Welcome to Photography 101, the best workshop for teaching photographers, from the ground up, how to take amazing professional images.

See the Trailer Below


Dive into the fundamentals of portrait photography as we take you on 6 real-life photo shoots, show you all the behind-the-scenes on how we captured each image, and give you a complete understanding of how shot, lit, posed, exposed, and composed each scene.

Couples Portrait Photography

Landscape Photography

Food Photography

Fashion Photography

Sports Photography


Live Examples with Great Imagery

We get out of the classroom setting and teach photography in real-life situations. For example, we would rather teach the concepts of aperture and depth-of-field in a live shoot with a model rather than showing charts and graphs. We would rather illustrate the concepts of finding the right light with a real couples portrait session rather than talking through theories or using images from an existing portfolio. Watching this workshop is the equivalent of taking a week-long, in-person workshop that we have charged thousands of dollars for in the past.

And more importantly, we are creating amazing imagery all along the way. Instead of teaching these concepts by photographing inanimate objects in inapplicable environments, we take the production value of the workshop a step further and create actual professional imagery.

Great Images with Basic Gear

Every image in this Workshop is captured with either a Canon Rebel or Nikon D5200, basic sub-$500 cameras, along with standard kit lenses and inexpensive prime lenses. We show you how to create beautiful light using a simple $30 reflector and $10 fabric from any local fabric store. The result is the most accessible and practical Photography 101 workshop on the market where you learn first-hand how to take incredible images with nothing but the basics. From there, if you choose to invest in better cameras and lenses, well, the sky is the limit.

Not Just for Beginners

While beginners will take in an incredible amount of knowledge, we designed this workshop to be beneficial for experienced photographers as well. We teach you how to get the perfect exposure in one shot. We teach you how to interact with your subjects to get your desired expressions. We show you multiple ways to modify light. We also talk shop with info on where to buy your gear, what gear to buy, and more. We have an entire chapter devoted to getting tack sharp images. So the bottom line is that even if you’re a seasoned photographer, this workshop will reinforce your knowledge while teaching you a few new techniques that will help you continue to improve.

Learn a Variety of Photography Types

We teach you all of these photography concepts while exploring a wide variety of shoots. Each shoot is designed to hammer home a different element of photography and camera mastery, and for each shoot we show you how to light, expose and compose a fantastic image.

Learn Food Photography

We dive into macro photography as we show you how to capture delightfully delicious food photos, and how to take the ever popular floral photos to an entirely new level.


Learn Sports Photography

We show you how to shoot sports and action as we take our lovely runners out on a jog through mountain roads, and how to capture awesome action shots by panning with moving subjects.


Learn Landscape Photography

We go to Laguna Beach to capture awesome Oceanside landscape images.


Learn Fashion Photography

We take you on a sexy boho fashion shoot where we light and shoot to show off our model and clothing.


Learn Couples Portrait Photography

We take you on an actual engagement portrait session with a beautiful couple showing you how to capture beautifully natural and loving portraits.


Learn Photojournalism

We show you how to setup a scene and prepare to capture those perfectly adorable and candid moments of children.


Table of Contents

1. Basic Photography Concepts
1.1 – Introduction | Workshop Format
1.2 – The Camera Is Simply a Tool
1.3 – How Does a Camera Work?
1.4 – How to Adjust Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO
1.5 – Exposure Triangle
1.6 – What is a Stop of Light
1.7 – Reading Exposure Via the Histogram
1.8 – Blown Highlights or Clipped Details
1.9 – White Balance and Color Temperature2. Understanding Exposure
2.1 – No Such thing as the Correct Exposure
2.2 – How to Measure or Meter Light
2.3 – 8 Key Points to Understanding ISO and Image Quality
2.4 – Understanding the 3 Primary Metering Modes
2.5 – How to Get Perfect Exposures in One Shot
2.6 – Equivalent Exposure but Different Images
2.7 – Compensating for Light and Dark Scenes3. From Auto Modes to Manual
3.1 – Starting with Automated Modes
3.2 – Auto Mode and Flash-Off Mode
3.3 – Portrait Mode on a Fashion Shoot
3.4 – Landscape Mode on the Beach
3.5 – Sports or Action Mode
3.6 – Macro Mode with Food Photography
3.7 – Creative Effects Mode – Floral Photography
3.8 – In-Camera Processing
3.9 – A Glimpse into Raw Processing4. Sharp Images and Focusing Techniques
4.1 – 15 Tips When You’re Having Trouble Focusing
4.2 – 3 Primary Types of Autofocus
4.3 – Single Shot with Portrait Session
4.4 – Single Shot with Action Shots
4.5 – AI Servo with Action Shots
4.6 – Focus Recomposing vs AF Point Selection
4.7 – Shutter Speed and the Reciprocal Rule
4.8 – How to Hold a Camera and Panning Tutorial
5. Composition, Artistry, and Creating Great Images
5.1 – What Makes a Great Photograph
5.2 – How to Capture Candid Moments
5.3 – How to Find the Right Light Direction
5.4 – 5 Basic Compositional Theories
5.5 – The Power of Cropping
5.6 – Color Schemes
5.7 – Diving into the Narrative
5.8 – If It’s Not Working With, It’s Probably Working Against6. Learning More About Your Camera
6.1 – More About Your Camera and Lenses
6.2 – Understanding Megapixels
6.3 – Crop vs Full Frame Cameras
6.4 – Crop vs Full Frame Cameras Demonstration
6.5 – Prime vs Zoom Lens
6.6 – How the Lens Affects Composition
6.7 – Dynamic Range and RAW vs JPEG
6.8 – 5 Tips on Memory Cards
6.9 – 10 Tips on Buying Gear
6.10 – Conclusion
6.11 – The Good Karma Jar7. Bonus
7.1 – Posing and Action Shots with Female Model
7.2 – Posing and Lighting with Female Model
7.3 – Posing and Lighting Couples Portraits


  1. Biplov Tuladhar

    hey i want to learn about photography 101 that i just saw on youtube, so i wonder where could i found the next whole worshop video

  2. Allan Gonzalez

    Absolutely loved it! All you need to know to get out of auto mode. very well explained. Pye keeps you engaged in every video, he is also funny so you are always smiling and laughing.
    Recommended to everyone, beginner or advanced. it’s always good to have a little reminder of how things work and why.

  3. Dev Ghan

    is there going to be a photography 201 and photography 301 class?

  4. Arex Ramos

    Thanks Slr Lounge for being the best tutorial lesson, I learned a lot of this course and I really appreciated.

  5. Wayne Dixon

    A phenomenal tutorial on the basics of photography! As a budding photographer trying to launch a photography business, it was wonderful being able to dig deep into various topics and learning at a pace that worked for me. Witty and interesting, Pye makes learning photography fun. I am excited for what I can do now that I have a better understanding of manual mode and look forward to my shooting without relying so heavily on the assisted modes. I can’t wait for Photography 201 and will definitely be looking to get some of the other products SLR Lounge has to offer. Thank you for making a quality product and keep up the great work!

  6. Tom Blair

    Great Info!

  7. Joe Moussa

    Thank you for this great tool!! If you want to learn more about photography basics and gear- start here!

  8. Edwin Rucci

    Awesome workshop

  9. Joseph Lemons

    This looks awesome :D

  10. Scott Skaggs

    This is great info

  11. Elvin Guzman

    I just got my first entry level DSLR. And I had been looking for something like this workshop to learn more about it. I looked up everything I could use to learn about my camera, lenses, and how can I become a good photographer. While in my quest I ended up in Youtube and then watching a video of Pye explaining how to get the perfect shot in 10 seconds. Right after that video I subscribed to the SLR Lounge Youtube channel. I watched more videos and got so hooked up that I even made my mom watch some of those videos along with me. She liked it so much that she got this workshop as an early birthday present for me. Which I just finished a few days ago. And I am glad I watched everything from this workshop. I am still really impress with the quality in every way. It was outstanding! Also, before getting the workshop, I read a loot of things about the my DSLR camera, lenses (both prime and zoom), and how to take different type of photos, but even though the books were good they were not clear enough for me. Now, after watching this workshop it’s just as if everything I have read makes sense. I am really looking forward to see Photography 201 and 301!

  12. Jason Hedgepeth

    I just purchased the Photography 101 DVD and so far I am very impressed with the detail of the lessons. The quality of the video / audio exceeds my expectations of a tutorial video. This is definitely worth the cost. I’m hoping to get a refresher on photography as well as learn some new things along the way. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for newer lessons. Thanks!

  13. David Hill

    Hi. I received the Photography 101 course just before Christmas and have now completed it. As an experienced photographer, I can definitely agree that this is not ‘just for beginners’. I learned lots of new tips and ‘how to’ do things. The way that the course is delivered to you in short, typically 6 minute individual Videos is excellent. I never felt that I was being taught too much in one go. As a result, I was able to absorb it all! I would without hesitation recommend this tutorial as it really does cover all you need and, having it delivered by Pye means that you get the same ‘style’ and humour throughout which delivers excellent consistency. Thank you guys at SLR Lounge. Brilliant! Best wishes. Dave

  14. Kurk Rouse

    I’ve been to a few beginner courses before, I’ll admit I did learn something new each time but it was always very minimal, because of this I was a bit hesitant about buying this beginner course, but I’m really happy I got it. I don’t consider myself a beginner but more a advanced amateur, this course cleared up stuff that was a bit fuzzy for me and I learned some new stuff as well, actually lots of new stuff. I’m excitingly awaiting Photography 201 and 301 as well as Lighting 101 I can’t wait to see what new stuff I will learn. I check my inbox every day for that update. Great job SLR Lounge !!!!

  15. Asad Qayyum

    Hi guys. Another fabulous production. The top of the page says that “discousnts available”; couldn’t find the link or information relating to the discounts. Can you clarify please? On a related note, you guys should give loyalty discounts too :)…I have bought nearly all your instructional videos now. :) *cheeky* i know.

  16. Karl Hill

    This is my second purchase from SLR Lounge, my first being the lightroom workshop collection. Thank you so much my photography has gone from strength to strength and I am sure this new addition will sharpen my skills i have learnt from you. Thank You.

  17. Adam Gaeth

    Just purchased this downloading now. They make top quality tutorials & presets! I’m so happy to find something like this. I have been shooting for about 2 years on and off. I made a huge jump to a big camera & need some guidance. Best thing yet they use cheap gear to make amazing photographs! If they can do it so can I! I had a prior purchase from SLR Lounge the Professional HDR Photography workshop on DVD AMAZING! I learned so much! Thank you for making something so special! I hope my photography gets a kick start again!
    I CANT WAIT!!!!! I did not even think twice about the purchase watched the youtube preview & BAM in the cart!

  18. Shai Bachar

    Hope I’m the first who bought it. went to purchase it as soon I got my mail with the discount code :-)
    Thanks to SLRLOUNGE I’m no longer afraid to experience photography!
    In the past I had a terrible teacher, and after the course I took I just stopped shooting. when I found this fantastic website photography came back to life!
    Thank you so much. I’m sure I’ll make the best of it!

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