Shooting Stories That Sell

Start Selling, By Storytelling (IPS Workshop)

  • Increase Revenue With Wall Art & Album Sales
  • Create Images Your Clients Want To Purchase
  • Learn A Framework For Telling Your Clients' Story
  • Master Post-Production For Print
  • 6 Hours of HD Videos & Powerpoint Slides
$49 Digital Download
$0 With Premium Membership (Streaming Only)


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How do you sell more prints, albums and book more clients and sales? You are leaving thousands of dollars on the table, in this course, we’re going to help you capture that revenue. IPS or In-Person Sales is a buzzword thrown around a lot these days in our industry. However In-Person Sales implies that the means to make earn more is to essentially just SELL MORE of your work in-person.

Shooting Stories that Sell is a workshop designed to help you walk into every shoot knowing how to create images your clients want to purchase. It’s a process that begins during the initial consultation when you take clients through the W.A.V.E. or the Wall Art Vision Exercise. An exercise designed to help you get to the core of what your clients value and envision for their photoshoot.

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