DJI – SLR Lounge Photography Tutorials and News Mon, 16 Oct 2023 23:58:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DJI – SLR Lounge 32 32 The Persian Wedding Photography Guide Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:26:52 +0000 Persian wedding traditions are filled with rich symbolism, most of which are tied to ancient Zoroastrian traditions dating as far back as the second millennium BC. From the ayeeneh and shamdoon (mirror and candelabras) used to represent light and fire to the kaleh ghand (sugar cones) that are rubbed together over the heads of the bride and groom to bring sweetness into their lives, symbolic traditions abound during Persian weddings. Modern couples usually explore a variety of customs and then seamlessly blend these ancient traditions into their ceremony.  In the following article, we will give you essential Persian wedding photography tips with the following key tips:

Understand The Major Events from the Culture


The first step in photographing Perisan weddings is to understand the basic structure and order of events for the ceremony.  While you don’t have to necessraily memorize each and every event, you should be familiar with them so that you don’t miss anything.  Here’s the typical structure:

Typical Structure of a Persian Wedding

  1. Processional
  2. Sofreh Aghd – Ceremony
  3. Bale/Kelling – Consent
  4. Asal – Honey & Kiss
  5. Tala – Gifts of Gold
  6. Kalleh Ghand – Sugar Cones Overhead
  7. Family Blessings
  8. Recessional

We detail each of these in our article on Wedding Maps about Persian Weddings.  Be sure to read those over prior to your first Persian Wedding.

Photograph the Details of the Sofreh


Capture every detail of the sofreh, from the smallest to the largest details, at wide, medium and tight angles.  Each item usually symbolizes some aspect of the bride and groom’s relationship and marriage, and some items, such as powdered sugar, will be incorporated into the ceremony.  Plan more time photographing these details than you might normally schedule for other types of weddings.

Watch Your Reflections!


Avoid catching yourself or any other distracting elements in the mirror reflection throughout the ceremony.  The good news is that the mirror is usually angled upwards, so as long as you’re not close or above the mirror, you should be fine.  While these are things you can fix in Photoshop, you ideally want to get it right in camera.

Be Prepared for a Custom or Blended Ceremony


Ask bride and groom during the pre wedding talk-through for any non-typical events/moments.  Some brides and grooms modify their ceremonies to incorporate non traditional or modern elements.  Some couples may also opt for a shortened version of the traditional ceremony.  Clear communication prior to the ceremony should reveal these modifications.

Maximize Use of the Ceremony Site


The Sofreh is a centerpiece of the wedding and a large portion of the wedding couples’ budget.  It also makes an interesting, beautiful backdrop for photos.  So maximize your time there and consider doing a large portion of your couples session and family formals right there at the ceremony site.

Use Your Intuition and Prior Experience


Rely on your intuition and stay aware the entire ceremony.  Remember to capture wide, medium, and tight shots for a complete set of storytelling images.

Designate where shooters will be for various parts of ceremony.  You may find yourself facing the audience to capture the bride and groom as they often sit together on a bench, facing away from the audience for part of the ceremony. Either way, find positions to catch the necessary angles and tell a complete and cohesive story.

Be Ready for Petal Tosses


While not necessarily a cultural tradition for Persian weddings, a petal toss if a common event at the reception.  Ask the coordinator or the bride/groom if this will be happening at the wedding so that you can be ready for this moment.

Read the Full Persian Wedding Photography Guide

If you’re looking for more guidance on Persian weddings, we created a full guide to help prepare photographers to successfully photograph Persian weddings. The guide, available exclusively for our SLR Lounge Premium Members, includes  information and tips on the following:

  • Glossary of Persian wedding terms so you’re familiar with every aspect of the wedding.
  • Sample wedding day timeline so you can anticipate and prepare for each moment.
  • Overview of Persian wedding traditions, including the sofreh aghd,  kaleh ghand, jashn e aroosi, and more.
  • Photography tips so you can anticipate moments and create artistic, story-driven wedding photographs.
  • 80+ reference images for inspiration.
  • Plus more!

Learn All of the Persian Wedding Traditions

More Persian Wedding Photography Tips

We have included insightful photography tips for covering Persian weddings, from the aghd (traditional Persian wedding ceremony) to the jashn e aroosi (reception party), using our experience photographing numerous Persian weddings over the years. With recommendations on where to position team members, which angles to capture, and which lenses work best to capture those angles, the tips in this photography guide will give you the knowledge to anticipate moments and create artistic story-driven wedding photographs that honor the respective religions, traditions, and cultures of your clients.

Visual Inspiration for Persian Weddings

In addition to the photography tips, the accompanying images featured in each section of this guide have been included for visual reference. Culled from the catalogs of Lin & Jirsa Photography, each image directly relates to the topic at hand and should serve to inspire you when you find yourself applying what you’ve learned under the constraints of a real working environment.

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Tea Ceremony Photography Tips and Inspiration Wed, 23 Aug 2023 15:18:08 +0000 Tea ceremonies are a traditional part of many Chinese, Vietnamese and other Asian weddings.  They are important rituals that symbolize the couple’s respect for their families, and their commitment to each other.  The ceremony usually takes place at the bride’s house, but it can also happen in other locations, such as hotel rooms, gardens, or wedding ceremony sites.  In this article, we’ll review what you need to know as the photographer or cinematographer, and give you some tips and inspiration for photographing this beautiful tradition!

marlies hartmann vietnamese weddings 002
Image by Marlies Hartmann | Website

Understand and Manage The Timeline

As with most cultural traditions, each couple and each family may take a unique approach to cultural traditions.  For example, some Vietnamese couples will have two ceremonies, one at the bride’s house and then another one at the groom’s home.  Other times, they only have one, and sometimes they skip the event all together. In another example, when a Chinese or Vietnamese bride or groom is marrying someone from another culture, it’s not uncommon to see the tea ceremony incorporated into the wedding ceremony itself rather than as a separate event.

As the creative on the job, be sure to memorize and understand the timeline and be flexible for any last second changes or requests. If there are going to be multiple tea ceremonies and outfit changes, make sure the timeline is adequate for full coverage, especially if you’re covering prep for each outfit. Travel time can also add up quickly in densely populated areas. It is not unusual for Chinese or Vietnamese wedding coverage to run between 12 and 18 hours.

Here is a typical order of events for a tea ceremony:

  1. Groom and his family/friends arrive at bride’s home
  2. Door games (more common in Chinese weddings)
  3. Bride makes an entrance
  4. Welcome Speech or toast (often by father of the bride)
  5. Brewing of Tea (Bridesmaid or sibling)
  6. Tea served by bride and groom to relatives  (often in order or seniority)
  7. Gifts provided to the bride and groom (often jewelry)
  8. Food (Often a roasted pig)

Be Prepared for “Everyday” Surroundings

vietnamese tea ceremony home

As mentioned, most tea ceremonies take place in the bride’s living room.  Sometimes these can be beautifully decorated and photogenic and other times, they can be everyday living rooms, with potentially distracting elements like televisions, kids’ toys and more.  Be prepared for any type of environment and utilize your composition and lighting skills to deemphasize unattractive parts of the scene.

Be Prepared for Tight Spaces

tea ceremony photography tips
Image by Lin and Jirsa | Website

Many tea ceremonies have dozens or even hundreds of relatives and friends gathered in a living room or hotel suite.  Be prepared for tight spaces and be sure to stay assertive, while remaining polite, in getting to the optimal positions.  Consider medium zoom lenses, such as a 24-70mm lens for maximum versatility.

Plan Your Angles

If you’re shooting alone and can only get one perspective, it’s usually more important to get an angle that features the people the bride and groom are serving, as opposed to the bride and groom. For coverage with multiple shooters, capture both the bride and groom as well as the guests they’re serving.

tea ceremony photography angles
Image by Lin and Jirsa | Website
tea ceremony scott josuweit
Image by Scott Josuweit | Website

Crop in Tight and Remember the Details

Remember to capture a variety of angles and perspectives.  The most creative and interesting crops are sometimes the tight ones.  This is particularly true if the environment is messy or unappealing.

tea ceremony decor

tea ceremony details
Image by Lin and Jirsa | Website

In addition, tight crops of the action, such as the image of just the hands holding the tea or putting on jewelry can help tell a story.  See the images below.

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Image by Marlies Hartmann | Website
marlies hartmann vietnamese weddings 001
Image by Marlies Hartmann | Website
marlies hartmann vietnamese weddings 004
Image by Marlies Hartmann | Website

Focus on Emotion

In many traditional Asian cultures, the tea ceremony is the actual moment that the bride and groom are married.  Traditionally, it signifies the moment that the bride is leaving her home and joining the groom in a new life.  As you can expect, this can trigger some strong emotions of joy and sadness for the couple and their family members.  Be prepared to capture the action.

tea ceremony emotional photojournalism
Image by Lin and Jirsa | Website
jos tree tea ceremony wedding photography 007
Image by Jos and Tree | Website
jos tree tea ceremony wedding photography 002
Image by Jos and Tree | Website

Carve Out Time Before or After the Ceremony for Portraits

Many times, the bride and groom will be changing out of their traditional attire into a white “Western” wedding dress after the tea ceremony.  So be sure to capture all of the individual and couples portraits that you and your clients want before this happens.  Tea ceremonies are often followed by lunch, so you may have some time there to pull the couple out while everyone else is eating.

tea ceremony portraits
Image by Lin and Jirsa | Website
vietnamese wedding jason vinson
Image by Jason Vinson | Website


We hope that this helps prepare you to capture better tea ceremony images.   If you’re interested in more wedding photography education, we have a full training system that teaches you every aspect of wedding photography, including how to capture cultural weddings such as the tea ceremony.  For more information, check out the Wedding Photography Training System.  If you’re interested in learning about other cultural weddings, you may be interested in the following articles:


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How to Get The Dark and Moody Photography Style Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:00:31 +0000 Dark and moody photography is a style that is characterized by rich, warm, deep colors and shadows. This type of photography often, but not always, has a dramatic, mysterious, or somber feeling.  The style can be used to capture a wide range of genres and subjects, from landscape scenes to portraits. While the dark and moody style may require some extra time to learn both the shooting and editing sides of the equation, the results are worth the effort. You’ll get photographs that have an enduring quality that can make them stand out in a sea of ordinary snapshots. If you’re looking to add a bit of drama to your photos, dark and moody photography may be the perfect style for you.  In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips and inspiration for creating dark and moody photos.

Embrace the Shadows

85 dark moody lightroom presets

Try to get used to histograms that are pushed to the left, with steep spikes in the shadow zones. This is known as a “low key” image, an image dominated by shadows , very few midtones, and just a few highlights to create the interesting parts of the image.

Remember, although it is very useful to understand the Exposure Triangle here, a “correct” exposure isn’t always perfectly in the middle of the histogram! An exposure is correct if it fits your creative vision.

Choose the Right Scenes and Locations

The dark and moody style of photography is a great match for scenes with shadows and blacks such as indoor scenes, golden hour sunsets, and woods or forests, just to name a few.  In contrast, the dark and moody style is generally not as good of a match for bright, high-key scenes with colorful elements.

Of course, this is just a general rule of thumb and the creative choices are entirely up to the photographer.  Here are a few examples of scenes that work well for the dark and moody vibe.

dark and moody photography
Photo by Lin and Jirsa (Website | Wedding Maps Profile)

This is one of the subjects that is covered in the Wanderlust Workshop; be sure to check it out for more information!

dark moody portraits woodsy forest

The best tip you can remember when you are out and about during a photo shoot is, just ask yourself how the location looks and feels. It is really easy to sense the mood of a location!

Edit for the Dark and Moody Style

dark moody photo editing color grading lut

Most photos that start off with at least some good shadows can be edited to greatly enhance a dark, moody style. The best way to start? Simply darken your exposure 1.5 to 2.5 stops, and then raise your Highlights and Whites sliders.

It sounds odd, but this actually gives much better results than trying to start with a brightly exposed image and darken just the shadows. Try it! This is actually one of our favorite tricks for dark and moody photography, and it’s integrated into the Visual Flow Preset System’s Retouching Tool Pack and the Mood preset pack.

Use Flash Sparingly (if at all)

The dark and moody style of photography usually works best with a more organic, natural light approach. Not necessarily because you can’t create similarly dramatic, dark lighting conditions using flash, but because it often just doesn’t look natural.

91 dark moody lightroom presets
Warm Natural Golden Hour is Perfect for This Dark and Moody Portrait


If flash is used, it looks best when it mimics natural light. So, create an image with lots of shadows, use the highlights on the subject to catch the viewer’s attention. Last but not least, you usually want to keep the light directional but soft.

create moody autumn portrait Final before after

In the above example, you can see the natural light image on the left, and the flash added on the right. Our goal with adding flash was to imitate the look of some light filtering through the trees.

create moody autumn portrait Final before after

In editing, thanks to how the image was originally lit and exposed, it becomes easier to enhance the shadows and create a dramatic, dark and moody photo. See how to create this look with our  Rich autumn portrait video tutorial.

Don’t Be Afraid of Direct Light (Don’t Always Shoot Soft Light/Backlit)

1111a dark moody lightroom presets

In portrait photography, we often think that soft light is best, and most of the time, it is.  However, when used with intention and purpose, hard light can be beautiful too, and can match the vibe of a dark and moody photo.

So, for portraits (as well as other types of photos) consider trying direct sunlight, especially when used as side light. Alternately, when using backlight, simply use a darker exposure to accentuate the highlights around the subject. Here are some more examples…

dark and moody sunlight

dark moody photography backlit shadowy portrait

Dark and Moody Photography Inspiration

Below are more examples of dark and moody photography. Enjoy! No matter what type of portraiture subject you photograph, and even if you’re not capturing portraits at all, the dark and moody style has many possibilities…

05 lightroom presets 10 lightroom presets MoodPack After 10
Photo by Tanya Parada (Website | Wedding Maps Profile)
03 lightroom presets 08 lightroom presets MoodPack After 8
Photo by Tanya Parada (Website | Wedding Maps Profile)

dark moody photography low key

dark moody photos portrait

dark moody portrait by raph nogal
Photo by Raph Nogal (Website | Wedding Maps Profile)

dark moody landscape photography


Dark and moody photos offer a unique, creative view of the world that conveys a strong message. The style of photography may not be for everybody, however, if it resonates with you then hopefully you are feeling inspired to dive in and try it!

For more information and inspiration, see this article on Wedding Maps on Dark and Moody Wedding Photography.

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10 Desert Photography Tips for Beautiful Results Thu, 03 Aug 2023 15:59:32 +0000 When properly executed, desert photography can produce some truly gorgeous results. The patterns, colors, and forms of desert landscapes lend themselves well to the art of photography. In order to make the most out of your next trip to the desert, however, you should follow some basic guidelines. That said, here are eight desert photography tips that can help you fully capture the landscape’s beauty.

This article will cover all types of desert photography.  For more detailed information on desert portrait shoots, see our desert photoshoot article over on Wedding Maps.

Desert Photography Tips

  1. Understand the Different Types of Deserts.
  2. Make Sure you Prep for Tough Conditions
  3. Bring All the Essential Gear
  4. Choose the Right Lenses
  5. Fall Back on the Basics of Landscape Photography
  6. Seek Out Patterns
  7. Let the Sun Provide Low-Angle Lighting
  8. Capture the Full Colors of the Sunset
  9. Snap Breathtaking Silhouettes During Twilight
  10. Make Use of the Gorgeous Night Sky

Understand the Different Types of Deserts.

While there are many types of deserts from a scientific perspective, from a photographer’s perspective, there are three primary types of backdrops that you’ll encounter: 1) Deserts with sand dunes, 2) Deserts with plants and 3) Deserts with rock formations.  See some of the examples below.

Deserts with Sand Dunes

Sand Dunes are the quintessential desert photo.

Photo by David Mendoza (Website)

Deserts with Plants

The cacti and other drought tolerant plants in the desert are full of character, with spikes, textures and shapes not found anywhere else.

Desert Photoshoot
Photo by Jason Vinson (Website)

Deserts with Rock Formations

The rock formations in desert landscapes create beautiful backdrops for desert photography.

Red Rock Engagement Photo Desert
Photo by Marlies Hartmann (Website)
arizona desert wedding photo
Photo by Santiago Almada (Website | Wedding Maps Profile)

Make Sure You Prep for Tough Conditions

desert photography tips weather conditions

There’s a reason deserts have less life than more verdant regions. The dry conditions and the ceaseless sunlight make it tough for most organisms to get by, and humans are no exception. In order to cope, make sure you bring a hat, clothes that cover your skin, and a powerful sunblock. You should also consider planning your trip for the colder months of the year. A journey into the desert can be unpleasant and even dangerous during moments of extreme heat. Plenty of water is also a must in the desert no matter when you visit.

In addition, be prepared for unpredictable weather events such as sandstorms.

Desert Photography Tips Sand
Be prepared for sandstorms, which may damage your equipment, during your desert photography adventures.

Bring All the Essential Gear

1 desert photography tips stars sunset

In addition to health and safety-related supplies, you also need to pack the photography equipment necessary for desert photography. A typical outing will require the following pieces of equipment:

  • Lenses, from wide-angle to telephoto
  • A tripod
  • A lens pen for removing sand from cameras
  • A lens cover
  • Extra batteries
  • An umbrella for the tripod during high winds

You might get away with missing some of this equipment, but you should try to bring as much of it as possible.

Choose the Right Lenses

desert photography lens

While you should try to bring as many lenses as you can realistically carry, some are more important than others. A wide-angle lens is essential for capturing as much of the beauty in a single frame as possible. It will also allow you to show the full beauty of foreground details. A telephoto lens, meanwhile, is perfect for capturing beauty in the distance. A huge desert photography tip when selecting lenses is to identify your subject and choose a lens accordingly.

One important note is that you should try your best to avoid unnecessary lens changes in the desert, especially in deserts with fine grain sand.  A little bit of bad luck with the wind and your camera body can get infiltrated by pesky sand that is hard to clean.  If you have to choose, stick to a versatile focal length range such as 24-70mm.

incredible vacation photos composition in desert
Image captured with a Canon 24-70mm lens

Fall Back on the Basics of Landscape Photography

desert photography tips

While a desert’s geography is certainly unique, you can still employ the basics of general landscape photography, especially when it comes to composition. A desert photography tip to keep in mind is to keep your eyes peeled for leading lines, interesting forms, and tidy framing possibilities. This should be easy given the number of fascinating objects present in a typical desert landscape. Lines are especially prevalent in arid climates, with sand, rocks, and cacti providing exciting composition opportunities.

Related Reading: Tips for Visiting and Photographing the Death Valley Super Bloom

In the following example, see how Tanya Parada utilizes negative space in her composition to illustrate vastness.

Image by Tanya Parada (Website)

Seek Out Patterns

sand patterns

One of our favorite desert photography tips is to search for patterns in the sand to aid in your composition. Windswept sand, scraggly plants, and twisted rock formations can all boast unique and exciting patterns. Always be on the lookout for these when roaming the desert with your camera. Train your eye on what’s near and far, big and small. You might find a pattern on a tiny stone by your feet or a series of distant mountain peaks. Wherever they present themselves, patterns make for great photography.

Let the Sun Provide Low-Angle Lighting

2 DJI Mavic Air 2S Review Drone Images

Desert scenes often boast wonderful natural lighting. This is especially true in the winter when the sun is lower in the sky. Some of the most spectacular desert photographs are taken with the sun backlighting cacti or other plant life. Try visiting the desert in the morning or late afternoon, and always keep your eyes peeled for these ideal conditions.

Backlit Desert Wedding Photos
Photo by Kevin Holding (Website)

Capture the Full Colors of the Sunset

Sunset Desert Photography
Photo by Rey Benasfre (Website)

The dry weather in the deserts are often accompanied by incredible oranges and reds in the sunset skies. Be prepared to capture these colors by utilizing the proper sunset photography techniques. In particular, watch your histogram to ensure that you aren’t blowing out any highlights or clipping any shadows. This will allow you bring back all of these colors in post production. We recommend using the HDR Natural Presets in the Visual Flow Preset packs.

Sunset Sand Dunes
Photo by Jessie and Dallin (Website)

Snap Breathtaking Silhouettes During Twilight and Sunset

desert photography tips silhouette

The minutes immediately following sunset provide some of the best opportunities for sensational desert photography. Whatever you lose in color is easily made up for by the spectacular shading of desert silhouettes. From cacti to rock formations, all sorts of desert features look their best in profile before a darkened sky. If you arrive in the desert earlier in the day, make note of any arresting features while taking your daytime shots. Then, once the sun has begun setting, hurry back to these spots for remarkable twilight shooting.

See the sunset silhouette examples below.

silhouette engagement photo in the desert
Photo by Dan Dalstra (Website)

Make Use of the Gorgeous Night Sky

As breathtaking as the desert can be during the day, some argue that it becomes even more beautiful at night. The unique forms and rugged beauty of a desert landscape provide ambitious photographers with a great opportunity to put their nocturnal skills to the test. To really capture the essence of the desert night sky, you’ll need a full-frame camera, a wide-angle lens, and a cable release so you can avoid touching the camera. With the right equipment and an appealing subject for the foreground, your nighttime desert photos could be the best shots of your entire trip.

Desert Night Photography
Photo by Marissa Joy Daly (Website)

What to Check Before Heading Out

Now that you know all of these helpful desert photography tips, it’s time to plan the photography trip of a lifetime. Here are some questions to ask yourself before heading out:

  • Have I packed everything I need for the harsh desert conditions?
  • Have I planned my trip for the right time of year?
  • Have I made sure the weather forecast is okay?
  • Have I checked for the possibility of dangerous sandstorms?
  • Do I have all the equipment I need?

If you answered “yes” to all these questions, then it’s time to grab your camera and hit the desert.

Conclusion: Bringing Your Desert Photographs to the Next Level

The desert is one of the most breathtaking natural landscapes on the planet. With the necessary equipment and proper mindset, you should be able to capture some truly spectacular images. Keep these desert photography tips in mind as you plan and execute your trip.

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12 Creative Photography Ideas & Techniques to Try Tue, 01 Aug 2023 16:12:06 +0000 Some people are born with more natural creativity than others, but that doesn’t mean that creativity can’t be trained and developed like a muscle.  With the right tools and enough practice, anyone can learn how to capture impressive, impactful creative photography.  For those moments that you find yourself in an artistic rut, we’ve compiled a list of creative photography ideas below.

Idea #1: Pano Stitching (AKA Brenizer Method)


Also known as The Brenizer Method, wide aperture panoramic stitching allows you to create a narrow depth of field and focus on your subject while still showing every detail of the environment. Perfect for scenic shots, this is a great way to mix it up when you’ve got an incredible scenic background to show off. Usually created by stitching 9 to 24 (or more) images together, this technique takes some practice and specific settings to pull off.

Panoramic images have such a dynamism about them – they hold the ability to capture an expansive space and compress it into a single image. Create high resolution environmental portraits via the Brenizer Method that showcase your subjects and their surroundings. Wide aperture panoramic stitching works best with lenses that give you a shallow depth of field and greater compression. Watch our full course on conceptualizing & executing the Brenizer method here.

Creative Photography Idea #2: Spray Bottle


A spray bottle is a simple tool that you would never think to use for photography, mostly because we stay clear of all water whenever given the chance.  Essentially, the water droplets on the lens catches light coming into the lens and creates interesting bokeh patterns across your image.  If you’re worried about damaging your lens, try doing this creative photography idea with a lens filter over the lens.

See the full spray bottle tutorial here.


  • Spray water on desired part of the lens
  • Control the size of the foreground bokeh by adjusting your aperture (wider aperture = bigger bokeh)
  • Make sure there’s no dirt on your lens, because you can scratch your lens while wiping the water off

Creative Photography Idea #3: Mixed Lighting


Although most shooters tend to stay clear of mixing lighting to avoid discolored skin-tones, the effect can actually increase the interest of your image when done correctly.

The trick is to separate the light sources so the temperatures don’t mix unintentionally or over the subjects’ bodies.  Mixing daylight and tungsten, for example, and then correcting for the skin tones can send your backgrounds into an interesting and moody orange, as you see in the image above.

The opposite is true when you light your couple with a tungsten light during blue hour.  The mixed lighting sends the skies into a deep blue, adding interest, as you see in the image below.

blue hour photography

For more information, see our articles on White Balance and Color Temperature.

Creative Photography Idea #4: Long Exposures

A sky full of stars as a backdrop is bound to leave your clients impressed and is quite possibly one of easier tricks as it requires no gimmick, just a little extra time in post production. These shots can either be composited with a starry night sky or if you choose to do a single shot long exposure, you can use Rear Curtain Sync on your off-camera flash.

Creative Photography Idea #5: Free Lensing


This technique requires some DIY-ing but it creates a look that brides are sure to love. Free lensing is a technique that uses broken lens to let light bleed through the edges of the frame, creating different flares and color. We’ve used a broken Canon 50mm f/1.8 for the shot above, holding it off the camera body allowing light to flare through. Aperture doesn’t play a role in the photo considering the lens has been stopped down to a specific number prior to usage and it’s disconnected from the camera body. This gives images a slight tilt-shift effect without the cost of a tilt-shift lens. See how we post-produce these images here.

Idea #6: Tilt Shift


A tilt-shift lens is meant to throw the focus plane off, helping you focus on multiple subjects to create interest or correct perspective. At first, it is difficult to navigate the functionality of a tilt-shift lens, but like any other technique it’s a matter of trial and error. Understanding how the focus plane works is the main hurdle to cross because it is such a non-traditional perspective. The image above was created using a Canon 90mm f/2.8 Tilt Shift lens.

Creative Photography Idea #7: Shoot Throughs


Here is a technique that requires you to think outside the box no matter what location you are in. Shooting through objects can yield you with a variety of unique compositions, flares, and perspectives. We have a full special effects course outlining the various accessories that can be used to create dramatic and uncommon light flares, or even to re-create golden hour.


Idea #8: Atmospheric Aerosol/Fog


A little bit of fog in some places can add a lot of depth and texture to a scene. Fog machines would be the ultimate tool for a trick like this, however, they are often too cumbersome to carry around on shoots, and they do cost a pretty penny. Here’s where Atmosphere Aerosol comes to the rescue: these cans of fog are extremely affordable and allow you to spray the areas you want the fog.  Of the creative photography ideas listed in this article, using this product is one of the easiest and most straightforward.


  • Fill the scene with the desired amount of fog
  • Using a reflector (or any thin, broad object), waft the fog around to control the spread

Idea 9: Whip Pan


Having a lens with built in IS (image stabilization) will create a straighter line going across the image. Watch the full tutorial of the whip pan technique here.


  • Slow shutter speed to 0.5-1 seconds
  • Loosen tripod head
  • Press shutter button then quickly pan in one direction
  • Use rear curtain sync to freeze subject

Idea #10: Reflections


A prism can be used to add unique reflections, change your composition, or even add a flare. The best part is that it’s portable, and you can bring it to any shoot. See how we created the image above in this behind-the-scenes video!  At around $20, adding a prism to your toolkit will give you an easy way to add creativity to your images.  Like any of these ideas, just be sure to not overuse it, as it can become too identifiable and cheesy if you do.


  • Bring the prism up to your lens, twist and turn until you find your desired composition
  • Keep note of which photos you like and how you held the prism, so you can easily re-create the look later

#11 – Double Exposure

wedding portrait with double exposure
Photo by Sunshine and Reign

I’ve always been fascinated with double exposures. Whether you create them in-camera (which is challenging but a lot of fun) or later in post production software like Photoshop, you can create some cool effects and communicate surreal and conceptual ideas. The possibilities are endless with this one. Read more about how to create double exposures in-camera and in Photoshop in these two articles:

Idea 12 – Composites & overlays

Photo by Tanya Smith

It’s fun to get creative in Photoshop with overlays and composite elements. Whether you add a simple cloud overlay to add interest to the sky, a texture overlay to bring some life and feeling into your images or elements that are difficult or impossible to capture live (like smoke, lighting, fire, water splashes, etc.) overlays and composite elements can help take your images from regular to extraordinary photo illustrations.  Read my tutorial for creating the above composite here:


Having a few of these creative photography ideas up your sleeve can help you distinguish yourself from other photographers.  They can help you transform average or boring scenes into interesting ones.  And, of course, they’re fun to try and practice.   So get out there and try them!

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Best Wedding Album Makers for Professionals and Hobbyists Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:00:00 +0000 Despite the format shift in photography from film to a digital, we can still find plenty of value in printed photos. They provide a tangible link to our most important memories and they don’t vanish into cyber oblivion after gaining a few “likes.” For wedding photos in particular, which often number in the thousands per wedding, nothing beats a high-quality, well-crafted wedding album to retell the story of that epic day for generations to come. Wedding albums also provide an excellent means to showcase your work as a photographer. To help you choose between the best wedding album makers, we’ve compiled a list of go-to companies and broken it down between those who exclusively serve professional photographers and others who cater more to everyday consumers.

Best Wedding Album Makers for Pros

The following wedding album makers primarily serve professional photographers, and most (in this section) require a special account available through photography studios only. All of the companies on this list have earned their reputation over time, consistently producing and delivering top-quality photo albums that let your photos shine and make your customers happy.

Vision Art

Vision Art is the SLR Lounge selection for the “Best Wedding Album Maker” for professional photographers.

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When most people think of photo albums, they might not understand the difference between a professionally crafted album and a consumer-brand album. Vision Art provides luxurious, stylistic, and intricate wedding albums with quality that you can see and touch. Here’s a quick rundown of why it’s one of our preferred wedding album makers.

Custom Design Options

Unlike some of the more consumer-based wedding album options, often limited in terms of pre-designed layouts, cover and paper choices, as well as options for page finishes, Vision Art albums allow for more customizable design so that your clients will get the exact album of their dreams.

Clients can choose from a wide range of book sizes, binding & cover styles, materials, paper thickness, and more. In regards to designing the layout, you can use software like Fundy, Adobe InDesign or Photoshop, Pixellu SmartAlbums 2, or even Album Stomp to create jpegs, which you will submit to Vision Art for print. From the inside out, wedding albums from Vision Art are each one-of-a-kind.

Seamless Spreads and Flat Binding

Wedding albums with flat binding have become all the rage and for good reason. Vision Art’s flat-bound albums provide a perfect viewing experience by giving you flat and smooth print-outs across flat, seamless spreads.

Value for Money

Vision Art uses top quality materials to produce their albums, including archival inks for photos that will last a lifetime. What’s more, they pair such ink with a one-of-a-kind matte paper for a luxurious feel. These wedding albums are built to last, and the quality becomes apparent as soon as you hold one of their albums in your hands.

Bay Photo

Another high-quality wedding album maker worth looking into is Bay Photo. We’ve used Bay Photo for years and we’d recommend them without hesitation. Aside from producing amazing albums, Bay Photo also serves as a one-stop printing shop with a host of quality photo album and wall art products. Here are a few highlights that make Bay Photo one of our trusted wedding album makers.

Customizable Album Styles

Bay Photo’s three album styles include the Pacific, Sunrise, and Softbound albums. Every category carries a specification that you can mix and match for a personalized approach. The Pacific line allows for extensive customization, with cover options like paper, acrylic, metal, or wood photo covers, not to mention numerous other options for building  your perfect album. A few other design options include page thickness, page gilding, rounded or squared corners, and photographic or fine art paper types, among others.

Pro-Quality Paper Surfaces

In addition to great customization features, one standout option for designing albums includes the variety of paper surfaces that Bay Photo offers. You can choose from metallic, glossy, deep matte velvet, or luster for a unique appeal.

Free Design and Ordering Tools

Bay Photo has simplified the design and ordering process by offering in-house Bay Designer album design software. You can download and install the Bay Designer software for free, and then use it to design the album. You will select ordering options (such as cover options, paper types, and more) as you design the album, making it easy to submit the order once the design is complete.

Budget-Friendly Prices

For couples who can’t afford to splurge on a wedding album but still desire to have one, Bay Photo albums have budget-friendly options that make it a win-win for both you and your clients.


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This album maker has long been one of SLR Lounge’s go-to options. It’s probably one of the oldest wedding album makers we’ve worked with that continue to provide top-notch quality for its clientele. Listed below are some of the reasons why it’s worth looking into using their products.

Undeniable Quality and Consistency

At no additional cost, the “Finao Police,” quality control experts will preemptively notify you of any issues with your files that might compromise the overall quality of the prints and ultimately, the output.

Customizable Options and Variety of Choices

To truly cater to clients’ needs for personalization, Finao offers a variety of materials and designs. From cut or creased pages to round or square spines, you can fine tune the album to your needs. A couple of our favorite album options include the ONE luxury flush mount album, as well as the nextONE matted album.  Regarding the latter, matted albums represent the “apex of elegance,” and you can custom design this option to include both flush and mounted pages to create a truly unique wedding album.

Reasonable Pricing

Finao’s pricing places this option somewhere in the mid-range. It is not the cheapest option, but the consistent quality we’ve mentioned above makes using Finao a worthwhile investment.

Blacksmith Print Co.

blacksmith wedding album makers for professional photographers featured image

A rising star among the top wedding album makers is the photographer owned & operated Blacksmith Print Co. Founded in 2013, Blacksmith Print Co. prides itself on offering top-quality prints and albums, using only the best materials.

High-Quality Leather Covers

One of Blacksmith’s standouts is their use of high-quality Italian leather for the album cover. Available in seven options (four solids and three distressed), these leather covers are the real deal. Blacksmith does not use or offer faux-leather or vinyl cover options.

Heirloom Linens for a Unique Cover

Blacksmith Print Co. offers heirloom linens as a material for an album cover, an option that is hard to come by. The seven coated options you can choose from define elegance in their presentation and are guaranteed to be stain-resistant.

Unparalleled Quality and Customer Service

The Blacksmith Print Co. is owned and managed by a photographer who understands the need for amazing, impeccable, and high-quality albums. They’ve chosen to bypass the traditional route of many other album makers, which includes pitching themselves at all of the wedding conventions and trying to take on any photographer who wants to use them. Instead, they select the photographers they work with through an application process, and the attention they’re able to give to their photographer clientele, as a result, is unmatched.

Miller’s Professional Imaging

Millers wedding album makers for professional photographers feature

A quick look through one of Miller’s Signature Albums will leave a lasting impression on how you measure quality in photo albums from that point forward. One of the photography industry’s premier wedding album makers, and print labs in general, Miller’s has earned a stellar reputation based on their consistent high quality output over the years.

Customizable Options for Wide-Ranging Budgets

Like some of the other top options on this list, Miller’s offers an incredible range of options that you can use to customize the wedding album and fit both small and big budgets. With everything from wraparound covers using genuine leather or fine linens to archival quality photo and press papers, and a host of design options in between, Miller’s albums will undoubtedly exceed your client’s expectations.

In-House Art Department

Miller’s employs a team of experienced design professionals in their in-house art department. They can handle everything from retouching photos to designing your album. You can request a quote to take advantage of this service and then add the fee to the final cost of the album. If the service falls outside of your client’s budget, Miller’s has partnered with a number of album design software companies, such as Fundy Designer, Pixieset, and Zenfolio, to make themselves compatible with your design workflow.


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The best of Italian album design is now within reach thanks to GraphiStudio! GraphiStudio boasts the very best of Italian craftsmanship in its albums, wall art, custom boxes, books, and prints. Each album is crafted in Italy, which may add to the waiting time, but as you could probably have guessed, their albums are worth the wait.

Wide Array of Quality Print Products

Like Bay Photo, GraphiStudio provides a wide range of products, including wedding albums, custom books, prints, wall art, and boxes. For clients looking to purchase and album as well as quality wall photo display can have their prints done by GraphiStudio.

Tailor-Made with High-Quality Material Options

GraphiStudio offers more book options than many of the other wedding album makers. Each of GraphiStudio’s photo albums is handcrafted with top-of-the-line materials, high-quality prints, and impeccable finishings. Their “Original Wedding Book,” for example, which features a patented panoramic flush mount, offers seven paper options from photo lustre to HD glossy, and the 22 cover options include organic linen and full grain leather, among others.

Innovative Design Options

GraphiStudio is pushing what’s possible with innovative design options, such as those offered in their exclusive Digital Matted Album. The level of customization is unprecedented with the available choice of formats, papers, covers, and coordinated accessories.

Best Wedding Album Makers: Available for Retail Consumers

It’s now time to discuss our top picks for wedding album makers that focus more on retail consumers and do not require a professional account. Don’t let the consumer access turn you off, however. While some consumer-based album makers might offer fewer design options, that is not always the case. Some consumer-centric product lines are actually fully customizable. Also, the quality of their products, in some cases, ranks right up there with professionally produced albums. Here are a few of our favorites.


zno wedding album makers for professional photographers feature

Zno offers premium quality products at a fraction of the price of many “professional” print labs, and there’s no shortage of design options. If you’ve never ordered through Zno, they’re definitely worth a try. In fact, they’re confident enough in their products to offer a free, pre-designed album so that you can see their quality for yourself.

Integrated All-in-One Cloud Platform

Zno offers an all-in-one cloud platform not only for designs, but also for printing, galleries, slideshows, proofing (which costs a small fee to use), and more. This is ideal for clients who are looking for a full range of print products.

Variety of Designs and Bestsellers to Choose From

Zno’s album line-up includes bestsellers such as the Layflat Photo Book, Fine Art Album, and Flush Mount Album. You can also make your photo album part of a Presentation Box Album USB Set with a customizable USB drive, to give your clients the best of both worlds in terms of digital files and prints. These bestsellers are not only ideal for weddings but other events as well.


mpix wedding album makers for professional photographers feature

MPix, owned by Miller’s Lab, prides itself on the perfect mix of experience and visual quality that you can feel in their wedding albums. While you don’t have to have a professional account to use Mpix, they do offer a reward’s program that comes in handy for those who make frequent orders.

Flexible Album Pricing

People with limited budgets can still bask in the greatness of their memories because of Mpix’s flexible pricing. Customers can choose from economy books, premium books, or signature albums. The Signature Photo Album closely resembles the albums produced in pro labs with lay flat features, leather-bound covers, and archival quality prints and paper options. They also cost a bit more than Mpix’s other book options.

Easy-to-Use Design Software

Mpix’s in-house Album Builder design software makes it easy to design custom layouts and let the images tell the story they were meant to tell. Also, with a max of 100 pages to fill in the Signature album, you’ll have plenty of room to arrange an elegant layout for your clients.

Fast, Expert Shipping and Excellent Customer Service

MPix cares for its customers by providing excellent customer service and noticeably quick shipping. When you receive a shipment from Mpix, their expertise in packing their prints for safe travel becomes apparent. We’ve ordered a number of prints (even framed prints) from Mpix over the years and they never let us down. Also of note, their customer service team responds quickly to product inquiries.

Variety of Print Products

Mpix is one of the few wedding album makers on this list that serves as a one-stop shop for all kinds of photography prints and gift options. For example, they offer photo blankets, mugs, dog tags, luggage tags, magnets, holiday ornaments, and even playing cards! This strays a bit from the focus of this article, but is still useful information depending on what you or your clients are looking for.


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While you might not expect Shutterfly to offer elegant, professional quality wedding albums, the truth is they do. They even offer easy-to-use design tools to help you build a timeless book, and you can do it on a budget.

Reasonably Priced

If budget is a concern, Shutter Fly offers affordable options. They are known to be one of the biggest album makers in the photography community and one of the reasons why is their affordable prices.

Comes with Shutter Fly Software for Editing

Coming up with a layout for a photo album is now made easier with Shutter Fly’s native software. In it, you can put in cutouts, use available templates and add in some text for a unique presentation. They also offer and recommend an automatic “Make My Album” design option, using an in-house team, at no extra cost (at least for a limited time). You can still edit and customize your book before ordering when you use this option. This might be an option if you’re newer to album design; otherwise, we would recommend studying album design and practicing on your own to tell your client’s story.

More Information

Along with your album maker, most professionals will need to choose an album proofing solution as well.  See our list of the best online album proofing options to help with that step of the decision process.

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Best Drone for Photography and Video: Top Picks for Stunning Aerial Shots Tue, 25 Apr 2023 03:07:24 +0000 Drones give photographers the ability to create photos and videos from a perspective that is otherwise impossible for most to see. With their ability to capture stunning aerial shots, drones have revolutionized the way photographers and videographers approach their craft. However, with so many drones on the market, it can be challenging to choose the best one for photography and video. In this article, we’ll explore the top picks for the best drones for photography on the market today.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Drone for Photography

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DJI Mavic Pro

Before diving into our top picks, it’s essential to consider what factors are essential when choosing a drone for photography. First and foremost, camera quality is the most important factor. Look for a drone with a high-quality camera that can capture clear, sharp images and videos. Both the sensor and the lens are important; the sensor affects the level of detail, noise, and dynamic range you can capture, while the lens controls the wide-angle (or normal, or telephoto) view you can see.

Image stability is also critical, as it ensures that your shots are sharp and not blurry. (Most drones have a built-in gyroscope, plus electronic/digital stabilization, and these features do an excellent job of stabilizing your footage. )

Additionally, consider the drone’s flight time, (battery life) as it will determine how long you can capture aerial footage, of course. Finally, advanced features like obstacle avoidance, GPS tracking, and FPV (first-person viewer) speed/framerate can make your photography experience more seamless and efficient.

Top Picks for the Best Drones for Photography

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DJI Mavic Pro (DNG raw photo processed with Landscape Lightroom Presets)

Now that we’ve discussed the factors to consider, let’s dive into our top picks for the best drones for photography.  For the majority of photographers and cinematographers, DJI will be the brand of choice, and one of the most useful tools to compare their lineup is their drone comparison page. Read on to see our specific recommendations.

Best Overall Drone

DJI Air 2S

DJI Air 2S

  • Weight: 595g
  • Dimensions (folded): 180×97×77mm
  • Dimensions (unfolded): 183×253×77mm
  • Controller: Yes
  • Video resolution: 5.4K: 5472×3078 @ 24/25/30 HDR
  • Camera resolution: 20MP
  • Battery life: 31 minutes
  • Max Range: 18.5km
  • Max Speed: 68kph/42mph
  • Current Price: $999-1,299

The DJI Air 2S is our choice for the best overall drone because it combines ease of flight with extended battery life and a high-quality camera capable of shooting 5.4K video, or 20-megapixel still images.

The Air 2S is equipped with obstacle sensors that allow it to detect and avoid obstacles from the front, back, top, and below, and it can also alert you to incoming aircraft. Additionally, this model features DJI smart flight modes such as ActiveTrack, which enables the drone to follow and film a subject autonomously while avoiding obstacles.

With its 31-minute battery life, you can take plenty of photos and video shots before landing to swap out the battery. (For a kit with an additional battery, as well as other spare parts, check out DJI’s “Fly More Combo” for $1,299.) The Air 2S can maintain its position steadily, even in moderate winds, so you can focus on your cinematography without worrying about keeping the drone steady.

The Air 2S is incredibly portable, with dimensions of 7 by 3.8 by 3 inches when folded and a weight of only 1.3 pounds. This makes it an ideal choice for travel and adventure; fitting easily into a small drone backpack or a small drone case as part of a larger backpack or suitcase.

Check Pricing for the DJI Air 2S

Amazon | B&H

Best Drone for Photography

DJI Mavic 3

DJI Mavic 3

  • Weight: 895g
  • Dimensions (folded): 221x96x90mm
  • Dimensions (unfolded): 348x283x108mm
  • Controller: Yes
  • Video resolution: 5.1K:HDR 50fps
  • Camera resolution: 20MP + 12 MP
  • Battery life: Up to 46 minutes fligh (5000mAh) or 40 mins hovering
  • Max Range: 15km / 8 miles
  • Max Speed: 68kph/42.5mph
  • Current Price: $2,049-2,849

With the DJI Mavic 3, the manufacturer has built upon the Mavic line, as well as the successful features of the DJI Air 2S, to create an even more powerful drone. This model comes with a 4/3 Micro Four Thirds image sensor that is superior to its predecessor, enabling it to capture even more stunning, detailed photographs.

Additionally, the Mavic 3 boasts a Hasselblad-designed camera. (This was made possible by DJI’s acquisition of a majority stake in the camera manufacturer in 2017.) The camera on this drone has the capability to capture 20-megapixel photographs and 5.1K videos, with overall visuals that are more vibrant and lifelike than from most other drones in the market.

The Mavic 3’s battery life is the longest of any drone currently available, lasting up to 46 minutes on a single charge. With these impressive features, the DJI Mavic 3 sets a new standard for drone photography and videography, providing professionals and enthusiasts with an unparalleled experience.

For those who are looking for a slightly more affordable drone, but still want as much of the flagship Mavic 3 experience as possible, we also recommend checking out the DJI Mavic 3 Classic, which starts at $1,469.

Check Pricing for the DJI Mavic 3

Amazon | B&H

Best FPV Drone


dji fpv drone

  • Weight: 795g (inc battery)
  • Dimensions: 255 x 312 x 127mm
  • Diagonal size: 245mm
  • Controller: Yes
  • Video resolution: 1080p at 120fps, 4K at 60fps
  • Goggles resolution: 1440 x 810 (each eye)
  • Camera resolution: 12MP
  • Battery life: 20 minutes
  • Max range: 10 km / 6mi (or 6km in UK/EU)
  • Max speed: 140kph / 87mph
  • Current Price: $739-1,450

When it comes to drone racing, speed and responsiveness are key factors that pilots prioritize. The DJI FPV drone stands out from the competition with a top speed of 87 mph, making it a popular choice for racing enthusiasts. However, this drone offers much more than just speed. The DJI FPV kit includes everything you need to start flying in true first-person view fashion, making it a great value for the price. Along with the drone itself, the most popular kit (DJI calls it the “Combo”, for $999) comes with the comfortable and user-friendly DJI FPV goggles V2, a remote control, and a new motion controller, among other items.

The DJI FPV drone also offers flexibility in terms of flight modes. With three different options to choose from, pilots can customize their experience based on their skill level. Additionally, the drone is equipped with safety features like an emergency “brake and hover” mode that can be activated by simply pressing a button on the controller. This feature allows the drone to stop and hover stably within seconds, preventing accidents and damage.

In terms of imaging and video capabilities, the DJI FPV drone also delivers excellent results. It can capture 4K video at 60 frames per second, as well as 1080 resolution at 120 frames per second for slow-motion video. With a 150° field of view, the footage captured by this drone is both expansive and immersive. It also has a 12-megapixel camera for still photography. To prevent accidents, the drone system includes collision technology, which detects and avoids obstacles during flight.

Check Pricing for the DJI FPV Drone

Amazon | B&H

Best for Budget Drone

DJI Mini 2 SE

DJI Mini 2 SE

The DJI Mini SE is an affordable, budget-friendly drone that offers features similar to high-end broadcast equipment. It comes with a 3-axis stabilized gimbal, GPS, automatic hover, and return to home, making it easy to use.

The Mini SE also has Quickshots for social-friendly footage, a landing sensor for gentle touchdowns, and is just under the registration (FAA) weight. It offers excellent 2.7K video and includes functions like RAW stills and exposure bracketing.

Its value is incredible, however, if 4K is needed, the newer DJI Mini 2 is recommended. The Mini SE is a merge of the Mavic Mini and Mini 2, offering a new low price while retaining essential features.

Check Pricing for the DJI Mini SE ($339-489)

Amazon | B&H

Best for Long Flights

Autel Robotics Evo Lite+

Autel Robotics Evo Lite

The Autel Evo Lite+ drone is a midsize folding drone that falls between the tiny starters like the DJI Mini 2 and Autel Nano series, and the larger discontinued Evo II Pro and DJI Mavic 3. Despite its size, the Evo Lite+ is relatively lightweight and easy to carry, weighing only 1.8 pounds. Its folded dimensions are about 4.8 by 3.7 by 8.3 inches (HWD), making it portable enough to fit in a bag or backpack.

However, before flying the Autel Evo Lite+ in the US, you will need to pass the Trust test and pay a $5 FAA registration fee due to its weight. This drone is available in three colors: Arctic White, Autel Orange, and Deep Space Gray, giving users the option to choose a color that fits their personal style.

One of the standout features of the Autel Evo Lite+ is its 3-axis stabilized gimbal, which produces smooth, cinematic-looking video at 2.7K resolution. Another unique feature is Autel’s Moonlight algorithm, which allows impressive footage to be created in low-light conditions. This drone also includes GPS for automatic hover and return to home, as well as Quickshots and a landing sensor for added convenience. It’s important to note that the Autel Evo Lite+ is not just a budget drone, but a high-quality option that provides users with a range of useful features.

Overall, the Autel Evo Lite+ is a solid choice for anyone in search of a midsize folding drone that delivers excellent performance and portability. Its lightweight design and advanced features make it a reliable option for capturing stunning aerial footage.

Check Pricing For The Autel Robotics Evo Lite+

Amazon | B&H

Best Drone for Kids

Ryze Tello

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The Tello drone still holds its position as a top-choice budget drone option despite being released in 2018. With DJI’s technology and an Intel processor, the Tello offers powerful digital stabilization for its 720P video. It also comes with removable propellor protection and vision-based downward sensors for safe and accurate hovering and landing.

The Tello drone does not require a remote, as it can be controlled through the EZ Shots control app, which provides a live view and on-screen controls. However, users can also add a Bluetooth game controller if desired. The standout feature of the Tello drone is its compatibility with Scratch, a programming language designed for education, making it an excellent tool for teaching programming. Overall, the Tello drone offers an excellent combination of features and affordability, making it a great choice for beginners and those on a tight budget.

Check Pricing For The Ryze Tech Tello Quadcopter ($99-189)

Amazon | B&H


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DJI Mavic Pro (DNG raw photo processed with Landscape Lightroom Presets)

In conclusion, choosing the best drone for photography requires careful consideration of camera quality, stability, flight time, and advanced features. Our top picks for the best drones for photography all feature high-quality cameras, stability, and advanced features like obstacle avoidance and GPS tracking.

If we had to recommend just one drone, we would go with the DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Its outstanding camera quality, stability, and advanced features make it an excellent option for both amateur and professional photographers. However, each of these drones has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to choose the one that best suits your specific needs.

Overall, drones have revolutionized the way we approach photography, allowing us to capture stunning aerial shots that were once impossible. With the right drone, you can take your photography to new heights and unleash your creativity. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to elevate your photography game and explore the possibilities of drone photography!

Photography Marketing | How to Market Your Photography Business Today Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:00:59 +0000 The “secret” to great marketing in the photography industry is actually no secret at all.  Successful photography marketing today simply requires setting up sustainable systems, making sure your approach is multi-pronged and doesn’t rely solely on a single lead source or strategy. In a previous article, we discussed how to book more photography clients, and in this one, we’ll specifically discuss essential photography marketing strategies to help you grow your business today.

Note: The information from this article is derived from Course 3 of our Complete Photography Business Training System. a 30+ hour, 4 workshop program to help you build the business of your dreams.

1. Marketing to Past photo Clients for Referrals

referral marketing

Marketing continues to evolve but one constant is the power behind word-of-mouth referrals. According to Nielsen, 83% of consumers say they either completely or somewhat trust recommendations from family, colleagues, and friends about products and services.

All photographers need to incorporate marketing to past clients as part of their workflow. It starts with a great overall client experience, timely delivery of images and making the client feel valued. Beyond that, consider campaigns like sending surprise prints and other gifts to turn clients into raving fans. Consider staying in touch with them via email, social media, and perhaps even in person. One approach is to consider anything you would do for a friend, from sending Christmas cards to staying up-to-date on their major life events.

2. Vendor and photography Network Referrals


Regardless of your photography genre, getting the recommendations of other professionals can benefit your business and serve as a consistent source of leads. While different for every genre, these professionals might include make-up artists, model agencies, wedding planners, wardrobe designers and more.

The best way to market to vendors and other professionals is to simply benefit their business in any way you can. This includes referring them business, giving them additional exposure and recognition on your social media, and getting their work published in related magazines.

3. Photography Marketing with SEO and Content

seo for photographers

Online search is still one of the most frequent methods of finding services like photography. According to the Search Engine Journal, 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine so incorporating SEO into your photography marketing is essential to long term growth.

SEO for photographers still starts with good content. Create information-rich, useful, shareable content on your website. Answer questions and become a trusted, reliable resource within your niche. Study keyword and link building strategies, understand local (maps) search results, learn about image search results, and more. It sounds daunting, but it’s not rocket science and it’s worth the investment of time and brainpower.

For more information, see our Photography SEO and Web Marketing Course.

4. Social Media Marketing for Photographers

social media marketing for photographers

One of the best rules of marketing is to always maintain a presence where your target market is. So depending on your niche, social media could be critical for your photography marketing.  Photographers should focus on the following platforms:

  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Tik Tok

The key is to be smart with your time and understand that sustainable marketing requires a multi-faceted approach. These days, too many photographers spend too much time on social media, stressing about Instagram likes, Facebook shares and other vanity metrics. The goal is to bring social media into your workflow and maintain a consistent schedule.

For more info and specific tips and strategies on growing your social media marketing, see Course 3 in the Photography Business Training System.

5. Video Marketing in Photography

According to Forbes, 90% of customers say video helps them make buying decisions and 64% of customers say that seeing a video makes them more likely to buy.

Creating videos has never been easier thanks to slideshow software like Adobe Spark, Animoto and even Lightroom. So no matter how busy you get, you should try to incorporate some video marketing into your plan this year.

Here are a few quick ideas on how to use video marketing:

  • Create a video on a specific subject and upload it to Youtube, making your work discoverable on the 2nd largest search engine.
  • Upload videos on Facebook, Facebook stories, Instagram, Instagram stories, Pinterest or even Twitter.
  • Use videos to supplement the content on your existing pages on your blog or website.

Here’s an example of a video our photography studio used to supplement an existing resource page.

6. Photography Marketing with Business Directories

Yelp, Weddingwire, Google Business, and Model Mayhem are all examples of online directories intended to connect you with those looking for your services. There are hundreds of business directories, so it’s important to be selective and find the right match for your niche.

Remember the old marketing rule of establishing a presence wherever your target clients are spending their time. If they are on Weddingwire, then you should be too. If they are on Yelp, you should invest some time on your profile over there as well.

marketing with directories

For most photographers, it’s worth completing robust, accurate profiles that feature your best imagery on each of the websites that offer free accounts and are related to your niche. When allowed, it may also be worth your time asking your clients for reviews to build up your online reputation.

7. Photoshoot Giveaway Marketing

sweepstakes marketing

Giving away your photography services as part of a promotional giveaway can be an effective way to generate leads and awareness of your photography business. Use a promotional giveaway app like Gleam to collect emails, incentivize actions that benefit your business, and drive viral sharing of the giveaway. When done well, these can generate thousands of leads and expand your reach beyond your current network.

Learn all about how to use this strategy in the bonus PDF of our marketing course.

8. Photography Email Marketing

email marketing funnels

After you’ve collected an email, whether you got it from a giveaway, a lead magnet, or other legal method, sending a carefully crafted series of emails containing valuable information is a great way to nurture the lead with more touchpoints. According to Marketing Week, 15 years ago, the average consumer typically used two touch-points when buying an item and only 7% regularly used more than four. Today consumers use an average of almost six touch points, with 50% regularly using more than four.

To get started with email marketing, sign up for a newsletter service like Mailchimp. Or, if you’re a Squarespace user, utilize their email service. Set up a series of valuable emails to be delivered over time. Set up a form of lead generation (i.e. email collection). And tweak your funnel as necessary over time. For more info on email marketing, see the bonus PDF in our marketing course.

9. Photography Marketing with Awards and Features

Winning awards, getting featured, and gaining other publicity can increase the discoverability and lend credibility to your business.

While awards and features alone won’t likely lead directly to bookings, they can decrease the friction and increase the trust a potential client would have in your abilities as a photographer.

awards and recognition for marketing and branding

Image by Ciprian Biclineru, SLR Lounge Award Winner

10. Paid Ads – Social Media and Adwords marketing

Facebook ads and Google ads are still viable marketing strategies.  However, they are only recommended if you have the time, experience and knowledge to manage them properly.  These fees can quickly add up and incorrect audience or keyword targeting is the same as throwing your money away.

In addition, with so many other marketing methods that don’t require a financial outlay, spending money for ads should be done sparingly, if at all.  Other methods of lead generation, like SEO and social media, continue to drive leads over time.  The content and the accounts are like assets you own that continue to provide benefits for your business.  On the other hand, if you rely primarily on paid ads, the minute you stop spending is the minute your leads dry up.

Conclusion – How to market a photography business

Like marketing any other small business, there are no shortcuts with photography marketing.  The good news is that we have a surplus of beautiful visual assets that make our product shareable and appealing.  With the right guidance and allocation of time, there’s a great opportunity for success.

Here’s a quick summary of the 11 ways to market your photography business:

  • Photography Client Referrals
  • Vendor/Network Referrals
  • SEO and Content Marketing for Photographers
  • Social Media for Photographers
  • Video Marketing
  • Directories and Online Listings
  • Awards, Features and Publicity
  • Email Marketing
  • Giveaway and Charity Marketing
  • In Person Networking Events and Tradeshows
  • Paid Ads – Social Media, Adwords and More

We would love to hear from you.  What works?  What doesn’t?  Share your knowledge with the community!

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