Marketing And SEO For Photographers | Photography Business 301

Creating an abundance of leads that you don’t have to pay for is a critical competent of business success. Using these strategies, our studio averages over 150 leads per month for wedding, maternity, newborn and family photography.

Key Concepts

  • Organically Increase Your Leads
  • Learn Our 4 Pronged Approach to Lead Gen
  • Increase Your Google Rankings
  • Master Social Media for Photographers
  • Create Free Sustainable Lead Gen Funnels
  • Runtime: 8 Hours 54 Minutes

Important Note: This Is Course 3 Of 4
We recommend our students purchase the entire training system, as each course builds upon the last.
Purchase Here

Important | How to Access This Course

For New Students – Purchase the entire business course on our new platform  This new platform is an upgraded user experience, with more reliable streaming and other highly requested features.

For Previous Purchasers and Legacy Premium Members  – If you purchased this workshop prior to the launch of, we sent you an email with instructions on how to access the course on the new and improved platform. If you did not receive an email, please email from the email you used to make the purchase and we’ll resend the instructions.

You may still access the course on the old platform until July 31, 2019. To continue using the old platform until that date, please use the following link: Business 301.

The Secret | Diversify Your Lead Sources

Never rely on a single source for leads! What happens if Instagram loses popularity or your site drops in Google’s rankings? Our 4 Pronged Marketing Approach guarantees sustainable business growth! Below is how you SHOULD spend their time and resources:

40% on SEO/Content, 10% in Directories and Listings, 10% on Social Media, and 40% Networking.

Learn Grass Roots Marketing To Build Your Business

How to you land your first client without a portfolio, a business network, and without any starting visibility?

Styled Shoots

– Use test shoots and styled shoots to build your portfolio
– Create brand ambassadors from your existing network
– Use free listings to market to your first clients!
– How to turn free shoots into paid shoots


– Use test shoots and styled shoots to build your portfolio
– Create brand ambassadors from your existing network
– Use free listings to market to your first clients!
– How to turn free shoots into paid shoots


– Use test shoots and styled shoots to build your portfolio
– Create brand ambassadors from your existing network
– Use free listings to market to your first clients!
– How to turn free shoots into paid shoots

Grow Your Audience With Social Media Strategies

See how we use Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook to network, build brand equity and generate leads!

Learn Instagram Best Practices

Learn how to choose images to post on social media for maximum impact. Also learn the best practices to increase exposure and network online.

Pinterest Growth Strategies

Learn how we use Pinterest to generate dozens of leads every month by simply incorporating it into our workflow.

User Facebook The Right Way

Photographers often spend too much time on social media. Learn how to use Facebook to network with vendors and as a tool for a great client experience.

Master SEO For Sustainable Organic Leads

Learn all about SEO so that you never have to pay for another lead again.

We have used these strategies to generate over 75K Unique Page Views per month from search.

Learn Keyword Strategy
A sound keyword strategy is the first step in SEO success. Learn how to find these keywords and how to use them in your content to help your search rankings.

Create Website Content

Learn how to create pages on your website that organically attract your target market in search results.

Master Link Building

Boost your search rankings by learning proper internal and external link building strategies, specifically within the photography industry.

Maximize Your Blog’s Potential!

Learn how to use your blog to leave a great impression with your clients, network with vendors, and target niche keywords in search.

Advanced Marketing Funnels

Get Leads & Instagram Followers With Giveaways

Learn one of our biggest secrets to generating thousands of leads and new Instagram followers in a single month with a low-cost, high-return strategy of photo session promotional giveaways.

Create A Client Inquiry Machine With Lead Magnets
Learn how to create valuable resources catered to your target market in order to create a passive, lead generation machine.

Convert Leads To Clients With Email Funnels
Learn how to create a series of automated emails to convert your leads into clients through feeding them information and education.

Watch The Trailer For The Full Training System

Pricing Section Starts at 5:58 and Ends at 7:57


Grass Roots & Network Marketing

  • Grass Roots & Network Marketing
  • The Empty Party
  • Your First Brand Ambassadors
  • The Listing/Classified Hustle
  • Service Trades (TFP/MM)

Social Media Made Super Simple

  • Making Instagram Simple
  • Your Automated Pinterest Plan
  • Facebook…Because You Must
  • Social Media Guide

Content Marketing & SEO

  • What Is Content Marketing?
  • The Monster: SEO
  • Selecting Your Keywords
  • Testing Your Keywords
  • Grouping Main/Niche Goals
  • Sample Keyword Strategy
  • Your Content Roadmap
  • How To Craft Resources
  • How To Blog
  • Under The Hood Of SEO (Reference)

Common Sense Link Building

  • Internal Linking Basics
  • Backlink Building Basics
  • Link Value Factors
  • Measuring Link Value
  • Knowing Nofollow
  • Link Building Plan: Strategy
  • Link Building Plan: Guest Writing
  • Link Building Plan: Features
  • Link Building Plan: Directories
  • Link Building Plan: Comments
  • Link Building Plan: One Simple Tool

Advanced Tips + Email Funnels

  • Giveaway/Styled Shoots
  • Creating Lead Magnets
  • Creating Email Funnels
Purchase Here

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