Photography Careers and Business

RECENT POSTS IN Photography Careers and Business

Marketing for Photographers

When to Raise Prices | Diana’s Thursday Thoughts

Raising your rates can be a difficult decision – when to do it, what is fair enough to charge, and will anyone think you’re worth it?

The rates you set for portraits and wedding coverage matters. Each check goes into the end of the year money bucket which is basically, what you’ll be making annually as a full-time photographer. Taking that into consideration, it’s important to price your services in hopes that you book enough to make a decent living.

Photography Careers and Business

The Current State of the Wedding Photography Industry – by Kevin Weinstein

Kevin Weinstein Photography wrote a recent article on the State of the Wedding Photography Industry. His article is not only an interesting read, it is also completely accurate as to the current state of not only the wedding photography industry, but the photography industry in general. So, we wanted to feature Kevin’s article on SLR Lounge for everyone to read, and discuss.