In this episode of the SLR Lounge’s Constructive Critique, we consider how details in an image can make or break the overall impact, and how the right type of post-processing can add “attitude” when necessary.

Especially for portraiture, always be on the lookout for small un-important items that may detract from the overall image.  This is something that even the greatest photographers must continue to pay attention to, and the sooner you cultivate an eye for distractions, the faster your images will stand out from the bunch.


About the SLR Lounge Constructive Video Critique

The SLR Lounge Constructive Video Critique series gives you, our readers, the chance to have your photos constructively critiqued by our staff as well your peers in the photography community.

Submitting an image is free and easy! All you have to do is visit the Constructive Critique section of the SLR Lounge Forum and start a thread with your image in it. Please be sure to read the rules prior to posting, and please limit to one unique image per thread. Finally, whether you are posting your images or giving critique to someone else’s, please keep all comments constructive and objective.


Constructive Video Critique Video

The Images

First Attempt At Compositing a la Joel Grimes by 3.0: Thread link



Her by Arash D.: Thread link



Girl by Heindrich: Thread link


Winter Details by Till: Thread link


The Fountine by Teenabug: Thread link


Milkweed by Jackchaskell: Thread link

Sunny Side of the Moon by AdamCaldwell: Thread link


Guitar Man by Christophe: Thread link


Squash Soldiers by Leighton: Thread link


Once in a Blue Moon by Lgilles: Thread link


The Previous Episode

To watch the previous episode of Constructive Video Critique, click on this link.