Comments on: Forest Photography Tips & Guide for Better Photos Photography Tutorials and News Mon, 06 Mar 2023 22:59:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: PaulC Thu, 29 Jul 2021 00:57:53 +0000 Hi Shivani – your piece covers but a fragment of the skills needed for forest photography

Photography in forests is amongst the most difficult challenges. When in leaf, <10% of available light reaches the forest floor, and there it has a very strong colour cast as the leaf canopy has cut out all the wavelengths outside green (Blue+Yellow). In this setting, tripods become near obligatory and filtration has a very limited chance of correcting colours and so skill with flash is a must – often needing multiple flash fill-in and soft-light diffusers. When sunlight does filter through, the difference in illumination across an image is beyond most sensors or film. HDR might correct for that but leaves move more than you think! This is one reason why forest photography in the mist or rain can actually work to your advantage.

I have done a lot of forest photography in both temperate and tropical rain forests – but far from claiming expertise myself I would rather point SLR Loungers to the wonderful Nick Garbutt for tips and advice from a photographer who has dedicated himself to this subject. If nothing else it will put you in awe of those photographers who create the National Geographic and BBC Wildlife images from those environments.

I have no relationship with Nick, other than learning from him, so do take a moment to look at Nick’s website on forest photography.

And then think how much work went into getting his stunning portfolio images.

even better – send Pye into the jungle with Nick and get him to create a piece for the website !!!

best wishes to you all – Paul C
