over to the image you’re editing.

Step 4: Export Your LUT for Future Use

You can also export your reference file settings as a LUT, which you can then use inside of Photoshop, or in Lightroom as a profile, or even in video editing apps and more. When you export the LUT, Color Match gives you the option to save it as a Q file, which you can then use inside other applications.

Before We Go: Some Wiggle Room for Improvement

One of the things that we’d like to see is some more tools and functionality inside of each of the plugins where we could apply and see the adjustments that we made.

We also wish everything was optimized a little more so that it all worked a bit faster, especially when applying the edits across large sets of images. For example, if you’re doing a thousand images and you’re applying the action that we just created, you’ll want to let your computer run basically overnight.

Of course, that could just be our computer.

It’s important to remember, though, that even the time it takes to apply the edits is really the computer’s time. Afterall, it doesn’t actively take our time to run automatic edits on the computer, right?

Final Edits Using Retouch4me

AI photo retouching workflow final sample 1

AI photo retouching workflow final sample 2

AI photo retouching workflow final sample 3

AI photo retouching workflow final sample 4


I hope you found this overview helpful in terms of understanding how Retouch4me’s AI-based plugins can streamline your AI photo retouching workflow. The huge benefit of using these AI tools really reveals itself when we’re able to let the computer do a lot more of the manual work on our behalf, which in turn frees us up time to focus more on the vision of what we’re creating. If you’re in the business of handling loads of photos, especially as a studio, portrait, or wedding photographer, Retouch4me plugins are your time-saving secret weapon. Be sure to choose the plugins that best suit your needs and then put them to work.

To find out more about other Retouch4me AI-based plugins, you can visit the website.

Zno Review | Is This the Future of Professional Photo Labs? Tue, 19 Sep 2023 15:00:09 +0000 Traditionally, when photographers need to print photos, professional photo albums, and wall art for their clients, they use whatever design software they prefer and then send their files off to a separate print lab to be printed. Sometimes, they send the files to multiple professional photo labs, depending on which print products they need. The system has existed this way amongst professional photo labs for some time, but it has arguably grown ripe for disruption. Similar to the way Netflix disrupted Blockbuster by streamlining the means through which customers could access television and movies, one lab has set out to change the way professional photographers design, order, and/or sell prints. Zno, whose products and services we’ve previously reviewed, continues to simplify each step of the printing process, from design to print to delivery, and they do it all in-house. As noted in appraisals on Zno from many industry photographers, this is a welcome change.

In this Zno review, we’re not going to review all of the products that Zno offers, but rather look at how their basic approach to the professional printing industry differs from everyone else. More specifically, we’ll take a general look at the print lab scene as it largely exists today, consider how Zno fits into this scene, and share our thoughts on how Zno’s products and services might reshape the future of professional print labs.

Photo Printing Professionals vs Photography Studio Software

01 zno review album design software photo book

As it stands, a divide exists between professional print labs who print our photos and the software companies who code the software we use to design all of our print products, including prints, albums, wall art, and more. It’s true that you can find exceptional print labs and well-designed software that each exist in their own realms. Furthermore, some of these companies have partnered up to make it easier to transfer work from one place to another, but we still have to deal with multiple resources to get to our finished product. While there’s something to be said for specializing in one area to master it rather than play a jack of all trades, Zno believes it’s possible to master both and allow photographers to get everything they need under one roof, so to speak. Zno’s goal, then, is to eliminate the need to use multiple resources to complete the task of printing our clients’ photos, which should save both time and money.

So, Where Does Zno Fit into the Picture for Professional Photo Labs?

Zno, sometimes also called “Zno Lab,” presents itself as an alternative to the current state of the professional print lab industry. As we’ve noted above, they offer both photography studio software and an extensive range of their own in-house printed photo lab products, including professional photo albums, among others. Because Zno offers photography software and printing, they stand out from classic American photo labs like Bayphoto, Millers Lab, and WHCC, or European labs like Graphistudio and Nphoto.

To be clear, each of those labs produces quality work, and their reputations precede them. But this brings us to our next point.

You Can Use Zno to Print with Bayphoto, Millers Lab, WHCC, Graphistudio, Nphoto and More

03 zno review design software 3rd party print labs

Despite touting their own professional print lab with an extensive line of quality products, Zno has still made it easy to print with several top print labs. According to their team, Zno sees no point in taking an all-or-none approach, even though they believe in the benefits of their all-in-one platform. That said, those who use Zno’s album design software, online proofer, cloud-based client photo galleries, or other software and services, are not restricted to using Zno for prints.

In fact, Zno has an extensive list of preformatted album specs that are ready to be exported for a long list of labs (literally), including the following, many of which we’ve reviewed on this site:

– Album Epoca

– Album Foto HD

– Albums Remembered

– Artifact Uprising

– Bay Photo Lab

– Bookva

– Couture Book

– Dekora Album

– DH Imaging

– DOTlab

– Dutch Ink Albums

– Enso Albums

– Eprinttoo

– Finao

– Flipchap

– Folio Albums

– Freedom Edits

– Graphistudio

– GTA Imaging

– H&H Color Lab

– Hand Imaging

– ilFotoalbum

– Indie Film Lab

– ISISbook

– Jingoo

– Jorgensen

– Kala Albums

– Koy Lab

– Laguna

– LeuXo Company

– Loxley Color

– Millers Lab

– Memento Pro

– Musea

– Nations Photo Lab

– Natural Color Photo Lab

– Nphoto

– One Vision Imaging

– Oodio

– PCL West

– Photo Productions

– Printique

– ProDPI

– Profotonet

– QT Albums

– Queensberry

– Recordia

– Red Tree Albums

– Sage Wedding Albums

– Silver Grain

– Sim Imaging

– Snap Albums

– The Album Master

– The Wee Album Company

– UAF Imaging

– Vakcolor

– Venice

– WHCC (White House Custom Color)

– Wild Magnolia Designs

– Wooden Banana

– Yellow Rebel

– Zookbinders

As you can see from this extensive list, professional photo labs exist in a highly competitive environment. There are a LOT of options out there. Interestingly, this sort of crowding typically leads to further isolation between companies as they set up limitations on who they’ll work with. As a result, photographers and their clients alike are left to choose a print lab that accepts their design file format rather than one whose print products they appreciate the most. Or, they’ll sacrifice on the software side and use a less desirable software option in order to work with their preferred lab. This isn’t a problem for everybody, but it is an issue for many.

I believe this approach speaks to Zno’s confidence in each component of their platform to offer a means to print with other professional photo labs and even provide a means to do so more easily. In reality, everyone wins with this sort of openness. I can’t really think of too many companies who’ve taken this particular client-centric approach.

Zno vs Fundy Album Designer and Pixellu Smart Albums

zno review layflat photo book design software for professional photo labs

To further build on the point above, we can see that Zno Designer can genuinely be used as independent album design software for third party labs. This falls in line with other top software designers like Fundy Album Designer and Pixellu Smart Albums. We’ve used all of the above, and each has earned its place as a top competitor. They all boast incredible features and intuitive interfaces. The key difference, however, comes down to the fact that Zno Designer is cloud-based, and their design software ties directly into their app ecosystem, which includes their online photo gallery.

I recommend checking out our more in-depth look at Zno’s all-in-one cloud platform for album design software and more for more details on exactly how their ecosystem works and how it can impact your workflow. It’s absolutely worth looking into.

Let’s Not Forget Pixieset, Shootproof, Zenfolio, and Smugmug

zno review estore gallery from professional photo labs

On the topic of galleries, which we briefly mentioned above, Zno’s client gallery connects to an online store for professional photographers to sell their products with a storefront. Again, they’ve taken a multi-pronged approach to serving the needs of photographers and they’ve covered a lot of ground. Having access to an online gallery that connects to an online store (with 0% commission) takes so much of the hassle out of managing print sales, especially in regards to past clients. Using Zno Estore is easy, and the store maintains itself once you’ve set it up.

Zno Review | Conclusion

I hope you found this Zno review helpful. Plenty of services exist in the area of professional photographic printing, from the designers we use, to the proofers, galleries, printers, and online stores. While many companies put up strong offerings in each of these specialized areas, few offer multiple resources in one place. Among those who have spread their wings to include multiple resources, fewer still cover all of them. At my estimation, Zno’s approach is unique and one to set them apart from the crowd. What’s more important is that each of Zno’s software and print products is of superior quality. We’ve used them ourselves and have exceeded many of our clients’ expectations when delivering their prints, albums, and wall art. The affordable pricing they’ve set only makes it all the more enticing. If you’re looking for ways to streamline your workflow for printing and print sales, or even just for one aspect like designing albums, you should look into what Zno has to offer. As more people learn about their services and products, the more likely it is that what they’re doing will change what professional photo labs currently are into what they potentially can become.
