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The Power of Perspective | Guest Post by Rob Woodcox

I’m not convinced that anyone has their life completely together, in fact I am certain that we all face unwarranted fears, preposterous obstacles, and a good level of doubt about our very own purpose. Thankfully, we have perspective. I want to focus on the powerful properties of perspective that we all posses, whether we’re using them or not.


SLR Lounge Interviews Mikko Lagerstedt

In this weekly interview-series SLR Lounge features amazing photographers from all around the world. Every Sunday we interview a photographer whose work pushes the boundaries of our profession to create images that are emotional, edgy, original, and most of all capture a unique moment in time.

Flash Photography

Weekly Photography Analysis and Breakdown 1

Lauri Laukkanen, a young Finnish photographer, is kicking off a new weekly article series called: “ANALYZE IT!” Every week he will be looking at a photograph, and breaking it down to different key-components that make the image standout from the rest. And finally, after analyzing the photo, he will use the gathered information and try to recreate the photograph as well as he can.